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  Anyone manage to have a platonic or business relationship with a Twinflame/Soulmate? (Page 2)

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Author Topic:   Anyone manage to have a platonic or business relationship with a Twinflame/Soulmate?

Posts: 6727
From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse
Registered: Sep 2014

posted November 05, 2015 01:54 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aubyanne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
'Very, very, ambient'. Yeah, I've got a few of those.

I've got to laugh at my exact conjunction of GUINEVERE and LANCELOT in my tropical, smack on my LEWISCARROLL-DESTINN-ACTOR.

I just about hid my face when I saw that! Like, oh, many, guys ... no ... no! :blush:

Ahh, that's right; he's got a 1º30 conjunction of his GUINEVERE and TRISTAN -- which are square his NODES, conjunct my KARMA (0º) and parallel my SNODE.

His ARTHUR is 0º conjunct my VENUS and sextile my GUINEVERE, 1º. Rather nice to see that one.

Then he's got LANCELOT conjunct his VERTEX, (2º) but conjunct my TRISTAN, 0º15. Interesting that my VERTEX is conjunct his GUINEVERE-TRISTAN.

So, really, we've got a double-aspect of TRISTAN conjunct VERTEX. Huh. I wonder what that's about.

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posted November 05, 2015 02:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PixieJane     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm a bit unclear on what twinflame/soulmates are supposed to be, even outside of astrology. However, I do consider my BFF to be my soulmate, and we're completely platonic. She's completely straight, and I'm...not. Our relationship is completely platonic, but we love each other about as possible as it is to love each other.

That said, I'm demisexual, so this overpowering urge to overpopulate the planet even more isn't something I feel too strongly. And though she wishes she could be romantically inclined with me (as she could finally have a relationship that turned out right rather than someone who used and abused her), she wonders if it would somehow go bad just as her relationships with men almost always are. And yet, she went celibate for many years (took a break from it recently but quickly went back to it) and found it peaceful. In any case, she's neither lonely, nor unloved. She's just celibate. And given how long we've known each other, it's unlikely that any man could know her (or even love her) as much as I do. And, so far, we're both content with that.

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Wild Horses

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posted November 05, 2015 11:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Wild Horses     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted November 06, 2015 12:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for FmVenusWLove     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm not sure if I'm elated or depressed to have come across this thread, . This same question has been weighing heavily on my mind for a few months now and I'm so happy that you got the conversation going WH. I too am interested in hearing about others' thoughts/experiences.

I don't believe in twin flames, but I've been blessed to have a very special and unique soul mate enter my life. The sexual attraction is extremely intense, but beyond that the soul connection is one of the most powerful things we've ever experienced. Romantically, there are a myriad of complications and difficulties that would make our union extremely challenging. I know that this man will be in my life for the rest of my life, but right now there's just something unnatural about romantically being with someone else while we stay friends. The thought of not being able to share myself and my life with him in that intimate way makes me feel...well, empty - like, what's the point?

We also have the 5th/8th overlay in Synastry, DC rulers aspecting each other falling in his 8H, mutual pattern completion, and a **** ton of DWs (including the "lovely" Pluto/Venus) to name a few connections. Not many people like Neptune, but it's his DC ruler (conjunct his IC) and my IC ruler and we have quite a few of those contacts as well, making it especially hard to resist sexual/romantic attraction. We also have lovey-dovey Composite aspects.

Just...blah. My heart goes out to you WH and anyone else struggling with this same issue. Hats off to you Pixie Jane for finding balance and peace with it - maybe with time I'll figure out how to make this kind of thing work for me...maybe I'll get to the point someday where it won't even matter. Right now though the whole thing just bums me out AND makes me feel ungrateful at the same time. Not many even get to meet the souls that they have these kinds of special connections with, so who am I to complain about it not being as easy or what I want it to be?

Ugh...ok - moody rant over.

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posted November 06, 2015 01:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aubyanne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Funny you've got all that going on, FMV, as I've definitely got a few similar elements; my 7R and his 4R being NEP, for example. Granted, that's gonna happen with any Virgo and Sag risers, but it's still intriguing.

I'm curious as to why you don't believe in twin flames. How'd you arrive at that conclusion? I'm quite ... fenced, myself.

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posted November 06, 2015 02:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for FmVenusWLove     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Actually, Scorpio riser here Which makes things interesting.

As for why I don't believe in TFs, I suppose that's a bit more in depth of an answer than I feel comfortable giving in someone else's thread. I guess the short and simple answer is because I personally haven't come across any information that has convinced me of it's legitimacy. I'm not out to 'disprove' anyone who believes they have a TF or claim to be right in my beliefs. Special connections absolutely exist. Just...the whole "doctrine" of TFs makes me uncomfortable and conflicts with my own understanding of our purpose, spirituality, and the Universe. Therefore I chose not to believe in it.

