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  Moon/Pluto person... Gut Instincts (Page 1)

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Author Topic:   Moon/Pluto person... Gut Instincts

Posts: 956
From: where the fun is
Registered: Mar 2011

posted June 10, 2011 06:19 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MertSerimer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have moon trine pluto

It seems quite accurate for me. I have also Pluto in 8th house which makes it stronger.

Edit: Everything is quoted. I just added emphasis.

"Those with Moon trine Pluto somehow find emotional power even in difficult situations. When the Moon and Pluto combine we have a person with emotional depth, and keen intuitive insight into the hidden realms. They enjoy emotional intensity and are attracted to the unknown, and to dangerous or challenging situations.

The individual has the capacity to renew and transform their inner-lives, and naturally understands the deeper motivations of others, and are interested in the deep roots of emotionnal problems and how to cure them. Moon trine Pluto people make natural psychologists, and effortlessly enter into the “psyches” of those around them.

The main difference between those who have a positive aspect between Moon and Pluto and those who are born with the negative aspects is that those born with positive aspects evolve through these experiences and use their powers to generally benefit the masses.

On the other hand, those born with negative aspects have difficulty resolving events which are beyond their control (life and death situations or relationship with parents etc). As a result, they tend to hold grudges, and become bitter and resentful with life. They can also lead the masses in the wrong direction (consciously or not). George Bush Sr. is a prime examle (1.2 million tons of bombs on Iraq for the sake of "peace")!

The person is a natural when relating to anything hidden, layered, and they need to plumb the depths of all emotional experiences. Moon-Pluto has a taste for the dramatic, and they insist on bringing feelings between people out in the open, for they want real closeness with others, with no secrets. Wherever we have Pluto we are handed a shovel and told to “dig”. Moon-Pluto may dig into the personal lives of others, and Pluto also represents the mass unconscious, taboos, and forbidden aspects of life.

Moon-Pluto people know how to make changes which improve their domestic life, and easily confront emotions which other people tend to repress. The individual is emotionally resilient and resourceful and has stores of emotional power and are able to handle crisis well. The Moon rules the woman in an native's life, and so they may be quietly powerful, driven, and intense, and may show an interest in healing, metaphysics or the occult. Monetary gains may also come through female relatives.

The individual can experience powerful psychic experiences, and have easy access to the subconscious. Any emotional problems which surface are confronted and healed, and they are courageous in facing emotional pain. Moon-Pluto aspects are concerned with growth, transformation and empowerment. Psychological and emotional health, are important, and they easily demonstrate personal power.

Moon-Pluto has powerful gut instincts and can easily sense danger. In fact, they can sense things below the surface, and this includes how other people feel. Moon-Pluto is also incredibly protective of loved ones, and have the ability to bond with others at a deep level. They are effective in helping those they care about by tapping into their deeper needs and feelings. The person might also have the desire to redecorate and alter their living arrangements.

A Moon-Pluto person will have emotionally embraced the deepest levels of his being, integrated his inner darkness or "shadow," thereby "owning" his power and establishing his fundamental sense of values and security at a profound level. Remember, when Superman's dark half split off, and its evil character wrecked havoc, and the "good" Superman couldn't do anything,; he had totally lost his power! That's what happens when Moon-Pluto tries to be all "white-lighty" and won't 'fess up to himself that there is no human evil he couldn't commit or think about committing under extreme circumstances.

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Post by Moses Pluto-Moon and Pluto
From a Spiritual Perspective
Copyright Moses Siregar III 2000

In one of your previous posts, you mentioned the
" juiciness" of Pluto/Moon aspects. Other than
the usual intense emotional experiences of early
childhood with the Mother influencing the
psyche, any other insights into this?

