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Author Topic:   Mir - progressed synastry

Posts: 2810
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posted July 12, 2014 06:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mir     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Got it also Orange, we're All about the same age here, how nice!

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Posts: 495
Registered: Aug 2009

posted July 13, 2014 05:10 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jjj     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
If anyone wants to study why people get quickly in relationships and then divorce and if it is reflected in progressions, here is my sister and her ex husband:

they met July 2010, got married February 2011, divorced January 2012...

her birth date: 1 June 1973, 17.40
his birth date: 17 February 1974, TIME UNKNOWN

I will delete the data tomorrow and will look myself as well.

If anyone looks at their aspect grid, what synastry aspects could be responsible for the following situation: they both got extremely obsessed with each other and mistrusting, to the point of getting health problems. She is very flirty, he is a very serious and workaholic guy. They loved each other deeply though.

She is still not recovered, still completely attached to him to the point of hystery, they have no contact. Im so sorry for her. All I see is that his planets are conjunct her SN. She has really hard time recovering.

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posted July 13, 2014 08:16 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Making a synthesis of our progressed aspects:

Progressed synastry for the beginning of rel.:

My progressed Sun conjunct his progressed ASC (1)
My progressed Venus conjunct his progressed ASC (2)
My progressed Venus opposite his progressed Sun (5)
His progressed Venus conjunct my progressed ASC (1)
My progressed Mars conjunct his progressed ASC (1)
His progressed Mars trine my progressed Sun (2)
His progressed Mars trine my progressed Venus (5)

We also had a Sun/Moon DW: opp and square

My progressed situation for that time:

Sun conjunct Venus and Mars on my natal Uranus
pDSC conjunct natal Sun and Venus
pMoon conjunct ASC trine Sun

His progressed situation:

Sun conjunct DSC, opp Uranus
pVenus conjunct natal Sun
pMars/Saturn conjunct MC

Progressed to natal comparison

my pASC conjunct his Sun
my pMoon sextile his Sun
my pMC conjunct his NN/IC
my pJuno conjunct his Jupiter

his pASC conjunct my Uranus
his pSun trine my Venus
his pMoon quincunx my Moon
his pMars/Saturn sextile my Venus
his pMC approaching my Moon

Mir, there is however a longer time progression with natal/progressed comparison as well. For example, in the above list, his progressed positions where at 0 for Fm ( for example, his Sun at 0 Taurus, his Mars/Saturn at 0 Cancer).

10 years from now, his pSun reaches 11 Taurus (passes over the trine with my Venus - 6 Virgo - BUT approaches Sun at 20 Virgo)

his pMC arrives in exact conjunction to my Moon

his pVenus approaches the opp to my Mars

his pMoon (16 Virgo) approaches my Sun

his pMars/Saturn 6 Cancer arrives in exact sextile to my Venus

his pASC BEGINS to approach my MC

So there is a continuance - I guess when there are connective aspects in synastry between these major love planets - one of the aspect approaches and begins separating, but then another one begins to apply.

I think this can be very significant, perhaps even more significant than progr-to-progr??? Because it means one's progressed planets are always in contact/intermingled/activating the other natals and, more importantly, viceversa. The needs of the progressed chart are supported by the other's natal. What do you think?

For example, 20 years from now (I'm looking just at his progr to my natal here, as an example)

his pASC is 3 deg away from my MC
his pMC conjuncts my Vertex
his pSun in perfect trine to my Sun (20 Taurus)
his pMoon conjuncts my ASC (already separating)
his pVenus opp my Mars (already separating)
his pMars applying to my DSC and my Sun
his pJupiter conjunct my Juno
his pJuno applying to mine

40 years from now

his Sun arrives where his natal Mars is, integrated in my cross with Venus/Jupiter/Neptune, Sun applying to an exact conjunction with my SN, Sun applying to sextile with my Moon

his Venus applying to my Venus, later to my IC

his ASC applying to my Neptune

his Mars separating from my DSC, but applying to Moon

his MC conjunct my Venus and Sun, applying to Sun

his Juno in exact conjunction with mine

So there's always something major applying, taking over. What do you think about this, Ceri and Mir?