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posted November 06, 2015 02:12 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aubyanne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by FmVenusWLove:
As for why I don't believe in TFs, I suppose that's a bit more in depth of an answer than I feel comfortable giving in someone else's thread. I guess the short and simple answer is because I personally haven't come across any information that has convinced me of it's legitimacy. I'm not out to 'disprove' anyone who believes they have a TF or claim to be right in my beliefs. Special connections absolutely exist. Just...the whole "doctrine" of TFs makes me uncomfortable and conflicts with my own understanding of our purpose, spirituality, and the Universe. Therefore I chose not to believe in it.

I'd love if you'd discuss it in depth elsewhere. I really share your opinion on this.

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posted November 06, 2015 02:15 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for FmVenusWLove     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sure Auby Maybe I'll start a thread when I have more time and energy to collect my thoughts.

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Posts: 6727
From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse
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posted November 06, 2015 02:30 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aubyanne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by FmVenusWLove:
Sure Auby Maybe I'll start a thread when I have more time and energy to collect my thoughts.

Thanks, FMV! I really very much appreciate it. This is a topic that's weighed heavily upon me for a few months now. And I thought receiving 'confirmation' would resolve the internal conflict. It's not because I disbelieve that my relationship has been 'rubberstamped'. There's something about the entire matter -- the whole concept -- that has me researching, and searching, deeply.

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posted November 06, 2015 02:50 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
For an astrologer and a relationship/life counselor, the first question here is if it's mutual love and mutual desire to be together, for this is not apparent from your posts. From what I know from you, T is a famous man who has his own family. Did he declare his love for you and his desire to leave his family and be with you? Or what makes you think the mutuality comes from?

It's perfectly possible for two married people to meet someone else, a person who is the love of their life, or another love of their life, and if it's indeed the TF, they will separate from their current life and partners to be together. It has happened before. In fact, it's one of the classic TF scenarios.
But in order to speak about soulmate and TFs, it has to be a clear indication of mutuality: the strong desire, expressed not guessed, from both sides to be together no matter what.
In all other cases, being happily married yet having a crush for someone else at some point ( which I personally regard as a period of personal confusion and need of changes rather than true love, something I've experienced too; it's not true love, and this is seen by how the crush disappears when the confusion does) the only way for someone loving their family and their partner is platonic transmuation, if we want integrity for ourselves and others, if we love and respect out partners and our family and we think they deserve the best (such as knowing they are the only one). Any other emotional behavior is lack of integrity and love, in my honest opinion. While it is not easy, we can cut everything in ourselves, decide not to fuel it, and it dies, based on a decision we make to commit to something or someone. I hope I have not offended you.
Or you can opt for a polyamorous combination, it's very trendy. My opinion about polyamory is that it is fake in most cases (fake as in not about love), and crap. So I better refrain from details here. As someone who could perfectly love several people at a time and has, due to my Libra placements I guess, I know what you feel. Personally I have decided long time ago to consciously destroy this part of myself and so far I can say have succeeded, on a deep level, in the sense that I have become exclusive inside and even if when a slight temptation is there, something inside me turns it platonic automatically.
My main motivation was and is the deep love and respect I have for my partner and the belief I have he deserves to be loved exclusively, everyone deserves that, and my firm decision to offer him that.
On the other hand, I always advise people to look for love, marrying young and having a family shouldn't deprive you of that, if love is no longer inside. I think this may be the issue here, a need for romance that you feel is no longer part of the marriage. Although it is normal for romance to take a friendly, family tone with time. I think there is a lot of emotional confusion inside you in need of being clarified. Asking yourself questions, and finding the answers and making the proper decisions is probably the next recommended step, such as this question: would you feel relieved if your husband suddenly decides to divorce you or lets you know he has feelings for someone else, just like you have for T?

I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

LeeLoo's Esotericorner

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Wild Horses

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posted November 06, 2015 05:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Wild Horses     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted November 06, 2015 06:05 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
WH, sorry, I just reread your previous thread and remembered you said you both feel the same, I forgot about this part. It is indeed a difficult emotional and personal situation, but at the same time, these things have a way and a life of their own and often fate intervenes in these stories, in case it's difficult for you to make a decision right now. In TF stories, more than in others.
Personally, I think we should be open about TFs, including astrologically, there are only few things I emphasized about this I believe in, because they seem logical to me, considering the theme: mutuality; a very compatible and balanced synastry; the positive changes a TF brings into someone's life etc.

I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

LeeLoo's Esotericorner

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Wild Horses

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posted November 06, 2015 06:37 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Wild Horses     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted November 06, 2015 07:14 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Neptune29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
WH.I am living every word that you said..currently I am struggling to express my feelings to him and the result could either be." life is not a fantasy.. " or it could lead us to the journey out of darkness into the light..
I feel once we accept this.. Everything will be alright.. In either of the case I can move on.. my life will take some direction.
but reading your story I feel eventhough you both are on the same page.. You are still suffering.. I feel sad in my heart.. Is there no end to the sufferings? Is physically being together is everything?is it some kind of disease? Is there no cure for this?