At the time I basically meant that a Moon-Pluto aspect is a very difficult aspect, which is also therefore very transformative. But since you ask, I have another take on Moon-Pluto. I'd say that there's a very psychological approach to Pluto out there. Then there's the casual astrologer's approach to Pluto (power struggles, transformation). There's also an evolutionary approach to Pluto, like Jeffrey Wolf Green's. But I don't think the spiritual perspective of Pluto has been fully articulated yet; all that we've really done is throw around the same cliches over and over--death, rebirth, and transformation. The articulation of Pluto from a purely spiritual perspective is another kind of information that I'm trying to get out there. So here's what i don't think we've collectively articulated about the spiritual nature of Pluto:

First, a lovely image: Pluto is the only planet who is willing to put on arm's-length rubber gloves, stick his hand all the way up your as-, dig around, and pull out the problem. I know, it's nasty, but so is Pluto. Pluto does not care about you, the little ego-you. Pluto sees right through you, because you are not really Real. Pluto sees Truth, and the Truth of who you are, and that is what Pluto cares about. If you have to suffer to drop the false identifications of ego, Pluto could not care less, although I think Pluto is not actually ruthless and mean, even though it does often feel that way. Pluto doesn't want to hurt you, Pluto wants to free you from yourself. When Pluto really comes to visit, make no mistake about it: you are dying. You must surrender to this death and radically let go, because you cannot be present at your own funeral. To the degree that we resist the death of all that is false, when Pluto visits, we will suffer. If you want illusion to end for us, Pluto is the ticket to the Self.

Pluto specifically represents the purging of the grasping onto all that is unreal and untrue; Pluto represents the True and the Real. We can see this perverted search for the Real in Scorpionic people seeking the Real high, going from one extreme or addiction to another. Pluto represents that part of Spirit that strips away everything within us that clings to falsehood and illusion. If we could only take the Buddha's wisdom to heart, we would understand: everything changes, so why pretend otherwise?

So how does this help us understand a personal aspect like Moon-Pluto? First, I need to say that any major Pluto aspect operates fundamentally the same, whether it is a trine or a square, a sextile or an opposition. This is also true of Saturn and Neptune aspects. Harder aspects indicate more resistance and pressure, but even the trines, sextiles, and quintiles point to a need for relinquishing negative attachments.

So the fundamental question surrounding a Pluto aspect is: What kind of falseness and attachment can the planet aspecting Pluto represent? After you answer this, Pluto's demolition ball comes into clear focus. Any planet aspecting Pluto becomes extra-samsaric* until it is purified and enlightened, reconnected with the true source of Power. This is because ego will use this planet in its service, like the classic movie scenario of the bad guy who grabs the innocent victim to protect itself from the police, the upholders of the Law.

So what might the Moon cling to? Family. The past. Relationships. Home. Village. Pets. Stuff. Mom. Dad. Husband. Wife. Kids. A notion that things should be peaceful and harmonious. A desire for 'The American Dream.' (pardon me, non US-ians)

Any planet aspecting Pluto becomes defensive. Any planet aspecting Pluto becomes an intensified facet of ego until it finally gives in to the eventual and the Ultimate. Any planet can be used by the ego. When Pluto aspects any planet, that planet becomes the battleground of self versus Self, ignorance versus wisdom, delusion versus awakening.

So when Moon and Pluto collide, the ego begins to cling to the above items, hoping to fend off the inevitability of change and the realization that the little-self is not in control. This is ego trying to prove Truth to be false. Pluto then swings into action to expose this defensive move on the part of the ego. What is held will surely be stripped away. Hopefully the mind, and the desire for what can never be, will eventually surrender and give up the illusions. Then a new possibility is born: razor-sharp clarity in knowing what is false and addictive clinging, and what is not. Then one can lead others out of unnecessary suffering brought on by grasping onto externalized dreams, and into true peace, which is fundamentally internal.

I think Moon-Pluto is perhaps the most obvious illustration of this spiritual battleground because the Moon can be so samsaric, or addicted to the projected 'external' world and its inherent fluctuations. Venus-Pluto can certainly be another obvious illustration.

