  Not fit for relationships? (Page 2)

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Author Topic:   Not fit for relationships?

Posts: 250
From: The Strand
Registered: Apr 2009

posted November 26, 2006 06:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 23     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
1. Relationships come to those who are happy enough with themselves as they are and don't worry about being in a relationship with others. To put it bluntly, people don't like needy people who pine for relationships, it shows through and turns people off.

2. Rebecca, You're 19 right? Plenty of time. Stop worrying and enjoy being young and single. Both can disappear quite quickly and both of them might not ever come back.

3. "Unfit for relationship" - as previously discussed, this can be caused by many things such as inability to make a relationship or enter into a relationship.

Things that I think can affect people astrologically but are not the only indicators:

1. Sun, moon, venus in a poor aspect to saturn - lack of self-esteem.
2. Sun, moon, venus in a poor aspect to nep - unrealistic aspects to a person in relation to a relationship
3. Sun, moon, venus in a poor aspect to ura - inability to maintain a long-term relationship
4. Highly independent signs such as Aqu, Sag or Aries in large quantities.
5. Maybe unaspected planets - an ability to integrate these matters in life.

I am Aqu with no earth in me except south node and MC. Otherwise, I am mostly air with a lot of sag and aries (unaspected venus in sag). I have sun opp sat and squ ura. I am in a permanent relationship. However, it took me many years to find this person and before them, I had very little experience. Why? Worrying about not being a relationship, being a loner and not liking people being close.

The only saving grace in my chart is Lib moon and Lib DC

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posted November 26, 2006 06:16 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Gawd...Id stay a 1000 miles away from any shrink. I dont want to be labelled as anything and have to live with that label. I know it would definitely affect the way I think and feel about myself.

There was a period in elementary school after I hit puberty in grade 7 and the first year of high school where my self esteem was the lowest. I barely spoke and thought that all my problems and insecurities were written all over my face. If I had seen a shrink then, I wonder how I would be now.

What is dyspraxia? Cluttered, disorganized speech?...Could that result in not having enough confidence in what you have to say? I know I have cluttered way of speaking at times...mainly because of Mercury conjunct Mars opposite Jupiter. I try to stop myself from saying anythign and everything thats on my mind, in fear that I may something wrong or that I may accidently hurt someone's feelings.

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Posts: 5819
From: Sacramento,California
Registered: Apr 2009

posted November 26, 2006 06:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

"2. Sun, moon, venus in a poor aspect to nep - unrealistic aspects to a person in relation to a relationship"

yep......that's me.

I think too much Neptune sucks, and I definitely have too much Neptune. I am very much like a Pisces,and I do have Moon in Pisces. Too much sensitivity,imagination,otherworldliness,dreaminess for my own good as well as being misunderstood a lot,too hard to pinned down,and confusing. Of course,I know that I tend to misunderstand and be confused by others.

I have a history of being too nice for my own good and being taken advantage of. I guess that there is part of me that just wants everybody to like me,and I feel that stems from insecurity because I have a history of being rejected by many people in the past. I also feel that it also has to do with my belief in treating others like I want to be treated. I am definitely a very romantic,idealistic,poetic person who can be very inspired. I definitely can feel inspirational when I am love. However,I know that I can be unrealistic and impractical when it comes to love...even confusing,misunderstood a lot. I can be selfless and selfsacrificing in love and do whatever I can for the one that I love.The Saturn stuff grounds me,but Saturn can be so restricting,limiting. I feel that the very strong Saturn and very strong Neptune influence together can indicate being very insecure and feeling guilty too easily. It can be good for having a practical and grounded spiritual nature as well as restricting myself from drugs,alcohol,and other Neptunian pitfalls. Feelings of being a victim and self pity are things that I need to avoid. I have to always remember that many other people have problems and have even worse problems as me. There are a lot of misfortunate people on our planet.

Here is my Neptune stuff:

Moon in Pisces

Key issues: Needs a feeling of unity with others and the world. Emotionally experiencing the spiritual or transpersonal realms.

Key qualities: gentle, imaginative, compassionate; easily moved, swayed, or influenced by others' need.