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From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse
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posted November 06, 2015 04:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aubyanne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Wild Horses:
I know many people don't believe in twinflames, and I've tried desperately to un-believe it myself, but not because I don't believe it's true, but because it's become such a pain in the ass topic to discuss with people. It's become such a loaded buzzword that it's almost impossible to have a civil discourse on the subject without it devolving into a debate full of demands for proof by various people who've taken upon themselves the mantle of self-appointed authority on who is and who isn't a True Twinflame™. Just Ugh.

Honestly, I think it's because too many people have been mistaking their close proximal soulmates for a twin flame connexion -- either out of a desperate need to believe it, or for some other reason that's actually aligned with their soul purpose. I think the truth may be that there are very few twin flames on the planet, and they're all actively engaged in deep spiritual work -- whether it's actively so, or indirectly. They're here for a purpose. Love is just humanity's way of ensuring that there will be a connexion between the two that outlasts other features and goals.

But I become a bit annoyed with everyone touting similar dates or numerological 'proofs' as 'twin flame synchronicities'. In some cases, it couldn't be further from the truth. Frankly, if you have to rely upon dates and other numerological data as 'confirmation' of being twin flames, it's a giant waving red-flag in my opinion.

Of course I'm no expert -- but I have been put here to get to the root of the conflict, discover a greater truth, and share it with millions of people. Most likely through my art, as it's a great way to reach a wide audience. So it puts me in something of a unique position; as iQ has said, I'm in Los Angeles -- not Darfur. I'm a highly educated genius with the means and resources to do big things. And I have absolutely found that, 'if I build it, they will come.' Almost as if the Universe HAS greenlit more than of which I'm even aware. Including my relationship.

Why did I just happen to find, and marry, the man who was responsible for bringing in the soul that has been my daughter more times on average than any other soul? Why does he just so happen to be both spiritually vacant and materialistic to a fault, yet somehow driven to explore and experience the depth of unconditional love through sacrifice? Specifically, the sacrifice of having to 'share' his wife with another man? Why, did he, of all people, tell me, 'you know who he is, and you know what this is, and you know what you have to do,' -- and merely asked that I be firm but gentle in helping him to destroy his own ego so that he can be free of the narcissism that is in his bloodline?

That's a very statistically unlikely situation. Extremely, I'd have to say. Because, in truth, my husband was the first one to ever attempt being polyamorous (regardless of how 'invalid' it might seem to other people) as early as the first month of my being in Los Angeles. Right around my birthday, in fact, in 2008. Saturn Return, baby. He had just 'assumed' that now that I'd begun finding my way here, that I didn't want to be beholden to him, and we would naturally begin seeing other people.

And I bolted. It was a shock. Here I had been back in a (semi) monogamous mindset for awhile, and he pulls THIS? But that had to happen. I HAD to grab my keys, my shoes, and literally walk out the door, by myself, into the dark Mar Vista night, in an area I DID not know, driven only by the force of the emotions welling within me.

Because it was then that I had the moment that I had to stay in Los Angeles. I had to find a way. To buck up -- with, or without him. And, in that moment, I decided, in no uncertain terms -- I would.

When I met Jack a year and a half later, he did two things, upon our first quasi-official date. (And, to be honest with you, I don't actually remember anything of how it started. Whether we'd just shot the first promo shoot, or if it was another occasion.) All I recall was when he decided it was time for him to tell me his real name (I previously had no idea his professional name wasn't his real name) because now, we were at a level that goes beyond everything that had come before.

As he held me for the very first time, his embrace was so tight it was almost desperate. His voice had softened, and there was a pain there; a fear, and a gratitude. It's difficult to properly articulate it.

He said that he'd thought he'd never find me. That he had been waiting for so many years. He'd almost gotten to the point where he thought he had to go back, or that he never should have left Dallas. That 'I should have been in LA when he joined the film industry,' and he grew so worried when I wasn't.

If it all sounds a little crazy -- it is.

Outside of our losing fifteen minutes that first night, he doesn't remember most of what he'd said, though he does remember talking. We both thought that a bit ... odd. He remembered feeling that he had been looking for me, and even knew that it was true. But, out of that 'headspace', he could now only look at me and say, 'that's ... very strange though, isn't it?' No kidding. Especially for a schizoid loner who was 'married' to the industry, and never even dated. He could tell it had affected me deeply -- and it had.

There's a very good reason why.

He officially joined the film industry when Martin Sheen got him his induction into the Screen Actors Guild -- SAG, though, confusing as it's how I tend to abbreviate Sagittarius. (Very cool story, that one.) That was 1994, in Los Angeles.