(*) samsara/samsaric - Buddhist terms denoting the unenlightened life

Gettin' serious on ya,

The key understanding here is that Plutonic energies are brought to bear on lunar qualities in the life; which can have a number of dramatic effects, dependent as ever upon the evolvement of the subject and to some extent too the house and sign of the contacts. Our understanding of aspects especially leads us to an understanding of first principles: the conjunction is the most innate and in some sense therefore the most seemingly intrinsic blend and here most especially the sign and house become of paramount consideration. The Pluto in Scorpio generation will no doubt create a slew of individuals with this effect in serious overdrive, in Libra relationship themes will predominate, and Virgo might display extreme pragmatism as an obvious outlet for this combination. The particular nature of the aspect however is not especially key in my view, since in reality, all aspects are squares with the most marked difference between them being for the most part subjective. Moon square Pluto individuals might struggle more in themselves with the discomfort of the aspect, and their expression of it will therefore be more apparently stressed, but the impetus is just the same as it is for the trine or the conjunction.

Moon Pluto creates anything but milk and water types, their best qualities are self-sufficiency and an ability to stand alone, these natives are tough, resilient to the nth degree and too they are tough on themselves, as we shall see during the course of this discussion.

Let us begin with the simple observation that Pluto is murderous and implacable. This has to do of course with the birth-death-rebirth archetype of the Scorpio principle, one that is engendered in Persephone (Proserpina) the maiden-wife of her uncle who raped and stole her away to Tartarus thus incurring the wrath of Ceres. Every 6 months Proserpina is reborn and reunited with her mother and the crops grow again until harvest and winter whereupon she descends once more into the underworld to be with her husband. Similarly then, there is a cyclic quality to anything that Pluto touches and holds in his power; a thing must be killed before it can be reborn. The rebirth allows an evolvement too, so, perhaps in an ongoing facsimile of the karmic cycle, the killing is enacted in order that something improved might take its place, very much like the phoenix rising from the ashes of what went before. The phoenix too is blind, hinting at the compulsive quality of the cycle, we are very often blind to these same compulsive effects, and it takes a rare honesty and courage to face up to the Plutonic heart which beats life into our darker motives. Here though, the Moon, an already fluctuating and oft-times obscured energy in the psyche is combined with this dark impetus: the emotions must be killed too, especially at times of great distress and this occurs simply because – supercharged as they are by Hadean force – they would otherwise be overwhelming. The double edged sword of Pluto combinations is again revealed, the very power that generates such intensity becomes itself a source of threat and menace, it is as though the force is too great to be integrated, so it is partially absorbed and then one must shy away at the last so as not to be burned in the ensuing conflagration.

This creates a facility for emotional amputation that is the dark-side of a habitually intense, passionate and rich emotional life. For the most part, the native with Moon-Pluto contacts can experience even the minutiae of life in a strangely profound manner, but when there is serious anguish or confrontation, most especially within close or family relationships, the manner which once seemed remarkable for its passion and connectedness becomes suddenly cold, distant and aloof. This is simply the drowning point of Plutonic feeling where the native cannot allow the emotions to run any higher, so a facility has developed to forgo them completely. In almost every case this relates back to the mother, in keeping with the lunar quality and usually there is a sense that the mother in some way used a subtle form of emotional manipulation to try and control the child, perhaps by withholding affection to ensure compliance. The problem however is that the child, learning in a more fundamental manner than any adult can hope to emulate becomes even better at sealing off the emotional side of their nature than the parent; in any case, the relationship with the mother is always likely to be difficult. This might manifest in a number of ways. It could be the case that the mother is seen as being unusually powerful or intense or even cruel, or in some other way she embodies a Plutonic principle; often she may have survived some difficulty in her own life and herein lies a further observation about Moon-Pluto, issues of survival become manifest. Most often this can be seen to operate at a number of levels, and it may be experienced through outside agents (most especially with the opposition) or it could even be self-inflicted.