You are highly empathetic and sensitive to the atmosphere around you. You merge with others' psychic and emotional energies quite easily and are able to sense and feel their inner state, regardless of what they show or try to present. This may cause you some confusion until you learn to trust your instincts and sensitivities, to discern what is coming from you and what, indeed, is being generated by someone else. You also need to beware of taking on other people's troubles. For instance, if you are with a friend who has a headache, often you will find you get one too. Also, because you feel others' pain you want to remedy it, and you may try to do for them what only they can do for themselves. Rescuing (or wanting to be rescued) is part of your emotional make up and you need to discover when that is wise and when it is not.

You are extremely suggestible and malleable. More forceful individuals or energies can overwhelm you, and you may have learned to cope with this by spending a lot of time alone, away from external input. Dreamy and imaginative, you need periodic escapes, time for reverie, music, listening to your inner voice.

You are predisposed to being passive and receptive, to go with the flow, to avoid direct confrontation and conflict, to let life take its course rather than energetically taking life by the horns or forcing things.

Patterns of Imbalance:

Flower essences that may be helpful to you include:

For clear psychic boundaries and psychic protection; extreme vulnerability to others and the environment: the flower essences YARROW and MOUNTAIN PENNYROYAL. The gem essences of HEMATITE and COVELLITE help to give strength, clarity and definition to the aura and build stronger, clearer energetic boundaries, also.

For an overly active or overly expanded psychic state, leading to hyper emotionality, or a sense of psychic vulnerability: the flower essences MUGWORT and SAINT JOHN'S WORT.

For shyness related to over-sensitivity: the flower essences VIOLET and MIMULUS.

For unbalanced sympathy, a tendency to get emotionally and physically enmeshed, inappropriate merging with others: the flower essences PINK YARROW and BLEEDING HEART.

For avoidance of present life and practical concerns, being too much in another world: the flower essence CLEMATIS.

For a tendency to evade responsibility, indulge in self-pity, or feel like a helpless "victim" the flower essences: DESERT MARIGOLD, FAIRY LANTERN, and SELF-HEAL.

Your responsiveness to external stimuli can be used to your benefit when you are feeling out of balance. Music has a profound influence on you, and generally you do know what effects particular pieces have on you. Some compositions that may increase your sense of well being include those of the sounds an unborn child hears in the mother's womb, ocean sounds, or the sounds of birds in the wild.

Aromatherapy oils which can be used as perfume, in bathes, or in a diffuser or mister include: For upliftment, increased energy and enthusiasm: PATCHOULI, JASMINE, ROSEMARY, JUNIPER. For hypersensitivity: CHAMOMILE, JASMINE, and MELISSA.

Moon square Neptune

You are like a psychic or emotional tuning fork, picking up and resonating to the feeling state and energies of those around you. The development of objectivity, detachment, discernment, clarity, and psychic, emotional, and energetic boundaries is thus essential to your emotional well being. Otherwise you are apt to be dominated by outside forces and probably be very confused! Participating in what are popularity termed "co-dependent relationships" can also arise.

You are easily moved by others' distress and your own emotional idealism, innocence, naiveté, or gullibility. Passivity, evasiveness, escaping into fantasy or addictive, mood altering substances, and self-deception are potential pitfalls on your path. In truth, you do need your hope, your belief, your faith, and some sort of spiritual nourishment on a regular basis, but need to balance it with realism. Because of your sensitive nature, flower essences and other vibrational remedies are very effective for you. Some that may help you with the above issues include:

For being too easily taken advantage of: the flower essences CENTAURY and BLEEDING HEART.

For maintaining strong psychic boundaries and protection from bombardment by others' feelings and needs: the flower essences YARROW, WILD GRAPE, RED CHESTNUT, and RHUBARB, and the gem essence of HEMATITE.

For greater willingness to face your true feelings: BLACK-EYED SUSAN and AGRIMONY.


For developing your psychic talents in a balanced way and integrating your spiritual or psychic perceptions into everyday life: the flower essences MUGWORT, GREEN ROSE, and LOTUS.

Mercury parallel Neptune

Imaginative and poetic, your mind is attuned to universal themes. You are likely to study art, religious philosophy, mysticism, or the metaphysical . You tend to be farsighted (both figuratively and actually), and dreamy. Sometimes its hard for you to see what is right under your nose! You could become so otherworldly or immersed in fantasy that your logical thinking becomes disordered and you cannot handle practicalities very effectively. To counterbalance this, you may have to become super organized and careful about mundane affairs and details. If you do not strive for clarity and honesty in all of your communications and dealings with others, you could easily be bamboozled, or develop a reputation for deceptiveness yourself. Intoxicants of any kind profoundly influence you and cloud your judgment, and should probably be restricted or avoided entirely.