I'd written my first novel in 1994, in Dallas, where I was born. My father had lived in LA for a short period, as a musician in the crazy '70s, looking to make a bigger splash in the industry. (As they were on American Bandstand with a hit song in '71, they did okay.) My father, ergo, has some crazy connexions. One of them happens to be George Lucas.

In 1995, my father wanted to send me to LA to meet with George in the next few years, to see if he liked it, and whether or not he wanted to do anything with it. (I had also begun writing the sequel, and it was a military space opera, so, y'know. I see his point.) Of course, to my fifteen year old brain, it's short-circuiting. George. Friggin' LUCAS. Are you INSANE? And I gave my father a big hug and said thank you SO much -- but, no.

Lucas is one of the few individuals which Jack has worked with on this project or that, since he became a union actor in '94. It takes a bit of inference, but it's hardly unlikely that, had I been meeting which Lucasfilm -- somewhere in the '95-'99 range -- the likelihood of running across him? I'll be conservative and say, 55% chance.

Because it wouldn't be the first time we crossed paths.

When I first came to Los Angeles for my tenth birthday (at Disneyland), my father and I dashed off to Universal Studios, despite it being a bit of a drive -- where a certain newly graduated Army recruit was training as a tour guide. Information I didn't know, because, at age 12, I lost all memories from that point to my birth. (Psychogenic retrograde amnesia, trauma-related.)

It wasn't until we connected A to B, just this past month, realising we were sharing the same physical space, 25 years ago. Of course, I didn't remember, and why would he? Working everyday, including all day weekends, for an entire month one year? That's so many people! He was already 'shut down' at that point, too. He'd hardly remember an overly polite ten-year-old girl. (Not to mention, his memory is not the best in certain areas.)

So, I'm going to say 55% chance.

Perhaps, that's what some part of him meant; thinking I'd 'be there' in Los Angeles, after he'd joined the film industry -- in '94? But what about the part where he thought he 'might have to go back'? Go back where?

That's where it gets even more interesting, and came to our attention a couple of months after meeting, while rehearsing a scene of the audio series I was producing, in which he was starring.

Our characters -- Penderan Fauste and Riley Wingate -- have met miles away from the places from which they hail. They're taking a casual stroll, discussing nothing of real importance when suddenly the subject of childhood comes up -- and they realise they don't know where the other is 'from'.

Penderan says, 'McLean, Virginia'. Riley blinks, and says, 'Potomac, Maryland'. This is surprising, given that's merely a half hour 'in heavy traffic' away from one another -- and the odds of meeting here, and being from there is, well, not too good.

So, Jack pauses, turns to me, and says, 'you know, it's just occurred to me; I don't even know where you're from.' Oh, easy enough. I say, 'Preston Hollow,' to which he responds, 'I'm not familiar.' I add, 'an affluent suburb in Dallas, Texas.' He blinks, as this look crosses his face. 'How about that. I'm from Plano.'

Plano, being the other affluent suburb of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. (And, well, Highland Park, but that's part of the Preston Hollow 'conglomerate'.)

It's also about a thirty-minute drive, in heavy traffic.

They moved the year I was born, when he was 13.

Okay. That's definitely something, and yet MOST of the above could be attributable to soulmates, according to my research.

But the one bit of it (completely discounting my project, which, I think is the lynchpin, absolutely disproves our being soulmates) that I've never quite grasped was what happened the first night in which we were ever truly personal, and becoming intimate.

The things that he'd said -- almost like riddles spouted from nowhere, except he himself didn't know the answers. It wasn't until we compared notes, and contemplated there was a deeper meaning -- some sort of hand of fate here -- some orchestration -- that we began to realise, something is up.

In one form or another, I've been avoiding its true understanding since that day. I didn't like the things that were implied. I didn't like our Dead Again-esque karma with a Silence of the Lambs twist. I didn't like that it was so bloody dark. I thought -- this isn't right; this can't be right. So I raged against it. Ran towards my producing partner, because it was dodgy and mysterious enough to not be disproved, and I didn't have to face him.

But one of the biggest things of my life has been facing him. I've only been strong enough in recent years to be able to do it.

I also don't know the truth of twin flames, of course -- or if there's even such a thing. But, IF there is, there are certain things I'm beginning to feel that must be a requirement, and I hardly ever see those featuring in these apparent 'twin flame' relationships.

It's very, very frustrating.

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Posts: 6727
From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse
Registered: Sep 2014

posted November 06, 2015 05:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aubyanne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Wild Horses:
All of the twinflame boxes were ticked off, too...

THESE are the things that annoy me to no end; being touted as 'twin flame checkboxes'. Because -- nope, sorry, wrooooongarooski. I don't know where these things keep coming from, but I wish I could stamp them out, one-by-one.