Consider the themes of Moon and create from them a sense of struggle for survival, and a propensity to Spartanism (a key tenet of Pluto) the mother therefore might not be especially nurturing. The same can be said for those with Moon in Pluto’s domicile, Scorpio and also his house, the 8th. Very often children with these placements are made to ‘make do’ or suffer some form of privation that sets them apart from others. One friend of mine with a strong Moon-Pluto configuration was always forced to make do with the cheapest school shoes and soccer boots, such that they hurt his feet because they were so cheap and poorly made. His mother saw the cost of good shoes as a waste of money since he would only grow out of them anyway. This seemingly trivial economy belies the normal priorities for a mother at least in the eyes of the child: the mother is supposed to consider the welfare, happiness and comfort of the child as being of paramount importance and yet here is a subtle message that the child is undervalued, not worth the expense and not very well nurtured.

This lesson is often taken to heart too.

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Ami Anne

Posts: 53829
From: Pluto/house next to NickiG
Registered: Sep 2010

posted June 10, 2011 08:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Great info Mert!
I wish I could feel Pluto/Scorpio. I have Saturn in Retro in Scorpio conjunct the ASC.
My quest ever since I found Astrology was to incorporate Pluto in to myself.
I am envious of you who has done it seemingly so easily.

Enlightenment doesn't result from sitting around visualizing images of light, but from integrating the darker aspects of the self into the conscious personality
You must lose your life for My sake in order to find it .

He who controls his Spirit is greater than he who controls a city

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posted June 10, 2011 09:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for popcorn     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Mert. I agree with what you write. I've moon in square to my N pluto 6 degree orb. I count this becuse I've an exactly moon 19,18 parallel pluto 19,19. Increased strenght. I've my gut instincts and love to handle in dificult situtions and rescue life. I see

the same in my daughter who have her moon conj pluto in scorpio. She is not far away to be an midwife. Also here needs gut instincts

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Posts: 1754
From: philadelphia,pa
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posted June 10, 2011 10:02 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for cappy1277     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Good stuff mert! I have moon trine pluto also but in air signs. I'd think if it was in anything else, it would easier but it still has made me a tough cookie. With all the things that I go through, negative or positive, I feel like I shed another layer of skin. I am constantly changing & evolving. Its sometimes hard on the people around me since it seems like they are the ones left behind. But truth be told, they are no longer needed as a catalyst for my change & I feel their are too many differences where there used to be commonality.

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Posts: 1754
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posted June 10, 2011 10:05 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for cappy1277     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
intuitive insight is very scary to me sometimes. I don't know whether to trust it because I feel like a paranoid but I do agree....sometimes I can feel my "attenaes" go up.

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posted June 10, 2011 10:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Taineberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks so much for this insightful analysis MertSerimer. You have really nailed it.

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love being Aries

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posted June 10, 2011 10:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for love being Aries     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
my Pluto is opposite moon and i totally know what you mean.. this self-sufficiency, this is my greatest asset, and this ability to see things beyond surface saved me so many times, otherwise i would have just ended up cutting my wrists someday

but it creates too many issues with mom

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Ami Anne

Posts: 53829
From: Pluto/house next to NickiG
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posted June 10, 2011 10:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by love being Aries:
my Pluto is opposite moon and i totally know what you mean.. this self-sufficiency, this is my greatest asset, and this ability to see things beyond surface saved me so many times, otherwise i would have just ended up cutting my wrists someday

but it creates too many issues with mom

Enlightenment doesn't result from sitting around visualizing images of light, but from integrating the darker aspects of the self into the conscious personality
You must lose your life for My sake in order to find it .

He who controls his Spirit is greater than he who controls a city

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posted June 10, 2011 10:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Doreen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by love being Aries:
my Pluto is opposite moon and i totally know what you mean.. this self-sufficiency, this is my greatest asset, and this ability to see things beyond surface saved me so many times, otherwise i would have just ended up cutting my wrists someday

but it creates too many issues with mom

Major issues with the Mother

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Ami Anne

Posts: 53829
From: Pluto/house next to NickiG
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posted June 10, 2011 10:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Let me ask you guys something--Do ALL Moon/Pluto aspects create problems with mother or JUST the opposition?

