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Posts: 1
From: Brisbane, Australia
Registered: May 2009

posted May 14, 2004 02:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Isis     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oh, and I didn't see anyone's face in that video except the victim...real brave...

“The good things which belong to prosperity are to be wished, but the good things that belong to adversity are to be admired.” Seneca

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posted May 14, 2004 02:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Harpyr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
this thread makes me ill

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posted May 14, 2004 03:07 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The bloodlust of that culture makes me ill. The fact that they hide behind our God (which is everyone's God) to justify imposing horrific evils upon mankind makes me ill. The fact that some people would rather channel their energy into attacking an intellegence that seeks to rid our planet of this poisenous socialization makes me ill. Whatever the pretense they went in there had to be done. PERIOD.

I'm not even American, and I can see that. My government didn't even wish to assist, but I was all the way in right from the start.

Bottem line. These groups are raised, bred, trained, fed on abject HATE for Western civilization. They are not happy to live and let live. No siree, what they're after is nothing less than "WE live to KILL ALL OTHERS who are not like us." It's racism prejudism, flat out hate of 1/3 of the worlds' population. It's not just about the US. It's about any country that resembles them in culture as well. They want nothing less than genocide. We know all about that already, now don't we? We've already come to the conclusion that it's profoundly wrong. So, why are we so sympathic to a group of bloodthirsty barbarics who are after our own heads? That's insane!

The real issue can't possibly be whethor they have a right to plot our demise as a culture/race. That simply can't be the real issue here, unless some people have a death wish and want that as well. The real issue must be eithor an inherent anarchistic mind, or sore feelings over their pet canditite not winning an election. The first one...scares me. The second one...makes me want to give them a lolly-pop and tell them it's going to be ok.

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posted May 14, 2004 08:12 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm sorry if you took offense raine. I didn't mean to insult our animal cousins.

apology accepted, tink--on behalf of our muted animal friends i think linda is smiling. now if we can just bring our fellow humans up to the level of animals, the planet might have a chance, eh?

but i'm afraid violence has permeated the history of all cultures, including our own--how quickly we forget the grim reminder that it was the infamous "white man" who began the not-very-nice practice of scalping our indian brothers. after all, it was a logical way to keep track of the numbers, for bounty purposes, without the impractical necessity of bringing in the entire corpses

and alas, violence still permeates our language:

The terrorists are worse than animals.

from my animal-rights activist friend:

Yes, it's one of our pet grievances. They (the unenlightened) use this language all the time. "We were treated like animals" as if animals deserve to be abused...I'm afraid that while human bipeds continue to murder and eat animals, they will continue to use this language.

Even 'to kill two birds with one stone' etc. Of course, women used to receive this verbal treatment ' acting like a woman' as an insulting term. Women were able to fight for their rights; but we have to do so for those who have no voice - and lots of people are doing it, but the darkness is deep.

but hope remains

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posted May 14, 2004 08:35 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Never, never did I imply that the men in the video were brave. Fighting the old-fashioned way means primitive, barbaric, in-your-face fighting. No techno barrier. It means decapitating someone in order to make a point. In fact, off the top of my head, I can't think of a more classic means of intimidation than that. It means using woman and children and the elderly and mosques and Red Cresent trucks to shied yourself. And why not? Does that offend your honor? Would it be smarter to come out from behind the Red Crescent truck and be shot? Hey, you wanted to fight with the gloves off. That's how it is done. And thanks dad but I realize that the video was made for effect. But thanks for the heads up anyway.
I did not say the didn't have AK47s and RPGs - I said they didn't have precision guided missiles and tactical nukes. Big difference. Also, I did not refer to a "bomb or missile going off course and killing someone accidentally". I referred to the fact that a certain amount of civilian casualties is deemed acceptable by the military. And sometimes bombs are dropped with the knowledge that civilians will die but the target is considered worthy and the bomb gets dropped anyway. This is not an accident. I'm not argueing with this tactic, I'm just stating the fact. What is the difference between killing someone face to face with a knife and killing someone from a distance with a bomb? Our o so civilized palates prefer the latter.

Jwhop, either your reading comprehension skills are not what they should be or you purposely misquote people in an attempt to make them look silly. Obviously, I don't think these terrorists are brave. Why say that? Either that or you're not fully reading everyone's posts. Which is fine. By all means read selectivly. I do. But don't answer a post you have not fully read.

Isis, I sympathize with anyone who has seen that video. But in all honesty, our special forces often wear masks too.

Lioneye, I agree with you 100% that this hate the West mentality is inbred. Is there a better answer than killing them? Can they be reeducated? No, I don't mean the men in the video. I mean the average guy in the street.

