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Author Topic:   Marijuana - Is it good for you?
posted January 06, 2003 01:10 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
i am a taurus, with a scorp asc. and virgo moon. a pothead?! yes, tho i haven't met too many of us. but i'm sensitive bodied and only really like drugs that gave me a brain rush instead of a body high, and even then i felt satisfied when other's were just getting started!

and accually, there are a great many scorpios and aquarians within my group of friends, and i hadn't thought before about how this may relate to our, or now their, favorite
daily activity.
orange, that's really cool you're getting into herbology and aromatherapy, i work at a health store and am very interested in those things too.. and espeically astrological couseling! i hope one day to use astrology in psycological work as a way of helping others. have you ever heard of flower essenses? i've always over looked them in the past, thinking they were another type of aromatherapy, but after picking up this really great book about them i found out that each essence helps a different negative mind state. very cool!

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posted January 06, 2003 06:16 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
GO trippy

Food is the only art that nourishes!

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Orange Blossom
posted January 06, 2003 08:12 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Trippy, I've met a few potheads in my time! And yes I am very interested in the flower essence remedies. A while a go I did a course- an introduction to Aromatherapy, Massage & Holistic Treatments, my teacher was a very wonderful & beautiful woman- Rhona- & she introduced me to the flower remedies, she had the entire collection of Bach Flower remedies & she let all of us make our own personal mixture to take home. Have you read all the affirmation statements that go with each remedy? It's really interesting & magical.

Lots of Love to you Trippy

Orange Blossom xxx

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Orange Blossom
posted January 06, 2003 08:14 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Trippy, I've met a few potheads in my time! And yes I am very interested in the flower essence remedies. A while a go I did a course- an introduction to Aromatherapy, Massage & Holistic Treatments, my teacher was a very wonderful & beautiful woman- Rhona- & she introduced me to the flower remedies, she had the entire collection of Bach Flower remedies & she let all of us make our own personal mixture to take home. Have you read all the affirmation statements that go with each remedy? It's really interesting & magical.

Lots of Love to you Trippy

Orange Blossom xxx

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posted January 08, 2003 06:14 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Orange Blossom, I absolutely love Morcheeba! I`ve missed their concert in Berlin lately and was quite disappointed, but..may be next time! My friends who went said that it was awesome! The song you`ve mentioned is very, very nice, and it is exactly as they say- Love can stop you fear. I also like very much “Can`t keep a good girl down” ( ) as well as “Rome wasn`t build in a Day”. Both could be related to my weed abstinence Not that I am abstinent, it feels great! Just for the statistic, I am a Libra with Aries rising, but in my opinion drug addiction has much more to do with our childhood than with our signs. I`m so glad that you`ve maid it and I wish you all Love and Good for the future and that your dreams come true ! Lots of Hugs !!!

Hi The Fajita, thank you so much for your encouraging words! I`ve often red your posts and thought that you might be a wonderful person who indeed you are. I am also so proud of you , too that you won the struggle against drugs, it must have been extreemly difficult (did you say crack? I`m afraid even of the sound of this word). As a former speed &ecstasy freak I can very well imagne what you have been through. For me personaly weed was also a way to get away from hard drugs and it actually did a good job…hasn`t it have taken soo long!
But really- it stopped when I begun to feel real happy. And I wish you also very much happiness, Love and postivie experience, just stay as you are, you are great !

Love and hugs to all,

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posted January 08, 2003 05:32 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
lotsa to you too orange! lotsa es too!

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posted January 08, 2003 09:29 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hey Venera you are so sweet- I have seen your posts and your pic in the knowflake album Oh I am proud of you, yes I did love ecstasy!!

Thank YOU for your encouraging words too!


Food is the only art that nourishes!

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Sunmeadow Glades
posted January 29, 2003 05:50 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Dear Chocoholic82,

I just read your message and would like to reply. I fully realise that every person placed upon this earth has freewill, and it is their right to choose their life's path, but I must say I don't agree with using drugs.

There must be a reason why marijuana was placed upon the earth for us human beings to use in some shape or form. Perhaps it was to use as a material for clothing and other products. Or perhaps it was to be used as an annexe for spiritual prayer and rituals - I must stress spiritual.

On the other side of the coin, marijuana is a drug which can be addictive. It can also affect men and women's fertility.

I have good friends who use this drug to relax and even to deal with "life'. But, the downside is that it appears they use this drug as a crutch. Is that living your life when your mind is suspended between realities? Is using a mind-altering substance allowing you to proceed foward in life? I think marijuana can perhaps entrap you in a limbo of sorts.