Also, I'm curious how common this is. Can you check yours as well? I suspect it happens if synastric connections are: BETWEEN MAJOR PLANETS and MANY OF THEM.

I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

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posted July 13, 2014 08:59 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Of course, the same thing is supposed to happen in progr-to-progr, if one gets lucky of course, but to a lesser extent, as shown by your research: in progr-to-progr there arent' that many aspects (In general)

For example, you know our applying my Venus-his Sun opp beginning to separate 50 years from now. After that, I checked and for example my Moon begins to apply to a conjunction to his Sun, it will arrive there 70 years from now appx hahahahahaha (man, I'm so greedy) but I'm just talking in general, about the possibility of one aspect taking over when the other one separates.


I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

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Posts: 2810
Registered: May 2009

posted July 13, 2014 02:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mir     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks JJJ, got it.

Here just the 1st ex of Leeloo.
It will take a while for the big rest.
I want to have my full attention and full attention is a rare thing nowadays (unless to fill the treasury).

Leeloo 1st EX;

sept/okt 1993;

Lee, late sept. 1993 your pVenus made a switch from Virgo to Libra.
So, a separating oppostion (late sept.) from your pVenus to his natal
Venus (29'16 pisces). And almost conj. your own natal Mars at 0'30 Libra!

So, ALREADY a synastry Marker ^ with his Venus opposite your Mars!
And this combined with your pVenus... interesting! This is what we
want to see!


In sept 1993 there was an EXACT Moon/Asc conjunction in the
progressed Geo Composite.

And so, still floating on the steam of ^^ your pVenus was on its way to make a TRINE to his pMars (5 degr appl.).
But also to make an opp. to his natal Moon (2,5).

But only in sept '98 your Venus ^ came within the assumed noticeable orb of 2* to his pMars.
Steam again! (?) Well, the question here could be; did you both survive a possible period of sensual emptiness to get here?

Well, to be honest, I don't think so.... as your 2nd EX came in the pic in 2000 lol!

But I first want to see HELIO;

What I do find really interesting is this;

(13 sept. 1993)

His pVenus at 15'57 Pisces.
Your natal Sun (read: Earth/Moon) 20'23 Pisces.
Your own pVenus 17'21 Virgo.

So, both appl. to your natal Sun.

The peak (became exact) of his pVenus on your natal Sun was late June 1996!
But in october '97 it was already separating by 2*.
But Love~in~the~air already must have been tangible in april '95, and at that time your own pVenus was in an appl. 0,5 opp. to your natal Sun.

So, my BIG guess is that the separation came AFTER the peak of this one ^.
Hm.. let's say... late '97?

Do not disappoint me plzz

(lee, I didn't read your last posts)

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Posts: 7549
From: Georgia
Registered: May 2009

posted July 13, 2014 09:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Orange     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Do you, guys, count a trine from progressed Venus to natal Mars with an orb of aspect 2.6? The progressed Venus is currently stationed at its degree and wont move for ages, so the aspect is frozen in time. But is it too wide to count?
They are also conjunct in progressed declination.

also, progressed asc/dsc in square to natal Venus,.. is it a separative aspect?

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posted July 14, 2014 06:02 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I start paying attention to aspects that are 2° and less, and REALLY take them seriously if they are under 1 degree and applying.

However I do think that the first waves might subtly reach you with an orb of maybe 3-2 degrees applying already, but usually it is a preparation time, getting ready for what is to come, and below the 2 or 1 degree mark, it is really getting intense.

Currently I have pr Mars on 3.41 Capricorn, which is slowly applying to natal Venus on 6°07 Cap - an orb of 2°26.
I think I already feel its extensions, but I suppose it might get stronger if it will get closer even.

However I canīt deny that there is a distinct change in my behaviour, and that I am maybe more proactive and open than I have ever been before. This whole "not hiding away anylonger" might actually be a manifestation of this Mars nudging my Venus slightly into a more tangible expression of herself.