I guess what I'm wondering is - if we are fighting an enemy who uses medieval tactics (like beheading for effect) should we fight back with the same? Does that drag us all back to the dark ages? I'm slighty confused when I read that we should "fight with the gloves off". They are already fighting like this and we are expressing outrage at their behaivor. We once fought like this too. Remember? Ironically, back then the much more civilized Arabs and Persians were horrified by our barbarism. Strange how things work out.

"the darkness is deep" Amen to that.

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posted May 14, 2004 09:02 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Isis ~ I've read that when he was decapitated there wasn't any blood. As though he had been killed earlier. Is that true?

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posted May 14, 2004 10:10 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
LibraSparkle - I know that this is a little late down the line, but if a soldier sees an order as unlawful he has the duty, under military law, to refuse it.
For example, see: Hugh Thompson, Lawrence Colburn, Glenn Andreotta, and the Mai Lai Massacre.
To be fair, it doesn't always work out quite that way, though.
And remember: Despite official stands, Groupthink is a powerful frikkin' thing.

Pid - Then why do people keep pointing to the salvation of the Iraqi people as "the reason" for the invasion?
It seems like backpeddling to me.
Re: the UN Sanctions: I know that those have been discussed, but I also see that they are seldom referred to...people much prefer to point to more heart-rending reasons. Also re: them: Yes, they were binding (passed by the SC) as opposed to, say, all of the non-binding resolutions (passed by the GA) passed against Israel...funny how the politics of the situations work to make Iraq culpable for its actions and another place with extensive US ties not.

Re: the video: I know that the question wasn't addressed to me, but, yes, there was blood. And screaming.
Jase (my husband) and I actually had a fight about it all because I watched it.
Chances are...very good...that in a little over a year he'll be in Iraq (quote his commander last night: "Most of you will be...overseas...once you graduate from this training; you must mentally prepare yourself for...being...overseas..."
; funny thing: there seems to be a constant need for helicopter pilots in that particular war zone). He was quite angry that I'd watch video of anything that went on over there, citing that something could very well happen to him leading to his capture and death; he asked, "Would you then watch that video?"
I was at a loss.
I had a hard time explaining to him that when something's terrible, I have a need to look at it in the face if possible. Perhaps this is naive, but part of me hopes that somehow one day I'll have absorbed enough of it, learned enough, experienced enough, that I'll be able to do something about it.
Er, sorry for rambling...the aforementioned arguement degenerated into a conflict about the fact that, before I got pregnant, I had been set on a university trip to Israel, Cyprus, and N. Ireland - which he had been very much against - that dealt with conflict resolution/transformation (or the lack thereof) in those places. That I would potentially endanger my life for the sake of learning has been a bone of contention between us.

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Posts: 2787
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 14, 2004 12:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thursday, May 13, 2004 - Page updated at 12:00 A.M.
Collin Levey / Times editorial columnist
Don't follow a script written by the terrorists

When it seemed this week that the pictures from Abu Ghraib couldn't get any worse, the beheading of a 26-year-old American from Philadelphia put things in perspective. Nick Berg was killed to exploit a news cycle.

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Posts: 1
From: Brisbane, Australia
Registered: May 2009

posted May 14, 2004 12:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Isis     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Raine - my understanding was that scalping was already performed by the American Indians when we got here. White man didn't invent it.

Can anyone confirm what the deal is on that?

Special forces wearing head coverings while on a covert mission, and cowards killing someone on camera to appear bold and brave yet cover their faces, IMO, is not the same thing. But someone will always try to come up with a way to equate us to scum of the earth, somehow someway.

Tink, I mistook your words of "they fight the old fashioned way and we don't have it in us to do the same" (paraphrased) as Jwhop did, to mean that they're somehow brave, in contrast to us. Thanks for clarifying that.

But I still get from many of you that you equate them to us, and I there's this real feeling of loathing for the US. Why? I don't understand, what did America do or not do for you? Cause there is this apparent self-loathing on the left, a loathing of America, and a self-loathing that one is an American. I don't understand it.

“The good things which belong to prosperity are to be wished, but the good things that belong to adversity are to be admired.” Seneca

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posted May 14, 2004 01:03 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Just as you can love someone and hate their behavior. My children have plenty of behaviors (whining, arguing, lazyness) that I hate. I'm sure you wouldn't accuse me of hating my children. You can love your country and hate your government's behavior.

It's as simple as that.

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posted May 14, 2004 01:07 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Raine - my understanding was that scalping was already performed by the American Indians when we got here. White man didn't invent it.
Can anyone confirm what the deal is on that?