Enlightenment doesn't result from sitting around visualizing images of light, but from integrating the darker aspects of the self into the conscious personality
You must lose your life for My sake in order to find it .

He who controls his Spirit is greater than he who controls a city

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Posts: 956
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posted June 10, 2011 10:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MertSerimer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ami Anne:
Let me ask you guys something--Do ALL Moon/Pluto aspects create problems with mother or JUST the opposition?

All major aspects can show a plutonian mother such as over-protective,dominative or strong-willed but also bad traits.

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Posts: 1001
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posted June 10, 2011 11:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for dysfunctionalmystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have an 18 yr old daughter with a moon/pluto opposition and whilst there is a definite undercurrent of power struggle I can't say that we let it get in the way. I take care to not impose myself on her but at the same time I'll give my opinion if she wants it. We actually get along fine, she takes her role as a daughter quite seriously and makes the effort to come and see me so that we can talk and just chill out...this is her insistence not mine.

However, before she moved out things could be hard, there was a feeling of her wanting to rule the roost...and she was aware of this also. We both have a lot of fixed planets and feel happier knowing one anothers boundaries and I wonder if this helps? We do have disagreements but can agree to respect the difference.

I think the moon/pluto has to be worked's not an aspect you can ignore. I have them quindecile and was unable to work through anything with my own mother though as I've got older I can respect the fact that she's human - and therefore flawed.

With the moon/pluto there is always an obsessive element to emotions and I know that my daughter likes the fact that I get where she's coming from if she's caught up in something.

Things could always change between us ... but it would take something major to cause long term damage. Her moon is in taurus (exalted?)and pluto is in scorpio (dignity) and I wonder if this also helps?

So yes to mother issues...power struggles... but there can be a good outcome.

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posted June 10, 2011 11:22 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for dysfunctionalmystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I should add that I have the sun decile pluto, mercury septile pluto, venus conjunct pluto, mars quincunx pluto, jupiter trine pluto, saturn square pluto and neptune sextile pluto.. and a scorpio ascendent.

It's hardly surprising that she sees me as being a survivor, powerful, strong etc because I can be.

So is it such a big leap to have all that going on and then give birth to a moon/pluto child? I think in some ways it's quite nice because I'd probably annihilate any child who didn't have a few hard aspects to their moon. Can you imagine the energy I can give off without even knowing I'm doing it?

So what about all your mothers? Did you NEED your moon/pluto so that you could survive?

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Ami Anne

Posts: 53829
From: Pluto/house next to NickiG
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posted June 10, 2011 11:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
What is quindecile ? Could you please explain what that aspect means/does.
Thanks so much

PS How could we abbreviate your name? lol

Enlightenment doesn't result from sitting around visualizing images of light, but from integrating the darker aspects of the self into the conscious personality
You must lose your life for My sake in order to find it .

He who controls his Spirit is greater than he who controls a city

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Posts: 1001
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posted June 10, 2011 01:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for dysfunctionalmystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
a quindecile is 165 degrees and indicates obsession, I'd say it's a "plutonian" aspect by nature as it adds that compulsive element to all planets that are involved. The only book I read on it was by Rikki Reeves (I think it is the ONLY book available) No software calculates the aspect (that I know of) so you would have to work it out by hand.

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posted June 10, 2011 01:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for dysfunctionalmystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I missed the abbreviation thing and my reply hasn't come up yet to add it as an edit lol, DM or dysmys or ya could just say quinn lol

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Benedict Moon*

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posted June 10, 2011 02:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Benedict Moon*     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have moon/pluto sextile, with Moon in the 8th. Overall, some interesting information. Will be back to read the rest. I have way more father issues than mother ones though.