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posted July 14, 2014 06:17 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Also, Orange,
just having a look at your progressed charts.

With male 1:
Your pr DESC conjunct his pr Sun (0.58 )
your pr Venus conjunct his pr Venus (0.53)
your pr Uranus square his pr MC (0.15)
your pr Neptune square his pr NN (0.56)
your pr Pluto conjunct his pr Sun (0.02)

There are some that are not necessarily relationship-oriented, but I found them interesting nevertheless.

Anyway the Sun-DESC-conjunction and Venus-Venus-conjunction is most certainly a relationship factor int his case.

Also because his Sun natally rules his DESC, and Venus was for both of you the progressed DESC-ruler, though I find it interesting you had pr ASC on 29 Aries, on the verge of changing to 00 Taurus, which made Venus your pr ASC-ruler, and thus created a conjunction of his pr DESC-ruler and your pr ASC-ruler, I think that is rather potent.

Then we have pr Uranus squaring pr MC - no not necessarily relationship-material, but Uranus will bring big changes to the life of the MC-person. Disruptive even, or just a 180 turn in life. If already married could lead into a breakup or even affair, however if single might actually signal a new relationship, though I am not sure how balanced this one would be.

Your pr Pluto conjunct his pr Sun looks VERY intense to the point of compulsive, especially if we remember that Sun was ruling his DESC natally. So it might be that you have exerted an almost hypnotic power over him.
(of course sometimes we do not like Pluto hypnotizing our sun too much, but since you got into a relationship, I guess it did not result in antipathy this time. lol)

the Neptune-NN I also mentioned, despite it being generational. However I think if generational aspects become very exact, the natal promise might be put into action.
The Neptune-nodal square I keep a check on, as I have found in a research by pure coincidence that this one along with Neptune on South Node (though not on NN) often came up in "doomed relationships". I hope I am not right about that and there are a lot of relationships that work out with this aspect, but those tragically failed (sometimes resulting even in devastating experiences, including death or insanity of one of both person - a very dramatic expression I think though) relationships/ affairs, almost all had this aspect. Of course I did not check every possible relationship and data from maybe 5-10 relationships is hardly a reliable number. lol
But interesting enough for me to pay attention.

However my brother and his gf have it, too, and they have been a very steady couple for the last years, so I suppose it is not always that bad. lol

Still I rather see relationships without it; it almost feels like somehow these relationships dissolve into thin air (sometimes with a bang though - crownprince rudolf and mary vetsera had it as well, and he shot her and himself).

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posted July 14, 2014 06:22 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
as for pr- natal

his pr DESC conj. your n Venus exact
his pr Vertex conj. your n uranus exact
his pr Uranus applying to your n Venus
his pr Sun applying to your n Jupiter (good for friendship as well)
his pr Mars opposing your n Mars exact
(either strong physical chemistry or people constantly butting heads)

your pr Juno opposing his n Moon
your pr Mars just having passed the conjunction to his n Juno
your pr Sun conjunct his n Sun, his DESC-ruler
your pr Uranus conj. his n Venus exactly
your pr Vertex conj. his n URanus

Quite a lot of Uranus-vibe in the natal-progressed comparison

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posted July 14, 2014 06:26 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by mir:
Thanks JJJ, got it.

Here just the 1st ex of Leeloo.
It will take a while for the big rest.
I want to have my full attention and full attention is a rare thing nowadays (unless to fill the treasury).

Leeloo 1st EX;

sept/okt 1993;

Lee, late sept. 1993 your pVenus made a switch from Virgo to Libra.
So, a separating oppostion (late sept.) from your pVenus to his natal
Venus (29'16 pisces). And almost conj. your own natal Mars at 0'30 Libra!

So, ALREADY a synastry Marker ^ with his Venus opposite your Mars!
And this combined with your pVenus... interesting! This is what we
want to see!


In sept 1993 there was an EXACT Moon/Asc conjunction in the
progressed Geo Composite.