Perhaps I am being overly judgemental, but I guess I don't fully understand the current use of this drug.

Love and Peace,
Sunmeadow Glades.

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posted January 30, 2003 02:29 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yes sunmeadow I am in agreement with you. I mean I see people who use it occasionally and it's really not a crutch. But I know alot who do use it as a crutch. I know I took many things to extreme and yes, I would say I was in limbo.

Food is the only art that nourishes!

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posted January 30, 2003 04:37 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
hey Fajita, thank you so much!!! I somehow missed that... can`t be on the internet very much. I saw your picture in the Knowflake album, too, you`re such a sweety, too and you have a beautiful smile!! Lots of hugs and Love for you
yours, Venera

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posted January 30, 2003 07:00 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hugs right back atchya!!!


Food is the only art that nourishes!

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posted January 31, 2003 01:31 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi everyone! Now, this is a very interesting discussion, such a good idea to start it chocoholic82!

I have read some of the messages here and I have noticed that we tend more or less to attribute moral/immoral qualities to marijuana. What I mean with this is that we sometimes view objects in a distorted perspective by making them sound more important than they really are. Marijuana can make you feel great or like s***. So do other things in this world, including falling in love. It is up to how mature we are to handle them.

I am not talking about drug dependency here. People who have the tendency to become dependent on things to keep them going on with their lives will find something, not necessarily marijuana. They will find alcohol, junk food, a lover, the TV, or god knows what works for each one of us (chocolate works great by the way, a lover not so great sometimes). Dependency has more to do with the individual rather than the substances available to support it. However, some dependencies can lead people to death and I am not trying here to play down the importance of this.
Certainly marijuana and chocolate do not lead people to death, plus it is great to have them both at the same time!

On a personal level now: I do not smoke nicotine any more and I must say here how UNBELIEVABLY difficult it has been to quit smoking nicotine compared to stop smoking marijuana whenever I feel like it. Another personal observation: one of the memories that will always stay with me for as long as I live is how I felt listening to baroque music under the influence of marijuana. It was a unique experience - and I am not trying to glorify drugs here; I am just stating a fact.
Those who smoke will understand what I am talking about.

That's it guys, sorry for the long message,

Take care, be happy and enjoy your weekend!


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posted January 31, 2003 01:34 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
where has my message gone?

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posted January 31, 2003 10:31 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
its there kp! and i think you're totally right... its too bad the generally people dont see how use of pot etc. equates in many ways to others' "socially acceptable" addictive behaviors-- people find niches and habits and crutches and stress relievers and hobbies in many things and people, and not all of them are very healthy. in the same way, the same action can mean differnet things to and have different purposes for each person who does it.... interesting!

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posted February 01, 2003 12:46 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Interesting KP it was harder for me to quit smoking marijuana than it was cigarettes!

I hear what you are saying, though I never took anything but drugs to that level of addictiveness. But I realize I took things a little further than some people do

Food is the only art that nourishes!

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posted February 03, 2003 12:34 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I read somewhere years ago that smoking one "joint" is as much as a pack of cigeretts as far as your lungs go! So I always found it amusing in my younger days when the "dope smokers" would get onto me about my smoking.
On another note, I have a book that has the chemical break down of some herbs. Kava Kava has the same chemical structer as marijuaina......

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posted February 03, 2003 10:23 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ah! That must be why I like kava kava..

Food is the only art that nourishes!

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posted June 05, 2003 11:36 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Marijuana is a great herb. Just like tea and spices it grows from the
earth,god put it here. Yes it can be abused just like anything else but everyone
is different and how his or her bodies respond to it is different. For
example,lets say every time you drink milk you get very sick, you won't drink milk
right. But your brother and sister drink it and they are fine, well they can drink it but you can't. It is the same thing, some people can function fine even better when they smoke pot then when they don't. I do agree that some people get very lazy even depressed when the smoke pot, hey don't smoke
it. Some people know exactly how much is just right for them and they smoke every
now and than. Some people use it just to relax,unwind and chill out. Some people don't want to eat a whole lot dieting and well it may work for just that reason and it does.Some people need to eat more to skinny well hey it works for that to. Some
people say it makes sex better and it does. Some say it helps them sleep well and
it does that to. Some say it help their mood swings and I believe it. It is much better than drinking and that is the drug everyone should be concerned with. At least when you smoke you can drive and talk and stand up and walk straight. People who smoke pot can remember to put a rubber on and when you're drunk your lucky of you can find the whole. We drink tea, eat seeds, use spices, eat fruit and vegetables that grow from the ground, well what the hell marijuana, pot,
refer, smoke what ever you want to call it is a natural plant given to us from god.
People can make clothes with it, eat it and use it for medical purposes. Farmers should be able to grow it and people should be able to smoke it,eat it and use it for what ever ails them. Just like the Lord God we don't use it and it is right there. He put things on this earth so that we could cope with
life and maybe if people would smoke some pot they would chill out and quit
being so mean. Maybe just maybe there wouldn't be so many over weight, unsexed,
skinny, moody, tired and less divorced people in this world. There are very
successful people in this world who smoke pot and there are people who are not
successful who smoke pot. Pot does not lead to harder drugs. That is like saying that
cool aid leads to alcohol neither one is true. Everyone make there own decisions in
life and if they want something harder like cocaine and heroin then they are just plan stupid it has nothing to do with the fact that they smoke pot.The Lord put it here for a reason and some people get it and some people don't even have a clue. If you like it smokes it, it's a gift not a weapon.