I think, honestly, the reason why these have been labelled as such, it's because they're actually common enough to have numerous people have spiritually-adept relationships in order to 'check them off'.

But. Guys. Check it out.

This is normal. This is how it is, elsewhere. And those of us (apparently, such as myself) that are the 'harbingers' of this 'new normal' KNOW this, because we've EXPERIENCED it. The sense of no-time. Thoughts literally manifest action. There IS no such thing as distance; everything exists in a multidimensional spectrum, as one united construct.

That is what I've noticed most distinctively in these 'other dimensions'. And I've double-checked them with my mother who's been travelling her entire life. Independently, too. I did NOT tell her what I was experiencing; SHE told me what SHE has experienced. And they matched. Jack even further confirmed, based upon some of his own experiences.

We're just ... stuck in, I guess, what everyone is calling 'third-dimensional' thinking, which is quite dualistic, and even binary. And ... kinda flat, to be honest. Because once you've gotten 'out of the Matrix', man ... it changes you. I'm convinced that Charles Dodgson (Lewis Carroll) had his own experiences of this nature. My mother and I are descended from that lineage, so it's not ALL that surprising we would be experiencing this, too.

And there's obviously something going on with the whole 2012 thing. Too many people put too much energy into it, and YES, I myself had some VERY powerful experiences in that year. But it wasn't until 2013 that I truly began applying this knowledge, and experiencing, for lack of better -- true reality.

Everyone thinks that these MUST be twin flame relationships BECAUSE they're operating on what's considered totally normal status quo outside of this limiting construct, or a singular observed dimension / timeline / eigenstate.

But that's just NOT true.

The members of your oversoul will be the first to come together to 'awaken' in this new reality. And, I've no doubt, for some, that will include their twin flame.

... Maybe.

I'm honestly not sure why someone MUST be with their twin flame, rather than close proximal soulmates. I'm not sure what the difference truly is, and what makes a twin flame 'mandatory' in some respects. Instead, the oversoul WILL be coming together, as ALWAYS happens when some MAJOR change is on the horizon. It's like being elementary kids on a field trip; after we've finished exploring the museum, we all rally back together to get on the bus and go home.

But we're not 'going home' here. We're kinda ascending, but not there. We're just evolving. Advancing. Levelling up, if you will.

I wish I could properly articulate what it's like. I really, truly do. It feels ... beautiful. In some places, 'magic' won, and science is the 'you must be a fool to think that!' paradigm. Yeah. Really. And LL is grey there, rather than purple-pink. (I have no idea why.) And I wrote this beautiful song that became a hit love ballad in the mid-'90s called 'Is It Right?' featured on some film that I probably also produced with my ex-producing partner here. 2013 was SO much of our 'letting each other go' period. Perhaps because he's not going into the 'new normal' with us. Some things you just sadly ... know.

Anyhow, telepathy is standard. I communicate with Jack no matter where he is in physical relationship to me. I'm also able to literally travel by way of thought. I have to concentrate upon this thought, however, and NOTHING can disrupt it, or I can't stay there. Imagine Matheson's concept of time travel from Somewhere in Time. Which, by the way, came from his own dimensional travels. Ahhh. Rest his soul.

So, I don't want to derail your thread, WH. I just do want to say that, there are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio. More than most can contemplate are actually real on some level. And for whatever crazy reason, I've been treated to a front-row, first-hand seat in these things, with the shifting status quo.

And it's made me look upon these 'twin flame signs' lists with eye-rolling face-palms. As if they're SO clearly constructed by those who are imagining what they THINK it must be like, and instead are pulling from people who have had some powerful soulmate experiences, which, given their limited knowledge, they've decided must be twin flames.

I wish I didn't even care, but -- ALMA-JUNO, baby. I've been writing of this phenomenon since the early '90s. And whatever the hell the archetype is that I've come to known in there here and now as Jack, has been 'with' me since my early teens as well -- in dreams, appearing in my fiction, coming through in visions, and so on.

So maybe they're connected. I don't even know what's what anymore.

But I DO have powerful certainty about one thing, and one thing alone: there is such an extreme, profound, far-reaching purpose for twin flames, who are likely also in some command of -- or in a high position in -- their oversoul -- that they will not be common, their experiences will be unbelievable -- not just another synchronicity -- and there will be a CLEAR REASON for their relationship to be established that goes beyond romantic ideals.

Outside of that? I got nothin'. And I still haven't found what I'm looking for. But I'll keep searching. It's ... kinda my thing.

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From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse
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posted November 06, 2015 06:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aubyanne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
And, since this IS your thread, WH, I'll go ahead and give my thoughts (based in research and experience) on each one.

Numerous synchronicities and coincidences in our lives. Similarities with important dates.

Common amongst all members of an oversoul, found to be especially strong between those who are closest proximal soulmates; so-called 'near-twins' for example, which were said to've been 'born' together at the same time.