Essences and vibrational remedies work very well for you, due to your sensitive nervous system, especially if you are very consistent with them. The following flower essences may be useful: CLEMATIS (for absent-mindedness, poor attention to the immediate surroundings, withdrawing into imagination excessively), COSMOS (for unfocused thoughts, unorganized or "spacey" thinking), VIOLET (for oversensitivty and shyness in social situation). If you feel you are too open, and too easily absorb others' energies or thoughts, the flower essences PENNYROYAL and YARROW, and the gem essence HEMATITE can be helpful. MADIA is a flower essence that promotes precise, focused thinking and concentration.

Venus parallel Neptune

You yearn for perfect love, are in love with love, are a fool for love. You may have more love for God or images of divinity, or perhaps more taken with romantic or erotic ideals, dreams, fantasies than you are with actual human beings. For you love is oceanic, without boundaries, something you want to completely immerse, merge, and lose yourself in... you resonate with Tolsty's injunction to "love everything!". However this can cause confusion in your intimate personal life, for instance not understanding or respecting boundaries in your own or others' relationships, or believing that your love can do (fix, heal, make right) anything. You could become a martyr for love, think you have to be saint, or avoid actual flesh and blood relationships because no imperfect person can fulfill your longings. Friends or lovers disappoint you when you project your yearnings and dreams upon them. You are easily seduced, enchanted by beauty.

Art is a healing medium that you respond powerfully to. Using healing visualization and imagery, creating artwork, making mandalas or "medicine shields", or even visiting places where inspiring paintings or architecture can be viewed and absorbed engenders profound, positive changes in both your body and your soul.

Some books that may be helpful to you include: "Journey of the Heart" by John Welwood (to help integrate the spiritual with the intimate human relationship), and "The Picture of Health" by Lucia Cappachione (about healing your life with art).

The flower essences that address possible imbalances in this pattern include: BASIL (to heal the spirit between spiritually and sexuality, which can lead to clandestine behavior or stress in marriage), PINK YARROW and BLEEDING HEART (for inappropriate merging with others, lack of emotional clarity about boundaries), and CALLA LILY (for ambivalence or confusion about gender or sexual identity).

Mars square Neptune

When you are inspired and have a dream you are actively pursuing, you are apt to have tremendous energy. At other times, you may suffer from low vitality, listlessness, vacillating desires and indecision, or poor resistance to infections and other deleterious influences in your environment, anything from poisons to "toxic" people. You attract psychic leeches who vampirize your life energy and you must develop your ability to discern when you are being used in this way. Building physical strength and immunity is very important, too.

Swimming is one of the best form of exercise for you, and you are apt to have more energy to swim than for other such activities. In moderation, weight-lifting programs to build muscle could also be helpful. Because you tend to idealize strength, masculinity, or power you are apt to over do. (At some level, you may feel you are a weakling or "wimp".)

There are also many flower essences which can benefit you a great deal:

MOUNTAIN PRIDE, to promote positive, assertive, forceful energy; overcome fear and withdrawal in the face of opposition.

BLACKBERRY, to help translate dreams and ideals into concrete, viable activity.

MADIA, for disciplined focus and concentration; to overcome listlessness or "fog".

BOUVARDIA, for changing patterns of avoidance into the will to confront life directly and consciously.

YARROW, to develop a strong auric field capable of resisting toxicity in any form.

TANSY, for breaking habits that undermine positive intentions; promoting decisive action and strength to move forward and complete project.

Energy work on the root chakra to strengthen your connection with your will to live, and increase physical vitality and strength, would also be beneficial.

There may be long periods in your life of celibacy (self-chosen or not), confusion over sexuality versus spirituality, misdirected sexual energy, or simply an urge to transcend mundane physical sex. The flower essences BASIL, BALSAM POLAR and STICKY MONKEY FLOWER support clearing sexual confusion and stress in relationships related to it. CALLA LILY promotes clarity about sexual identity and sexual self-acceptance.