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Posts: 156779
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 05, 2003 01:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

"Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark

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posted June 05, 2003 05:12 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I used to be quite a pothead but then out of nowhere, I started having panic attacks when I smoked.I think that is a combination of things, some of which are a fear of lack of control and (spiritually)being forced to confront certain things that I don't want to deal with
Well, there you are. But for the record: nothing wrong with the MaryJane, if you don't have a problem FACING yourself.

Loneliness makes you strong, only love makes you free-Michael Franks

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posted June 06, 2003 12:58 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I’m definitely not a pothead but once in a while I like to smoke. You bet it can make you feel intense emotions and some paranoia. If it does that and you don’t like it don’t smoke it. However I feel that during that time I’m the most creative. Turn those feelings in to something. Meditation is so cool once you learn how. Some people have this weird perception that meditation is sitting on the floor and humming but not true. Put your head back and relax totally relaxed let your mind take you to a place of beauty and wonder. Listen to your favorite music and dance wildly gets happy. Look at it this way k. Lets take sex for example, lets say you went to bed with this man or woman you have fallen in love with ,he or she is really good in bed. The next day you sit and wonder “was I alright “”I hope I did it for her or him” “oh god what if he or she hated it” and all these things begin to tiers at you. At this point you have a chance to change every aspect of what you are feeling and thinking. Instead of thinking negative thoughts about something that was obviously a great thing . Get creative and make the next time better then the first. That is the same thing with pot. You know it really makes me mad when people say that pot made them do this or that. It does not make them do whacked out stuff it is the decisions they make. Pot enhances our senses and maybe if it makes people take sometime to think about themselves and don’t like what they’re thinking maybe just maybe that is really good. Cuz we all need to improve something about ourselves that is what makes us better people. People abuse stuff and it has been that way forever, everything has a cause and effect. If you drive your car 150 miles an hr you can die or kill some one. If you drink to much alcohol you can die or kill someone. If you have sex and don’t use protection you can die or kill some one. If you eat too much and get really fat you can die or sit on someone and hurt him or her. What may work for some may not work for others. It is not a bad thing to smoke some pot. It is bad people doing bad things. And blaming it on pot so that they don’t have to take total responsibility for their actions that is bad.

”The beauty in life is to find the beauty in you and the chance to know the difference between right and wrong. Everything after that is just a reminder of who we are and where we are going.” “ God gave us a brain all we have to do is use it.”

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posted July 21, 2003 05:33 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hello everyone!

Please allow me to describe my experience of marijuana. They're very similar to KP's.

Firstly, music seems to take on a whole new dimension. If you listen to complex pieces with various layers of instruments, you can pick out each instrument, and listen to it on its own.
Ideas seem to come into your head, and you think very differently.

People with obsessive personalities can become addicted to anything - girlfriends/boyfriends, food, TV, the internet, buying stuff, drugs. The list is endless! I'm not judging here by the way; I'm simply stating a fact. I don't wish to offend ANYBODY. If you think you'll get addicted to something easily that can cause health problems, my advise is to never begin.

I must echo KP's comment about giving up smoking. In my experience, it is so much more difficult to give up smoking as opposed to giving up marijuana. I can go months without the latter.

Whatever any of you choose to do, I'm not going to judge. I think everyone is entitled to do what they wish in life, as long as it doesn't affect others adversely.

Love to all,


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Posts: 156779
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 22, 2003 03:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

"Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark

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posted July 22, 2003 03:21 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Cannabis for me results in paranoia and panic attacks, and usually not much else.

Oh - and sometimes a headache

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posted July 22, 2003 08:37 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My response to Cannabis ... paranoia and refridgerator attacks. Not my idea of fun at all.


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