I have a theory, that if one of a 'near-twin set' splits off to become a 'twin flame' (two 'separate souls' in the third dimension) they will undoubtedly feel a powerful pull to the soul which has incarnated as a 'single soul', for its own purposes, to continue along its path. The 'triplet flame' theory, which I just can't quite process, and have to dismiss out-of-hand. Of course, this requires taking A LOT into account, and subscribing to other theories, which, as of yet, I'm not sure I do. Still. Work in progress.

So these synchronicities of dates, locations, times, names and what-have-you, all tend to repeat across the oversoul, shared by its members -- in my experience. I call it our own 'psychic friends network'. Like something out of Heroes, one ALWAYS knows when something's up with one of the others, no matter how 'far down the line' they may be in actual proximity. It's freaky stuff.

When my ex-producing partner was in a car accident, I suddenly grew very dizzy, disoriented, and scared. I had been playing a game just a moment prior, so my husband and stepdaughter both asked if I was okay. I said, 'No. Something's just happened. I don't know what.'

Jackass didn't tell me ANYTHING. Not that we were bosom buds anymore, but, still. I had to find out from his Facebook status, which gave the time of the accident. Down to the minute.

Not my twin flame -- this much I know. (Just sayin'.)

the constant barrage of 11:11 daily beginning in 2012 and only when he entered my life.

Sigh. So, believe it or not, it was first Uri Gellar who 'noticed' the 11:11 thing, and suspected it was some form of psychic connexion. He didn't know the roots of it, nor could directly relate it to anything outside of 'a communication from the Universe'. If anything, 'change' was nigh. I think Doreen Virtue continued the research, using the Angel Numbers, and then somebody started linking it to twin flames.

And I'd really like to thump that individual on the head.

So far, I have NOT found it to be in connexion with twin flames.

The closest thing it's come, through my research, is as a 'ping' along the network. Like your oversoul's private Batsignal. Either somebody's in trouble, someone needs something, or, in some cases, the Universe is giving a gentle nod to the whole group, and a thumbs up to the one receiving the 11:11 'signal'.

See how it's pretty varied?

Now, you're going to argue that you just saw it for the first time after meeting him. Yeeeeeahhhh, I'm gonna say that's probably not the case, either. Memory is so terribly malleable. Unless you were actually recording the numbers on the clock, or that appeared in your life for a good 6-months to a year prior, you really don't have accurate data.

But, ah, here's the kicker. Who does that? Only people who are actively looking. This means that we cannot consider this 'phenomenon' viable in connexion to the twin flame concept, (and certainly not as 'confirmation' of anything) because we can't rule out apophenia -- the misattribution of meaning to that which is inherently meaningless.

(Don't you hate how I was a debunker for so many years, and trained as a scientist? I'm just crapping in everybody's cornflakes.)

So. My thought is that you started doing research online about what connexion you were feeling, stumbled into twin flame stuff (as so many are wont to do these days; it's just rampant) made the connexion of, 'a-ha!' and then started paying close attention to 'how much' you were seeing 11:11.

Yeah. You were seeing it just as much before. Trust me. You just didn't realise it, or care, because your brain hadn't primed you for it. You dismissed it out of hand. But now that you're paying attention, you see it everywhere.

Same principle with anxiety episodes, and why people can go for years with out a single episode, and then have a certain period in which it seems to hit daily for months. They become 'primed' for it.

Let's move on.

Continuous Kundalini activity daily non-stop since then and kundalini energy so overwhelmingly strong when I'm with him or even think of him that my heart chakra feels like it could set off a Richter scale.

Okay, this one is just vague. What do you mean exactly? How does that feel? Your heart is bursting with love? You don't feel that with your kids? Or your husband? Or ... on a REALLY beautiful day, in which you feel self-actualised, and everything is incredible, and you KNOW you're here for big things?

... Really? Just hanging around him?

If so, I'm not sure I can relate. I find myself literally bursting into song when Jack and I are particularly aligned, and everything just feels ... amazing. But my 'heart chakra' has essentially 'burst open' when my stepdaughter tells me she loves me, and gives me a big hug, too. Or my father's band sang me 'Happy Birthday' in 5-part harmony from their studio over speakerphone (for my 35th this year).

I still don't know what this whole 'overwhelmingly Kundalini' jazz is anyway. I've 'had sex with no one there'. Does that count? Really, I can't even follow this one, and I've been trying to for YEARS now.

Feelings of bliss and ecstasy with him (and no other) so overpowering they have literally brought me to my knees.

You need to get out more. Just kidding. But only sort of. This is another one that's so vague, there's not much I can do with it. Outside of, uh, ... yay? This isn't that unusual to me, so I'm not finding it ALL that whizzbang-OH-MY-GOD. Could you be more specific? Like, in what ways? 'Feelings of bliss and ecstasy' how? Emotional arousal? Physical arousal? Losing time? Getting lightheaded? Feeling one with everything?