And so, still floating on the steam of ^^ your pVenus was on its way to make a TRINE to his pMars (5 degr appl.).
But also to make an opp. to his natal Moon (2,5).

But only in sept '98 your Venus ^ came within the assumed noticeable orb of 2* to his pMars.
Steam again! (?) Well, the question here could be; did you both survive a possible period of sensual emptiness to get here?

Well, to be honest, I don't think so.... as your 2nd EX came in the pic in 2000 lol!

But I first want to see HELIO;

What I do find really interesting is this;

(13 sept. 1993)

His pVenus at 15'57 Pisces.
Your natal Sun (read: Earth/Moon) 20'23 Pisces.
Your own pVenus 17'21 Virgo.

So, both appl. to your natal Sun.

The peak (became exact) of his pVenus on your natal Sun was late June 1996!
But in october '97 it was already separating by 2*.
But Love~in~the~air already must have been tangible in april '95, and at that time your own pVenus was in an appl. 0,5 opp. to your natal Sun.

So, my BIG guess is that the separation came AFTER the peak of this one ^.
Hm.. let's say... late '97?

Do not disappoint me plzz

(lee, I didn't read your last posts)

To be honest, I don't remember if it was early 1997 or late 1997, but it was, indeed, 1997

It looks like we had some contacts the progr/progr I didn't see much.


I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

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posted July 14, 2014 06:33 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Male 2:

his pr Saturn opposite your pr Venus
- interesting, I would have thought this as a rather separative aspect; but I noticed that when Mr Sag made his suprising announcement into my direction, we had a transitins Saturn-Venus-opposition on surprisingly the same degrees as in your progressed chart here, and they overlayed our composite MC-IC, along with composite Eros-Priapus. lol -

Maybe it was connective in your case, cause Saturn was ruling his pr ASC, and Venus was ruling your pr ASC at that time.

His pr Juno was also opposing your pr Venus

your pr MC was also conjunct his pr Venus exactly, an aspect I seem to find more and more at the outset of relationships, or even in marriage charts.

progressed to natal
his pr Moon opposite your n Juno exact
his pr Saturn conjunct your n Juno
his pr Uranus trine your n Moon -nice
his pr Neptune square your n Sun (another generational one that is brought into focus)

your pr Venus square his n Moon
your pr Juno opposite his n Venus
your pr Juno conjunct his n Juno
your pr SN conjunct his n BML

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posted July 14, 2014 06:45 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
male 3

pr - pr
his pr Moon conjunct your pr ASC (you really made the best of this time window, didn`t you? )

his pr Mercury square your pr Mars

his pr Venus conjunct your pr Jupiter - love this one, there is nothing wrong with good feelings

his pr Mars square your pr Venus - passionate, or combative, or both, but no matter what, much Yin-Yang-energy generated

his pr Saturn conjunct your pr Vertex with only 3 minutes of arc, sounds very karmic/ fated/ inevitable

pr Pluto conjunct pr Sun

I was wondering why the Mercury-Mars was in there, butmaybe it is as simple as

Mercury was ruling his pr DESC, Mars ruled your pr ASC.

pr -natal
his pr SUn square your n Vertex exact

his pr Mars trine your n Uranus

his pr DESC conjunct your n Moon (bingo!)

your pr Sun conjunct his n Pluto (0.00)
and Pluto rules his ASC.

your pr Venus sextile his n MC very exactly, too (usually I pay not too much attention to sextiles, but this here ties into the theme

your pr Mars conjunct his n MC exact

yuor pr Saturn opposite his n Sun (I wonder how THAT felt, though it was separating, so maybe easing off already)

your pr Juno conjunct his n DESc

your pr MC square his n Venus exact (and no I do not consider squares to angles bad things, they are rather activating things)

your pr MC square his n Saturn (separating)

your pr IC conj. his n Vertex

your pr Avx conj. his n SAturn

Mamma Mia!