Jupiter conjunct Neptune

Positively you have great concern and hope for the world, an expansive faith in possibilities, and the ability to inspire other people to a larger, more encompassing vision. However it may be difficult for you to tolerate any sort of restrictions or to set limits in your life. When out of balance, you can be wastefully self-indulgent or easily seduced by visions of the good life gained without effort, grandiose dreams and schemes, or escapist fantasies. Disappointments may come through foolish overoptimism, naiveté, over generosity, or relying on grace or luck alone. Unless other factors in your birth chart indicate practicality, it may be very challenging for you to try to actualize or concretize your dreams. An ungrounded or disembodied spirituality, or too much focus on a better future, can prevent you from living fully in the present. The flower essences which can help bring you into balance include: CALIFORNIA POPPY (for escapist or addictive tendencies, always seeking a better "high"), BLACKBERRY (for bringing ideals and goals into concrete manifestation), CLEMATIS (for day dreaming, poor concentration on the immediate; impracticality), SAINT JOHN'S WORT (for an overly expanded state leading to psychic vulnerability), and WILD OAT (for chronic dissatisfaction and restlessness, inability to make commitments). For learning how to set boundaries and appropriate limits, RHUBARB.

Saturn oppose Neptune

Blending the spiritual and the mundane is your challenge, building a strong spiritual foundation for your life, giving tangible form to your ideals, taking care of your inner life and soul needs as well as your worldly responsibilities.

You may feel a deep split between spirituality and materialism, and are rather susceptible to philosophies that preach renunciation, asceticism, self-sacrifice, being in the world but not of it. Until this split is healed, you may hold your self back from complete participation in life, or carry nebulous fears, depression, insecurities, and subconscious guilt, which can hinder you considerably. Beliefs that the flesh or incarnated life somehow degrades or is in opposition to the spirit can contribute to poor physical vitality. You may have a weak or poorly functioning root chakra, manifesting as a weak well to live in physical reality, and low energy.

On the other hand, you may avoid anything to do with the supernatural or other worldly, fearing perhaps that you would be completely overwhelmed. If so, you are apt to be plagued by unfulfilled longings, "cosmic homesickness" for you know not what.

Most important is for you to develop a life-affirming spiritual optimism. Working with affirmations to replace engrained negative beliefs would also be helpful. To support this process, you might wish to try the following flower essences: LADY'S SLIPPER (to integrate a sense of spiritual purpose in your daily work; bringing spiritual power into the root chakra). MUGWORT (to harmonize psychic forces and bring them into balance with daily life). NASTURTIUM (to energize the root chakra, increasing earthiness and vitality). SCOTCH BROOM (to increase positive and optimistic feelings about the world and your pace in it). FAWN LILY (for a tendency to withdraw, isolate, and protect oneself from the world).

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posted November 26, 2006 06:21 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
23 how old were you when you formed that permanent relationship? What whats your partner's chart like? Ive got lots of Aqua and Sag influence in my chart and still single.

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Posts: 5819
From: Sacramento,California
Registered: Apr 2009

posted November 26, 2006 06:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Cluttering (also called tachyphemia) is a communicative disorder characterized by speech that is difficult for listeners to understand due to rapid speaking rate, erratic rhythm, poor syntax or grammar, and words or groups of words unrelated to the sentence. The person with cluttering may experience a short attention span, poor concentration, poorly organized thinking, inability to listen, and a lack of awareness that one's speech is unintelligible.

Cluttering is sometimes confused with stuttering. Both communication disorders break the normal flow of speech. However, while stuttering is a speech disorder, cluttering is a language disorder. In other words, a stutterer has a coherent pattern of thoughts, but can't say it; in contrast, a clutterer has no problem putting thoughts into words, but those thoughts become disorganized during speaking.

Stutterers are usually dysfluent on initial sounds, when beginning to speak, and become more fluent towards the ends of utterances. In contrast, clutterers are most clear at the start of utterances, but their speaking rate increases and intelligibility decreases towards the end of utterances.

Stuttering is characterized by struggle behavior, such as overtense speech production muscles. Cluttering, in contrast, is effortless.

To compare, a stutterer trying to say "I want to go to the store," might sound like "I wa-wa-want to g-g-go to the sssssssssstore." In contrast, a clutterer might say, "I want to go to the where you st-st-store."

Cluttering is also characterized by slurred speech, especially dropped or distorted /r/ and /l/ sounds; and monotone speech that starts loud and trails off into a murmur.

Clutterers often also have reading and writing disorders, especially sprawling, disorderly handwriting, which poorly integrate ideas and space.