Help me out here, WH.

The constant mirroring phenomenon. This one is glaringly obvious when it happens and usually only happens with your Twinflame.

Head, meet desk. Repeat. Until bloodied.

I swear to God, of the lists, this is the worst one of them all. First off, it's SO misleading. So, THANK YOU for AT LEAST saying 'USUALLY only' rather than 'only' because, most of the time, it's being treated as an absolute-100%-congratulations-you're-a-twin-flame 'confirmation' marker. And I'd like to stab it in the eye.


Right. Remember the bit that I said about how it's an oversoul link that introduces the synchronicity and all that? Yeah. I've literally seen my ex-producing partner's face superimposed onto mine in the mirror. As in, my features just 'arranged' to where they were matched with his. Now, bear in mind, I did this by removing my glasses, and 'shifting out' of my focal vision -- as if I were viewing a Magic Eye poster. Then it happened.

Freaked. Me. Out.

I also thought, OH, he MUST be my twin flame, because of THAT.

... Not my twin flame. ( ... Just sayin'.)

But we look as if we could be actual siblings. Always have. Our pictures from when we were infants and toddlers -- we look alike. Totally alike. And, whenever we're around each other, we notice how much we talk alike, and think alike, and act alike, and -- etcetera, so on, and so forth.

But I THINK there's a reason for this, stemming from our unique psychology, being schizoids. We're natural chameleons, and we're naturally 'mimicking' each other -- he'll mimic me, I'll mimic him. So we end up, in a bizarre way, 'each other' but 'also the other'.

Yeah. Tell me THAT ain't twin flame-y.

... Not my -- you get the idea.

Do Jack and I mirror each other? Oh, hell yes. We don't look alike, however, being the exact opposite of each other -- save for skin tone. He's all light, I'm all dark. But personality and voice? Same cadence, same forward placement, (which my ex-producing partner does not have) and general 'speech'.

People can't tell us apart online, either. (It's great fun.)

Now, something very, VERY bizarre did happen late August, which I STILL don't understand. Tell me what you think. I did a Google search, and it returned nothing. I've not yet asked iQ. I probably should.

My stepdaughter called -- who, doesn't know the truth of our relationship. And we've all hid it damned well. So I didn't want her to know he was there during the weekend her father was out of town (seeing his girlfriend, no less). She wants to know if Jack will be able to take her to a convention (they're Bronies, of course) the following weekend, which he'd already offered to do. I 'call downstairs' so that she doesn't know that he's, uh, in my bedroom at the moment. (Where the only A/C unit is with it being 95ºF -- but still, the implications) and she starts speaking to him, as if he was on the line. When I ask why she's thought that, she says, 'because he answered.'

... No, I answered. Just me. The soprano -- not the basso profundo in the room with me.

She swears by it; even says that we're pranking her! There is NO way I can 'mimic' him -- that's impossible. Our ranges are literally the exact opposite of each other -- I go from a F3 to a C7; he goes from a C1 to an F5. The only overlap we have is the fourth octave, which is tripping his falsetto, and I get very gravelly below a middle C (C4).

I could not mimic him if I tried. The cadence? Sure. The pitch? Nooooo.

Upon disconnecting, we both puzzled over this for several minutes. 'She needs her ears checked?' he offered, playfully. Because there's just NO explanation for why she honestly thought I was 'speaking' with his voice.

And your guess is as good as mine. We STILL have no answer. It's just a friggin' mystery.

Anyhow, those are my thoughts on those particular 'twin flame' signs. None of which I've found exclusive to twin flames (as I've experienced them all with soulmates, and members of my oversoul).

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Posts: 6727
From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse
Registered: Sep 2014

posted November 06, 2015 06:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aubyanne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm not trying to aggravate you, WH. I just want the truth, too.

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Wild Horses

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posted November 06, 2015 10:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Wild Horses     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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Wild Horses

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posted November 06, 2015 10:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Wild Horses     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted November 06, 2015 11:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Neptune29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I think Alma June conjunction makes sense in synastry of twins rather in natal. In synastry it means commitment to one's soul.
Also I have seen sun nessus hard aspect in such connection. It enhances the obsession. & twins are really obsessed with each other...beyond their control.
We have sun square nessus 0 degree.
Alma Juno conjunction 0 degree.
And Uranus is always active in composite.
There is a detailed thread on asteroid 111111 and 131313 as well. WH..can you please just check the these aspects in your synastry and natal..just curious about this.

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Posts: 6727
From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse
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posted November 06, 2015 11:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aubyanne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Neptune29:
I think Alma June conjunction makes sense in synastry of twins rather in natal.