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posted July 14, 2014 06:45 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ceridwen:

the Neptune-NN I also mentioned, despite it being generational. However I think if generational aspects become very exact, the natal promise might be put into action.
The Neptune-nodal square I keep a check on, as I have found in a research by pure coincidence that this one along with Neptune on South Node (though not on NN) often came up in "doomed relationships". I hope I am not right about that and there are a lot of relationships that work out with this aspect, but those tragically failed (sometimes resulting even in devastating experiences, including death or insanity of one of both person - a very dramatic expression I think though) relationships/ affairs, almost all had this aspect. Of course I did not check every possible relationship and data from maybe 5-10 relationships is hardly a reliable number. lol
But interesting enough for me to pay attention.

However my brother and his gf have it, too, and they have been a very steady couple for the last years, so I suppose it is not always that bad. lol

Still I rather see relationships without it; it almost feels like somehow these relationships dissolve into thin air (sometimes with a bang though - crownprince rudolf and mary vetsera had it as well, and he shot her and himself).

Interesting, Ceri, it kinda makes sense if Neptune proves to be "the big illusion" instead of "the ultimate dream", especially with the square, I guess. And some self-destructive, addicted/addictive, deceptive relationships should have him in the mix. But in your brother's case, it looks like a nice contact with his ASC ruler conjunct the intercepted disp of her Sun/Venus (she has a large interception BTW - it could turn bad, theoretically, if her intercepted 12th means she has a hidden/double life of sorts). I think Neptune on SN could also have a soulmate/twinflame vibe, in its best form, of course, I mean with the "good" Neptune.


I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

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posted July 14, 2014 07:34 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yes, let us hope it is a "good" Neptune for them. They are used to the energy, that is good.
I do not think she has a double life, no.

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posted July 14, 2014 07:41 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
on the subject of progressed synastry.
My parent`s progressions for the time they got married:

pr - pr
his Moon trine her Sun
his Moon opposite her Mars
his Mars conjunct her Venus
his Mars conjunct her Saturn (DESC-ruler)
his Uranus square her MC (ah that Uranus again)
his Juno conjunct her IC
his MC square her Venus

progressed - natal
his pr Venus square her n Sun (0.25 s)
his pr Mars square her n ASC
his pr Saturn conj. her n Venus (s.)
his pr DESC conjh. her n Jupiter
his pr MC square her n Saturn (0.02 a)

her pr Moon square his n Moon
her pr Venus conj. his n Mars
her pr Venus conj. his n SN (0.05)
her pr Juptier opposite his n Juno (0.05)
her pr Saturn trine his n Jupiter
her pr MC square his n Uranus

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posted July 14, 2014 07:51 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
When I met Mr Sag we had these progressions (and we know this did not result in a relationship,b ut left some sort of imprint)

his pr Venus sextile my pr Moon
- nice, but well not binding at all. lol

Yeah, this was strangely progression-less. lol Some semisquares/sesisquare and quintiles were there, but no strong ptolemaic aspects that grabbed my attention

progressino - natal
his pr Venus trine my n Uranus
his pr Pluto square my n Vertex
his pr Juno conjunct my n Vertex
his pr ASC square my n BML

my pr Mars conjunct his n Moon
my pr Mars square his n Vertex
my pr Neptune square his n Mars (0.03 probably the peak of elusiveness and confusion)
my pr NN conjunct his n Mercury (DESC-ruler)

oh and

my pr Psyche conjunct his n Eros exact. lol

But yes all in all that is a progression that happened to start the intrigue, but did not result in anything tangible.
Quite logically if you look at the progressions. there is not really that much there, and espcially nothing with the angles, except for Vertex, and that is more like a shock to the system than anything else.

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posted July 14, 2014 08:15 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Progressions do not stand still, so I was risking a peek to our august 2014 ones:

progressed - progressed
his pr Moon square my n Saturn (0.03 a) -
this one is interesting as this Saturn has recently really exhausted me, with its prominence, in solar arc and progressions, relating to my solar arc and pr DESC and my own pr Moon.
Not in a really bad way though, just emotionally exhausting, and forcing me to work through my intimacy issues, well at least face them and start changing things.
So actually that is interesting that his pr Moon is going to trigger this one last time. That should be a joyful occasion. LOL
No probably not.