A clutterer described the feeling associated with a clutter as:

It feels like 1) about twenty thoughts explode on my mind all at once, and I need to express them all, 2) that when I'm trying to make a point, that I just remembered something that I was supposed to say, so the person can understand, and I need to interrupt myself to say something that I should have said before, and 3) that I need to constantly revise the sentences that I'm working on, to get it out right. (Reyes-Alami)


Another clutterer wrote on an Internet support group:

I just seem to rush through the words, and often slur words together and/or mumble—and as a result I often have to slow down, concentrate, and repeat myself.

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posted November 26, 2006 06:35 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
In contrast, a clutterer might say, "I want to go to the where you st-st-store."

I talk like that when Im being lazy and Im thinking about other things at the same time. But I wouldnt call myself a clutterer.

But when I read this...

It feels like 1) about twenty thoughts explode on my mind all at once, and I need to express them all, 2) that when I'm trying to make a point, that I just remembered something that I was supposed to say, so the person can understand, and I need to interrupt myself to say something that I should have said before, and 3) that I need to constantly revise the sentences that I'm working on, to get it out right. (Reyes-Alami)

Yikes...sounds exactly like my problem!!! I cant believe they have a term for this?!?

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posted November 26, 2006 06:40 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Nice 'checklist,' hah! I think Uranus or Neptune in the 5th (which is what I have) or in the 7th is supposed to have some effect too.

My 'saving grace' is probably Taurus stellium. William said something about Chiron conjuncting my Venus/Mars midpoint (picky about partners ... could be a double-edged sword but at least I won't be dawgin around town).

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Posts: 250
From: The Strand
Registered: Apr 2009

posted November 26, 2006 06:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 23     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
DD - I was 23. My partner is a Gem, Sco moon, Tau mer, Venus gem and Mars Leo and Cap rising. We kind of sound incompatible on paper but somehow it works. Apart from the stuff above, I must say that I'd rather "wait" for a partner than enter in them for the sake of not being lonely.

Tea - I also have Ura in the 7th, still in this relationship.

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Posts: 5819
From: Sacramento,California
Registered: Apr 2009

posted November 26, 2006 06:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

What is Developmental Dyspraxia?
Developmental dyspraxia is a disorder characterized by an impairment in the ability to plan and carry out sensory and motor tasks. Generally, individuals with the disorder appear "out of sync" with their environment. Symptoms vary and may include poor balance and coordination, clumsiness, vision problems, perception difficulties, emotional and behavioral problems, difficulty with reading, writing, and speaking, poor social skills, poor posture, and poor short-term memory. Although individuals with the disorder may be of average or above average intelligence, they may behave immaturely.

Is there any treatment?
Treatment is symptomatic and supportive and may include occupational and speech therapy, and "cueing" or other forms of communication such as using pictures and hand gestures. Many children with the disorder require special education.

What is the prognosis?
Developmental dyspraxia is a lifelong disorder. Many individuals are able to compensate for their disabilities through occupational and speech therapy.

What research is being done?
The NINDS supports research on developmental disorders, such as developmental dyspraxia, aimed at learning more about these disorders, and finding ways to prevent and treat them.


Like Dyslexia,Dyspraxia has symptoms similar to AD/HD and are often misdiagnosed as AD/HD.
Also...those conditions are often comordbid with each other.

Dyspraxics (along with people who have similar conditions on the Autistic spectrum) may have difficulty sleeping since there is an inability to force the brain to stop thinking and "shut down"[citation needed]. A dyspraxic is nearly always thinking about several unrelated things at once, (the inverse is also possible, with only one dominant thought occupying the dyspraxic's entire attention span at any given time) so this may cause easy distractability and daydreaming[citation needed]. It is quite easy for someone with dyspraxia to concentrate entirely on a particular thought instead of on the situation at hand. For this reason, dyspraxia may be misdiagnosed as ADHD since on the surface both conditions have similar symptoms in some areas[citation needed]. Many people with dyspraxia have short-term memory issues and may forget instructions they received only seconds before, tend to forget important deadlines, and are constantly misplacing items.

Dyspraxic,Warren Fried created Dyspraxia USA Organization..I am a member myself.

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posted November 26, 2006 06:50 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thats a good combo...Mutuable (Gem) yet fixed (Scorp, Taurus).

Trust me, I would rather wait and be single than just partner up with the guy because Im lonely.