I could be wrong, but it was my understanding that settlers started it by putting a bounty on American Indians killed, to be proven by scalps brought back.
They just took what was done to them and ran w/ it.

Like I said, though, I could be wrong.

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posted May 14, 2004 01:12 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Here's something that discusses both viewpoints:

Though my font-of-trivia friend (he's a Virgo w/ an Aqua Rising...he can't help it), said this:
The settlers, specifically the Dutch IIRC, wanted proof of dead Indians (those that were their enemies); they first wanted them to bring back heads. They (the Indians) said, no, scalps sound good though.
So it kinda was the Indians, but at the settler's urging.
The settlers created the environment and made the demands that would make that all necessary.

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Posts: 67
From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo
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posted May 14, 2004 01:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pidaua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Proxie,

I am not totally sure what you mean. For me, I was always under the impression that the WMD reason was just a small part. The real reason was to irradicate Saddam and to help liberate the people. The big picture seems to be that once we liberate the people, topple the dictator, flush out the terrorists - then everything else will also come to light such as: the WMD's.

Look at how far we have gotten - the exposure of the crooked Oil for Food program, the ties to Al Queda have been brought to light, Saddam's astrocities and those of his sons have been exposed.

There is still so much we cannot see and maybe so much people are not willing to want to see, but the truth is, WMD was a small but vital part.

In my mind I see it as 'The total justification is not at issue, what is at issue is what we have accomplished for the people".

We have so many apathetic people in the world these days, even the US is breeding more and more people that do not care about their fellow man, so it stands to reason NOT promoting the liberation of the people was the way to go. Look at people here who throw out "Why liberate them anyway..they didn't ask"

All I know is that when I was in Nashville, and the President was speaking about the war on the radio while I was in a tax, the Iraqi taxi driver was very passionate about going to war. He still had family and said that he loved what the US was about to do because he had escaped Saddam's brutality and worried about those he loved that had to stay back.

Well, that was just ONE person, but it still hit home with me - that we can't stand by and allow this to happen to a group of people. We all talk about how much we love the environment - well, guess what folks, ever try to remove radioactive waste from water? All it takes is big dose of Sarin or a spliced strain of the common cold with the virulence of Ebola to ruin a country.

I don't want my children growing up worrying that some strange person in a far away land is plotting to kill the people they love. What is worse is explaining to the youth that "No matter what you do or don't do, they HATE you because you are not one of them".

And that is just what Lioneye said, these people HATE western civilization and THEY want to bring about the end of our way of life. Do we just take it?

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posted May 14, 2004 01:24 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I was under the impression that the Admin was mostly pushing the WMD side, probably because that's what would get the most response from people who're pretty frightened of that whole deal.
Many others who were advocating for the war, such as expatriots and some in the military, were arguing for liberation.
I dunno, it just kinda irks me...whatever the underlying motivations for the war were, it seems like the Admin, knowing the tenor of the day, pushed WMDs as the primary motivating factor, & now that they haven't turned up the political spin doctors are loathe to mention it.
I'm not criticizing this Admin per se on this issue, but the political game that I believe any pols would've played that has unfolded.

Re: the last question: What do you believe has led to this hatred of all things Western that you see evinced in some parts of Arab society? I mean, this wasn't always so. It's my understanding that there was a scramble, especially by Arab intellectuals, in the earlier and mid- parts of the 20th century to adopt all things western, including forms of government. What do you think turned the tide?

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Posts: 1
From: Brisbane, Australia
Registered: May 2009

posted May 14, 2004 01:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Isis     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Fundamentalist Islam.

“The good things which belong to prosperity are to be wished, but the good things that belong to adversity are to be admired.” Seneca

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posted May 14, 2004 01:36 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
But fundamentalist and Wahhabi Islam has been around for an insanely long time - what do you think has led to its new renaissance?

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posted May 14, 2004 01:37 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Power envy.

And jealousy over regional enemies making nice with the Westerners, and benefitting from it.

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posted May 14, 2004 01:40 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
So, in your mind, it's mainly a by-product of a once mighty, heck, dominant civilization feeling insecure and inadequate around a West that has been surging for the past few hundred years?

(I'm not saying that in a belittling way - it's hard to tell on these boards; I've actually heard the same theory put forth by a number of Middle East and Islamic scholars.)

Keep the answers coming - I'm curious as to everyone's views.

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Posts: 1
From: Brisbane, Australia
Registered: May 2009

posted May 14, 2004 01:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Isis     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
So, in your mind, it's mainly a by-product of a once mighty, heck, dominant civilization feeling insecure and inadequate around a West that has been surging for the past few hundred years?