But this combo reminds me of my n Saturn on his 5th house cusp, opposing our composite Venus - yeah, I suppose I have been a bit of a block. lol
Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

his pr Sun square my pr Uranus (0.08 a.)

When I was starting glancing at the progressions, I actually had no idea about this. But right nwo in this timeframe I must present something shocking and surprising to him (interestingly in his solar arcs he has sa Uranus=Moon=MC).

Do I need to apologize for my communication pattern (Uranus rules 3rd house) bringing upheaval into his worklife (Sun rules 6th house for him)?

his pr Venus saquare my pr NN (0.06 a)
- yeah skipped step and all,

his pr Uranus square my pr Mercury (0,.36 s)
his pr Uranus square my pr Venus (0.54 a).

- Mercury rules my DESC, Venus my 5th house -so it is not just him who is going to be surprised, but I am being shocked right into my romance-system; my pr Venus and Mercury being in Aquarius, it kinda fits I think.
And it is only to get worse for a while. lol

Mmh, maybe I should rather put my fingers into a socket, might be calmer and less electrical than meeting him

(interestingly in the tertiarys my natal Uranus is right on his tp DESC).

oh and his pr MC squares my pr Uranus, too. lol

progressed - natal
my pr Moon opposite his n Venus
my pr Moon conjunct his n Juno (1.04 a)

my pr Moon also sextile his n Saturn (0.10)

my pr Neptune square his n Mars (0.06 s)
- of course generational but at least it decided to back of just a tiny little bit

my pr ASC trine his n Jupiter (0.02a)
my pr ASC trine his n Mars (0.58 a)
my pr BML trine his n Pluto (0.03)

his pr SN conjunct my n BML
his pr DESC conjunct my n ASC (0.11 a)

There are again quite a lot of quintile.

Well actually I once registered on Paul Westran`s site and his reports had this to say about the quintile of (his) pr Venus to (my) n Sun:

"There is something uniquely unusual about your relationship, but the feelings you have for each other are no different from any other couple. The quintile bestows a creativity which stirs the curiosity. You both find each other fascinating, for different, but very closely related reasons.

When they (Sun and venus) connect by the quintile aspect, they tend to be poised in a dance of sublime complexity whose underlying principles are attraction and intrigue."

Curiosity, fascination, intrigue - yeah, well that sums it up, doesn`t it?

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Posts: 7549
From: Georgia
Registered: May 2009

posted July 14, 2014 08:19 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Orange     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ceridwen:
as for pr- natal

his pr DESC conj. your n Venus exact
his pr Vertex conj. your n uranus exact
his pr Uranus applying to your n Venus
his pr Sun applying to your n Jupiter (good for friendship as well)
his pr Mars opposing your n Mars exact
(either strong physical chemistry or people constantly butting heads)

your pr Juno opposing his n Moon
your pr Mars just having passed the conjunction to his n Juno
your pr Sun conjunct his n Sun, his DESC-ruler
your pr Uranus conj. his n Venus exactly
your pr Vertex conj. his n URanus

Quite a lot of Uranus-vibe in the natal-progressed comparison

His progressed DSC is/ was 12' Libra, my natal Venus is 17 Libra. Not a conjunction or at least not exact.

but yes, you can see there are not or just barely any love aspects in our progressions - the ones mentioned in the op.

Are you using solar fire gor these aspect? My software doesn't give me progressed synastry.

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posted July 14, 2014 08:25 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I am using solar fire, yes, I find it more accurate than And it does occasionally in the progressions makes a difference of several degrees, I haven`t yet found out why.

But solar fire gives me the right ASC for my best friend, while doesn`t, that is why I rely more on solar fire.
Also I can do real tertiary progressions there, honed to the exact date, while astro com simply gives you the placements of the first day that months, but doesn`t progress it along, and then the next month you have a real jump.
It is very important in terms of the Moon.