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posted November 26, 2006 07:00 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Very very interesting stuff Glaucus...Im reading

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Posts: 5819
From: Sacramento,California
Registered: Apr 2009

posted November 26, 2006 07:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote


the problem is that rapid speech is also a symptom of mania and disorganized speech is a symptom of psychosis,schizophrenia. There is a disorganized type of schizophrenia. It's highly essential that psychiatrists differentiate cluttering from bipolar,psychotic speech. They didn't do that in my case.

page 47


Occasionally, dyslexics manifested a "loose" and telescopic quality to
their associative speech or thinking styles, and as a result tended to
be rapid,wordy, and rambling in their spontaneous descriptions. This
interesting speech pattern appeared independent of anxiety factors,
and tended to resemble a schizophrenic's "loose associations" and
tangential thinking. However, these dyslexic children were not
psychotic, and lacked autistic preoccupation and projective thinking
mechanisms. They merely seemed to forget momentarily the direction of
their thought sequences and/or the thoughts and words themselves.
Occasionally, the temporal spacing between words and sentences was
shorter than normal and even dysmetric.

Later studes noted nonpsychotic "absentminded" adult dyslexics to
manifest similar loose,wordy, and rambling speech patterns ----
clearly demonstrating the need to qualitatively and diagnostically
distinguish dyslexic speech patterns from schizophrenic patterns
(Kasaninin, 1964). Upon analysis, this loose, absent-minded dyslexic
thinking style prone to slips was found to be due to the very same
underlying memory, directional, and temporal spatial dyscoordination
mechanisms characterizing dyslexic reading, writing, and spelling.

Not infrequently these so-called absent-minded individuals intend to
do say or do one thing and wind up saying or doing another, even the
opposte of what was originally intended. Forgetting is commonplace. As
a result, the dyslexic's speech and action patterns may often exhibit
a disoriented and disjointed, even comical, quality, which many
clinicians fallaciously consider due to primary psychogenic
determinants. However, upon analysis, the dyscoordination or slip
between intention and speech or motor response was most often found
lacking a primary emotional causation, and appeared qualitatively
consistent with the dyslexic symptomatology. In retrospect, these
slips invariably provoked secondary emotional attempts at
compensation; and the unsuspecting psychiatrist and psychologist will
unwittingly mistake secondary defensive reaction with primary
causation. For example, some dyslexics become embarassed, blush, and
retreat socially as a result of their slips, while others attempt to
joke and rationalize them away.

Those are my problems. That's why I was misdiagnosed as
having schizoaffective bipolar by psychiatrists years ago in
adulthood,and they never did any medical testing. They only went by
what they observed

early stuttering or cluttering is one of the early warning signs of Dyslexia.
btw..not all stutterers and clutterers are Dyslexic. I had most of the early warning signs of Dyslexia. I had all except for 2(# lots of ear infections and can't master tying shoe laces). My stepfather drilled me on tying my shoelaces. I did have severe ear infection when I was 3 months old. That's why my problems were caught in preschool and I got early intervention therapy.

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posted November 26, 2006 07:40 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Im still like holy $#*@ this has been my problem for years...not everything under that term relates to me. I mostly relate to problems in learning, thought and memory. have a shrink misdiagnose you like that could totally mess a you up!! How awful!

The cluttering description above I quoted totally explains my problem. With fine motor skills...Im not a good typer...I know Im the slowest among my siblings. I have a gemini asc so youd think Id be the problem is that when I go quick my fingers are too flighty and lose control so I make lots of mistakes. Same when I write to fast...I have a tendency to do that and have to slow down so it's legible.

I do repeat myself alot...I know I do this and make a conscious effort not to...mostly because Im trying to organize my thoughts and think people didnt fully understand me the first time. I lose things more often than most people because Im absentminded. Daydreaming was a problem when studying. I couldnt write papers because I couldnt think linearly. I had unfocused and erratic thining...cluttered it took me forever till I was satisfied with my essays. Whats odd though is that I was better able to think linearly in math and numbers...yet not in word.

I guess Im treating myself...through teaching...Ive improved my thought and communication skills greatly. To know that others depend on you to learn pushes me to think and communicate soundly.

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Posts: 5819
From: Sacramento,California
Registered: Apr 2009

posted November 26, 2006 09:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I usually compensate by thinking and planning everything in my head first before saying and performing it. I think my words first before I say,write,or type them. I visualize every action before I do it.