“The good things which belong to prosperity are to be wished, but the good things that belong to adversity are to be admired.” Seneca

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posted May 14, 2004 01:48 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
But what do you think has led to the flip-flop from, "These people have become dominant players on the world stage - let's become like them!" to, "These people have become dominant players on the world stage - and they're corrupt and terrible because of it...let's destroy them!"

A lack of ability to emulate (b/c of a lack of intellectual and/or physical resources)?
A "drawing back in" towards "traditional" values so that they're not lost spun out of control?
A critique of Western/American policies and practices?
All of the above?
(ie. "We *can't* become like them b/c we don't have their glut of resources so, given that, we're going to turn back to our old ways (since their "new ways" are so obviously corrupt and harmful as we couldn't successfully adopt them) - oh, and scholars - why we're at it, could you please tell us just why and how they're corrupt and harmful?")
Something else?
(A genuine recoiling from the materialism of the mass American culture or the like?)

Gah. I won't be able to respond for a while.
Darn southern Alabama...spiders everywhere!
I've got to clean and go arachnid hunting.

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posted May 14, 2004 01:50 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I would suspect it was the arms race that triggered it. The knowing that the US and Russia had become the most powerful military forces on the planet by like 100 times any other country probably made them very uneasy. Probably looked at South Africa and other imperial states and saw how Western they were becoming, and begin to worry about their own regions losing their ethnic/religious purity. And they don't take kindly to the diversity factor in their own back yards. They would never welcome a country of ethnic diversity like the Western world does. It all still boils to an attitude of ethnic/religious superiority, which must not be influenced by other belief systems, no matter much more enlightened it may be.

I do understand their desire to preserve their traditional way of life and the religious monopoly of their region. But it's time to evolve to an foundation of tolerence for the "not us" people on this planet, don't ya think?

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Posts: 67
From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 14, 2004 02:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pidaua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I believe that from the beginning "infidels" were seen by the Islamic people as being less than human. A case can be made the almost 90% of religions have this feeling or distaste towards others.

Frankly, we see it here in the US between varying Christian churches not tolerating alternative religions, we see it with the Jewish religion believing they are the only chosen ones, and then we have the Islamic peeps feeling the same way.

That is where I have problems with religion. Personally, I believe me being a Christians means I am to be tolerant of my fellow man and although I do not have to subscribe to his / her beliefs, I should kill to prevent them.

Why do the Jews and the Palestinians hate each other? It goes deeper than land issues. Why did the Bosnians and Serbians fight over Christianity and Islam? Why is there a caste system in India.

Money, ideology, territory..all common themes. Why do they hate us? I don't know the answer to that question. I don't think they have an answer. I do firmly believe that people, some people, NEED a cause to feel validated. So some of them FEEL they are doing to will of some entity.


Yeah, I understand what you are saying about the Admin. I wish Bush had been more forthright in saying all the reasons and not just concentrating on one.

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Posts: 1
From: Brisbane, Australia
Registered: May 2009

posted May 14, 2004 02:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Isis     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Radical Islam is to the West what the Barbarians were to Rome. Underestimate that threat, and like Rome, we will fall to them.

"For this day's work, lords, you have encouraged treason and opened the prison doors to free the traitors. A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly against the city. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears no traitor; he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their garments, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation; he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared. The traitor is the carrier of the plague. You have unbarred the gates of Rome to him."
Cicero, address to the Roman Senate

“The good things which belong to prosperity are to be wished, but the good things that belong to adversity are to be admired.” Seneca

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posted May 14, 2004 02:28 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Isis, correct me if I'm mistaken, but you're beginning to sound like you want everyone who is not a Christian out of our society. That would make us no better than they, the intolerence that is.

Although I think you're very brave to have done so, you shouldn't have watched that video. It's made you want blood, like the whacked out zealots.

I've seen enough gore in movies, that I think I can suffiently imagine what it would look like. I couldn't bare to watch it, though. I think it would poisen me. That stuff is contagious, it's a sickness of the soul.

....sorry, just re-read your post, and I see that you qualified it with "radical Islam", which seeks to destroy the west. We can't be tolerant of them while they plot to kill us. That WOULD be foolhearty.

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posted May 14, 2004 02:38 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Lioneye - Yeah, if you haven't seen it yet, I would recommend against watching it.
I'm an odd sort - upon seeing something like that the part of me that would violently react often shuts down; I get more dispassionate, more inquiring.
Blame an overactive Aqua Moon, I guess.

I can see how it could easily spur someone to blind ire, though.

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