Anyway, using solar fire I was getting a progressed DESC of 17°54 Libra for him. conjunct your n Venus on 17°03 Libra.

(the big changes seem to happen if natal or progressed ASC is near or in Pisces btw).

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posted July 14, 2014 08:30 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I think there are more than enough love progressions in this synastry as a matter of fact, but I am really not looking for quantity I suppose. I find one or two very exact ones usually more telling than a dozen 5 degree aspects.

What I would deem as love progressions here are:

°his pr DESC conj. your n Venus exact

° also this complex:
his pr Uranus applying to your n Venus
his pr Vertex conj. your n uranus exact
your pr Uranus conj. his n Venus exactly
your pr Vertex conj. his n URanus

speaking of a big change having to do with love and romance, and not to forget the rulership of Uranus for him

°his pr Sun applying to your n Jupiter (good for friendship as well)
your pr Sun conjunct his n Sun, his DESC-ruler

- I wouldn`t consider these usually as love progressions, but here they are because of Suns rulership of the DESC.

Not sure about these, but they look interesting, and Juno keeps on popping up
your pr Juno opposing his n Moon
your pr Mars just having passed the conjunction to his n Juno

You are right though, Itend to branch out a little from WEstran`s love aspects. lol
Okay, if we limit ourselves to Sun/Venus, Venus/Venus and Venus/Mars then you are right of course.

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Posts: 7549
From: Georgia
Registered: May 2009

posted July 14, 2014 08:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Orange     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Wow thats such a difference in progressed degrees, between astro.Com and solar fire. The difference is only in the progressed angles, though. I guess they calculate it dofferently.

Thanks for looking at this, ceri

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posted July 14, 2014 08:39 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yes, I was kinda taken aback by that as well. Mr Sag has Pisces ASC, and solar fire has his pr ASC in 6 Gemini, astro com in 00 Gemini I think.
It`s really confusing.

And you are welcome

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Registered: May 2009

posted July 14, 2014 10:23 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mir     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Lee, I can't say that progressed-to-natal synastry is MORE significant than progressed-to-progressed. Not-at-all.

But I really think we have to keep our focus on what WORKS and wat doesn't.

There will ALWAYS be connections .. whether we separate or not. Think of Melanie & Banderas.. they had a LOT of progressed/natal synchronisations between main planets and even (her) Venus. But no Venus/Venus - Venus/Mars - Sun/Venus in a trine/opp/conj, not in geo, not in helio and no significant connections between those in the progressed Composite charts.

So, let our starting point be, that what's already researched by Westran with great results. With the only difference to add Helio and the progressed compo charts now, since I'm aware how inextricably connected those are.

Btw, I saw a LOT of very interesting progressed connections between your current one & you. At least until 2030. But we could look at that in-depth later if you want.

I start paying attention to aspects that are 2° and less, and REALLY take them seriously if they are under 1 degree and applying.

However I do think that the first waves might subtly reach you with an orb of maybe 3-2 degrees applying already, but usually it is a preparation time, getting ready for what is to come, and below the 2 or 1 degree mark, it is really getting intense.

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posted July 14, 2014 11:12 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I understand that it can get "too much", but in the very least I would pay attention to the geocentric angles.

Oh btw I finally figured out how to do the heliocentric chart on solar fire. lol

So I could check the helio progressions for the time we first met (composite). Oh something new to discover! *rubbing hands with anticipation - Jupiter in 3rd LOVES that, no matter what will come out of it* lol

pr Mars conjunct pr Pluto
pr Mars trine pr Juno
pr Mars trine pr Jupiter
(Pr Juno almost conjunct pr Jupiter 3 applying)

pr Mars trine n Venus
pr Jupiter trine n Venus
pr Jupiter trine n Pluto
pr Pluto trine n Venus (0.10 a)
pr Juno conjunct n Jupiter (1.06 a)

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Posts: 2810
Registered: May 2009

posted July 14, 2014 11:18 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mir     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You're right, the angles! Indeed, also a noteworthy part.

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