It's when I am stressed,anxious or upset,I lose my compensation. My problems become more noticeable. BTW...I tend to be very anxious around mental health professionals. I also hate public speaking. I don't like talking in front of a lot of people...I tend to stutter a little bit while talking in front of a lot of people.

page 47 to 49 from


Paradoxically, some dyslexics were found to demonstrate highly
organized, crystal-clear thinking and expressive styles. Upon
analysis, many of these individuals were found to have had subtle and
compensated speech impediments during their early childhood. In
retrospect, their highly condensed speech patterns appeared to be
defensive or adaptive attempts at minimizing speech output and
thinking errors. Although these dyslexics were often incapable of
spontaneous free-associative and reflective speech, they were more
than capable of performing these same very same functions in silence.
For example, when asked to freely think aloud about a question, they
could not or would not. But they could, and would,invariably produce
the answer after a silent pause----clearly demonstrating their highly
developed, silent associative and reflective thinking capacities.
Following recognition and resolution of their guarded or defensive
speech mechanisms, many learned to think aloud and to express
themselves without embarassed or fear of criticism. Later adult
stories not only confirmed these observations but revealed the
existence of dyslexics who were capable of free association and
reflection only when writing. Their fluent and lucid writing styles
appeared to be motivated similarly by dyslexic verbalization
difficulties which were compensated for by gifted and/or unhampered
writing functions.

Because the ability to free-associate is a cardinal and essential
prerequisite for candidates being evaluated for psychoanalytic
therapy, and since this ability may be nonverbally present, it
behooves psychiatrists and psychoanalysts to explore seriously these
clinical considerations in their diagnostic-treatment assessment of
psychoanalytic patients.

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posted November 26, 2006 10:40 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
LOL I'm going on 19 in February and nobody's ever even told me that they like me or asked me out or anything at all. I never went to any dances in high school. I don't know why.
And my room is full of romantic type objects. My favorite color is pink and I have reds and stuff in my room. Hasn't seemed to make a difference though.

I've given up because I think it's bulls*** frankly. Just my spin on it.



1. Sun, moon, venus in a poor aspect to saturn - lack of self-esteem.
2. Sun, moon, venus in a poor aspect to nep - unrealistic aspects to a person in relation to a relationship
3. Sun, moon, venus in a poor aspect to ura - inability to maintain a long-term relationship
4. Highly independent signs such as Aqu, Sag or Aries in large quantities.

That sucks. My Venus is square Saturn, Venus is square Neptune and Venus is square Uranus. AND to top it off, my Sun, Moon and Mercury are in Aquarius, my Venus and Jupiter are in Aries and my Mars is in Sagittarius. No wonder I suck at this stupid game.

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Posts: 250
From: The Strand
Registered: Apr 2009

posted November 26, 2006 10:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 23     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Look I think you are panicking a bit. I was in a very similar situation to you at the age of 19.

Things to change a lot. By the time I was involved in someone, I had quite a few who might have been interested in me I suspect.

I suspect we are both late bloomers and confidence comes with age and time. I wouldn't worry about your chart though, I've told you parts of mine and it fares like yours a lot - independence, distance, etc. A lot of it is actual belief in yourself. If you have the confidence to "strut" and present a perception of yourself to others, then you can easily catch a few eyes. I've seen your picture on here and you have quite a unique appearance that could catch the eye of others. However, yes being an Aqu like me, you like the idea of romance but like distance too. Remember distance can be sexy; think of all those sexy Aquas out there which you would have the same qualities as and model yourself on them.

Remember squares are nothing to be scared of either. Despite what I said, they can be conquered and when so, the energy can be enormous.

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Posts: 250
From: The Strand
Registered: Apr 2009

posted November 26, 2006 11:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 23     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
And with all those planets in those signs, you would be a master of charm, seduction (through corruption) and flirtation!

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Posts: 5819
From: Sacramento,California
Registered: Apr 2009

posted November 27, 2006 12:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I believe that there is somebody for everybody.

I found the one for me,and I am very happy. She loves me in spite of my weaknesses and admires my strengths. She's helped bring profound positive change in my life.

If I can find true love, anybody can.

I am optimistic,happy,and enthusiastic about my lovelife.