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posted June 10, 2011 03:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for samsaoule     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have Pluto in IV opposite Moon (AC ruler) In X, T-square to Venus. Pluto also square AC, square Mercury, sextile Mars-Neptune-Black moon, opposite Chiron.

So, Pluto takes a lot of space in my chart and believe me, I feel it...The strong Moon-Pluto opposition shows the intensity of the inner battle between ego and higher Self (via Pluto). Sometimes suffering is so strong I just want to die. I have had mother issues in my life and I try to avoid her as much as possible (a toxic individual).

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Ami Anne

Posts: 53829
From: Pluto/house next to NickiG
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posted June 10, 2011 03:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I would love to say Quinn.I did not want to use your real name w/out asking you

Enlightenment doesn't result from sitting around visualizing images of light, but from integrating the darker aspects of the self into the conscious personality
You must lose your life for My sake in order to find it .

He who controls his Spirit is greater than he who controls a city

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posted June 10, 2011 04:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lechien     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
this is really right on for my partner. he has moon cj. Pluto. issues with abusive mother too.

he's very receptive of the weather change, he gets headaches when the weather changes for worse. he also gets bad gut feelings and at times like this he runs into his ex he never wants to see again, gets stressful letters in the mail, etc.

i'm a very insensitive Sagittarius all the way person, so i'd usually be like, "bah it's all in your head!" but i'm wrong.

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Ami Anne

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From: Pluto/house next to NickiG
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posted June 10, 2011 04:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks Quinn
So which planets in quindecile would be significant like Pluto with Moon/Mars or Venus?

Enlightenment doesn't result from sitting around visualizing images of light, but from integrating the darker aspects of the self into the conscious personality
You must lose your life for My sake in order to find it .

He who controls his Spirit is greater than he who controls a city

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posted June 10, 2011 06:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for dysfunctionalmystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Rikki Reeves give all the planets and includes the north node, asc and mc.

She says it creates obsessive compulsive tendencies and a powerful inner drive to achieve the results promised by the planets involved, so if it were a planet in quindecile to the mc the individual would be especially driven to achieve status, if venus was at the other end then the person would use beauty, seduction, or other venus traits to get to their desired position.

It's like the quindecile exaggerates that there is an aspect between the two planets...if that makes sense. It can ultimately manifest either positively or negatively but produces the extreme qualities of the planets involved.

It's not a good or bad aspect as such...just a little bit intense. <<< slight understatement.

and look what else popped up when I went to google lol

She is /was a student of Noel Tyl's and he did the foreward for her book.

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Posts: 391
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posted June 10, 2011 06:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Chaos     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Moon opp Pluto here, 1H Taurus Moon, 7H Scorpio Pluto.
My mother is definitely overprotective, not a bad mother really, but she has irrational fears of me getting hurt by whatever I want to do, she's kinda paranoid, wants to scare me and talk me out of certain things I want to do...
Also, I was very emotionally dependent and attached to her in my early youth.

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Ami Anne

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From: Pluto/house next to NickiG
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posted June 10, 2011 07:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks Quinn
Awesome info

Enlightenment doesn't result from sitting around visualizing images of light, but from integrating the darker aspects of the self into the conscious personality
You must lose your life for My sake in order to find it .

He who controls his Spirit is greater than he who controls a city

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Ami Anne

Posts: 53829
From: Pluto/house next to NickiG
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posted June 10, 2011 07:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
May I ask a question here to further my Astrological knowledge if you would allow me.
OK--so for Moon/Pluto--we say issues with Mother
Sun/Pluto--issues with Father
Venus/Pluto --issues with love perhaps obsessive in love
Mars /Pluto issues with violent anger,perhaps
Thanks for any help

Enlightenment doesn't result from sitting around visualizing images of light, but from integrating the darker aspects of the self into the conscious personality
You must lose your life for My sake in order to find it .

He who controls his Spirit is greater than he who controls a city

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