Actually, my ALMA conjunct JUNO is on the SGC. That's why it's something of a 'twin flame marker' in my natal. In synastry, it tends to denote soulmates, however. Not twin flames. It appears too much in soulmate synastries for that.

With my karmic soulmate, we have it in synastry, as well as composite. 0º.

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From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse
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posted November 06, 2015 11:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aubyanne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Wild Horses:

Alma 4°54' Libra
Juno 5°25' Libra

I do feel like there must be markers in our natals that show we would experience this in our lifetime.

Fascinating! Quite close to mine, but too far from the SGC. Well, hello there, ALMA-JUNO in Libra 'twin'.

I do agree. iQ has indicated that (in mine, at least) it's related to my soul mission to understand the obstacles humanity faces to experiencing unconditional love.

It's funny that my karmic soulmate also has the conjunction in his natal, which is why we have the 0º conjunction in our composite. And yet, I'm the one on the 'twin flame journey' ? Or some-such?

Though, his is at 08º Libra -- too far from the SGC.

And my SATURN is also there, on the SGC. So, maybe it's the SATURN-ALMA-JUNO conjunction, on the SGC. I'm really not sure.

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Posts: 6727
From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse
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posted November 06, 2015 11:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aubyanne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Neptune29:
twins are really obsessed with each other...beyond their control.

I honestly have to disagree with this entirely. 'Obsessive love' is what I've experienced with my karmic soulmates. It's actually something of a red-flag for me. Evolved love shouldn't be caught in the trappings of human 'failings', you know? Such as obsession. That's a particularly nasty one, borne of addiction and insecurity. To me, that doesn't seem like it'd be a feature.

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Posts: 6727
From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse
Registered: Sep 2014

posted November 06, 2015 11:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aubyanne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Wild Horses:
Well, Auby, that's a lot to digest. I read it all, though, so as to be fair in my response, and the gist of my response is, "To each his own."

I wasn't referring to you specifically with what I said about "self-proclaimed experts", but your comments do sort of fit the bill of the general issue I was referencing.

See, that's the reason I don't participate in the "Twinflame Community", as it's known. An overarching attitude has begun to prevail in that community of spiritual rivalry and competition where people's egos are interfering with true sharing of information. It's devolving into a spiritual pi$$ing contest where everyone wants their special unique snowflake to be more special and unique than everyone else's special unique snowflake. It's almost begun to feel rather cult-like. Thanks, but no thanks. I want no part of that.

You see why it drives me bonkers, too. Ahhhh, good. Oh, and you haven't even seen the factions yet, have you? The, 'I'M an illumined angelic blue ray' and 'you're a gold ray something or other' and so ... whaaaaaa? I thought, when the 'movement' started out, it was geared towards unity. Instead, all I'm seeing is ego, ego, ego. God, it's ridiculous. And DON'T even get me started on this 'twin flame guy' who was 'trying to heal me'. Yeah.

I've basically met 5 people from 'the community' who I feel are truly gifted and on the level. Out of -- oh, lord, hundreds, by now. At least 100 I've met 'personally' in the past 3 years.

It's deeply disappointing when you're essentially experiencing something that -- I'm sorry, but nobody else is. I've yet to find ONE other person who's experienced ANYTHING like this. Talk about feeling alone and crazy. Were it not for my bloodline, my experiences, and their independent confirmation -- I'd wonder if I really did trip down the rabbit-hole this time, hit my head, and never quite recovered.

I was hoping for these highly evolved individuals having legitimately unbelievable experiences, and able to share some of them with others. With me! And with evidence. Why can't anyone have any bloody evidence? I actually have proof when my satellite radio transmission suddenly changed, and began broadcasting an entirely different song -- from an entirely different era -- for almost a solid minute, early in the morning. I got it on video. Yeah, baby!

This happens when you used to be an investigator for an organisation that deals with anomalous phenomena. You're always ... prepared.

At this point, I'd 'settle' for having BOTH individuals lay claim to the twin flame phenomenon, and actively LIVING as twin flames.

Nope, nope, and nope.

Instead it's a lot of lonely-hearts complaining about how 'their twin doesn't know they exist', or 'swearing' they have this 'unbelievable connexion'. :: facepalm :: I've seen too damned much to be all 'ooh, ahh!' about much anymore.

Now it's everyone and their dog claiming to BE a twin flame, because it's so 'trendy' now. And, I guess everyone wants a romantic fantasy, eh?

Honestly, ALL of it drives me mad.

You can see why I've really, really limited my participation in this regard.

Oh, by the way, you might find this interesting:

This is what iQ said, specifically, in regards to that pattern in my chart:

'Identification and critical analysis of all physical and religious restrictions that prevent the human soul from understanding multidimensional existences and love / relationships across multiple incarnations and timelines.'

(Virgo rising with SATURN conjunct ALMA-JUNO on SGC.)

So, ya can't blame a gal for trying.

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