I guess my Sun trine Moon balances out the challenges of my lunar t-square...heh

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posted November 27, 2006 12:18 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Im not bad at public speaking...depends on how much sleep I get the night before. If I dont sleep, I dont think, I go blank and speak incoherently...teaching teenagers helped with that...they're a very critical and a tough group please...and dont care how much sleep you got the night before

Illusions_fool...awww, but youre soo cute (I saw your pic too). 23 makes total sense...the more you get yourself out there and the more you socialize the better your chances of making a connection. I resorted to the unthinkable last week..yuck...I forced myself to go to this singles dinner. I felt depressed and sick afterwards but it's one step closer to meeting the right guy for me. Next I may try speed-dating...there are different themes categorized by age, religion, ethnicity if you're choosy.

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posted November 27, 2006 11:12 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I don't know the meaning of "flirting." And I'm rather reclusive and I'd rather not change myself just so people like me. My dad spent all 18 years of my life thus far trying to change me because my brother and sister are social animals. Even as an "adult" now in college I'm still fighting with him. It's ridiculous.


PS: Uh, I don't know what's unique about my appearance. Yeah my style's kind of not off-the-shelf, so to speak, but not really unique.

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posted November 27, 2006 11:24 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Rebekka,

I know whr you r coming from.(I hv mars and merc in aqua, moon in gem). and i can see that you are a stubborn aqua who has been driven up the wall

the whole point of wht everyone is saying is that, you don't need to change yourself. you are good as you are. they r just telling you how they see you. and they see you as attractive, and kind of different. do you hv a prob with tht? And appearance/sociability is not wht they r stressing either. With so much aqua, sag and aries u r sure to be a very interesting person to be with. and if my guess is right, the reason u r not a social animal is tht u find ppl too boring (AND bcoz ppl expect u to be tht....a BIG reason for any aqua NOT to do sth...hehe)

There is absolutely NO need to become like your siblings. I am also like you, sort of reclusive. And hate it whn someone tries to change me. Altho i hv changed quite a bit. But the change is internal, and happens whn i change my view abt things. No body else can make me do it. Yet I have managed to be in a relationship for 2 years (tho we broke up) and have loads of friends who are real fun to be with. i just click with them, and don't feel the need to be reserved at all. and they never try to change me.

Just be yourself. and you will soon find someone you like!


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posted November 27, 2006 11:40 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
btw, if u feel tht i have been 'assuming' things abt u, plz don't hesitate to point out.

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posted November 27, 2006 11:43 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have venus (in cap) square saturn (in libra), sun square pluto, asc sqaure pluto, and a LOT of air in my chart. 5 of my planets r in air signs and air houses, sun sextile uranus, and uranus and neptune in 5th. i am single right now and loving it better than being in an insipid relationship any day!!


i am also resorting to the unthinkable. (going to turn 26 in jan) For indians like me, it comes in the form of matrimonial websites. **rolls eyes** till now i hv rejected 2 guys after chatting with them. it feels good
on the other hand, i hv been rejected by countless guys without even talking to me, based on just looks. but thankfully it doesnt shatter my confidence now as it wud hv a few yrs back. But the whole process is so yukk!

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posted November 27, 2006 12:55 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Rebekka, I have Sun opp Saturn, Moon sq Saturn, Venus opp Uranus. Venus is in 11th (I wonder if that operates as Venus in Aqua). Uranus and Neptune sit in my 5th.

I'm one of those late bloomer ppl too. Went to an all-girls Catholic school. Never went to social events, usually just bs'ed with a small group. I took my guy pal to senior prom. Met my first serious bf midway through college. I'm single now. Sometimes I get into the same slumps as you, but really, one of the things I try to remember is ... other than family (in most cases), all of the most important ppl who are still in my life came without warning. I think the more we expect, the more aggravated we get! They say, just let it happen.

Another thing... there is no reason why a girl like you shouldn't be noticed. There are probably guys who notice you and you don't notice them?? It happens. Right below your nose!

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posted November 27, 2006 01:17 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi many of the things u said, i can say- same here! went to an all-girls catholic school
u knw, i hv made soo many good friends, in spite of the fact tht i never make an effort to go out and meet people. it is as if i was destined to meet them. same for the only serious relationship i had. that is why i am not too keen on changing my stance and going out and looking for people. it will happen when it has to. of course thr r periods of 'why am i like that' and 'why does it happen to me'. but its getting better with time, and i hv a strong belief that everything happens for a good reason.

am i glad i joined this knw tht thr r people out there who feel like me...its a great comfort.

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