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Author Topic:   Twinflame Astrology: Techniques, Investigations, Validity

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posted March 19, 2014 08:23 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for tgem     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by IndigoDirae:
There is something that's drawing me back to the SATURN and MARS. I'm not talking composite, either. The composite is the combination of your energies as a separate entity.

But the synastry matters.

Just as iQ said, our less-spectacular synastry is indicative of why we've had such delays. Or why we DO have such delays.

Rather than discount them, I'm learning to understand the why for them.

The Composite is like a soup, with synastry being its ingredients.

Who's bringing the MARS? Who the SATURN?

Since there's a hard aspect there in the synastry, these energies are potent and present. The trick is to ask what are they doing? And why are they doing it?

I'm not sure what keeps me from analysing your relationship with the depth it deserves. It's like every time I sit down to - bam! Something else. WTF?

I feel the relevance. I feel the synergy. I feel the purposefulness, and the sense of 'you are here now for a reason.' That echoes LOUDLY.

But I feel this journey is double-backing back to YOU.

And I can't help to wonder, if it's not time to ask yourself, what you want with him? What relationship you envision? What it would mean for you both? How it would affect, impact, and benefit you both.

When you search deep within, what do you see? Just you.

When you're just you - when you setup everything else away - what's there? And then what do you build back into the picture?

Kinda the way we load in too many points and then return to the basic planets once it's too overwhelming.

Basics. When you strip down to just you, what's going on there?

Agh! He's calling.


I hate running. But my heart is racing, and I just ... I'M overwhelmed.


Anyway. That's where I think you need to focus right now.

@Indigo, thank you for your thoughts...really, they mean a everybody's does. I went ahead and posted the synastry so you could see for yourself where the mars/Saturn conjunction lies: his Saturn conjuncting my mars in Leo and his Saturn falling in my 2nd.

This is what I do Lavender stated a few posts back, the feeling/love/attachment to him has almost grown 10 fold since the seperation. I agree that if he were simply a catalyst, the relationship would have ended, the feelings eventually faded and I would come to a place of peace to move on..BUT I'm not at peace...

I feel in one way/shape or form it is not over between us....which brings me back to the idea of not being able to be with him as a TF union that I have pictured. The last couple of days I have asked for angel guidance to show me if I need to let him go and move on or if he is in fact my TF in which I need to process the different possible outcomes of a union. Needless to say yesterday alone 11:11 and 111 popped up unexpectedly at least 4 times along with his last name repeatedly catching my eye a ridiculous amount of times yesterday...granted it is a common word but every time I even seemed to even turn a page in a magazine, the 1st word that caught my eye was his last name....

So I'm trying to bring this back full circle to what you were saying about asking myself what do I want? It is funny you say that because numerous tarot readings have implied the same thing! I thought I knew what I wanted...I thought my heart was I've been told I need to do... Which makes me ask "is this journey about us (like it is with you and fate) or is it just about me?"

And if I'm not supposed to have a physical relationship with him (despite the many many TF relationships I've read that are) then where does that leave me? Does that lead me leading the rest of my life without romance or a physical relationship with someone? I mean I'm single, I'm 35...technically I have so much life ahead of me. And yet I've also read that one shouldn't enter another physical relationship while waiting to reunite with their TF...I don't know...I'm confused...I keep thinking I know what I want...but apparently the universe doesn't think so?

I mean, do you know what you want? Do you want to pursue the TF relationship with fate that involves the physical union as well?

So then what do you want to do about your marriage? See where I'm going with this? I don't know...I'm trying so hard to process and understand so I can move forward in whatever direction his journey is supposed to take me on...but I feel so stuck....

[IMG] 9.jpg[/IMG]

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posted March 19, 2014 08:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for tgem     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by micole maree:
Okay, I'm going to muck up this train of thought a bit here.

Back to my blind date.

It went really well. I liked him, felt instantly comfortable with him. (Major clue there; that kind of energy indicates shared past lives.)

In composite, his VX on DSC. Most of the composites, including one helio (I think) have JUNO conjunct ALMA. We have two t-squares in Davison but we also have a kite. MOON at the base (is this the apex?) opposed MARS, VENUS and PLUTO trine. That is rather a sweet, not to mention hot, configuration, no?

There are some serious squares too. And SATURN is making his presence felt, but I'd expect that with past life contact.

We've had some amazing phone conversations. Amazing.

And so now I AM wondering! About this Guardian Soul thing. About near-Twins.

What if Jace "appeared" to get me ready for SOMEBODY ELSE? What if that is all of this karmic activity in our charts? The SN (his) conjunct my SATURN/VX conjunction? (I've read that the SN person "owes" the planet person.) But it doesn't really explain my MOIRA conjunct his NN(my AVX), does it? Or his KAALI conjunct my name asteroid? Or the stellium (MERCURY, JUPITER, MARS) he has in Taurus conjunct my MH? Or the ASC that I suspect, which very well might be conjunct his own VX AND my NN.

The timing is suspect as well. Everything is in Divine timing.

Indigo, your thoughts? And anybody else as well? (Should I post this on the Guardian Soul thread?) When you originally brought this up, I thought my daughter was a Guardian Soul. Because my despair over my husband was so deep that I believe I would have left the planet except for her. She needed her mother. She didn't need to blame herself for my death. And so I stayed. This to me screams "guardian". Am I reading this wrong?

It just seems tangled up with Jace's involvement here, on another level, I mean. Obviously, I am not "in relationship" with Jace.

Argh. Can anyone make any sense of this?

Michelle, I am hearing you loud and clear. The despair I felt between the combination of losing Cusp and the divorce of my husband was so great, here were several times I felt it would have just been easier to leave the planet and be done with it..too much pain...but where would that leave my son? I kept on soley for him...his cancer moon opposite Pluto proved how potent our relationship was...and I couldn't leave him...I just couldn't...I guess that's wh I'm still here today.

I see your thought of Jace bringing you to your next does make perfect sense. 💙

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posted March 19, 2014 08:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for tgem     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Lavender CrystalSwan:
Totally worth it...

I have been feeling him more strongly today.
And the lyrics from the song I showed you (the "ghost" one) has been haunting me all day.
I feel like he's Like he feels very helpless...And that in turn is making me miss him too.

But like Indigo quoted, the separation is an ILLUSION afterall.
Me knowing that he's there, that I can sense him and connect with him on an energetic/spiritual level is all the "evidence" I need.
It can't possibly be in my head at all; when it makes me FEEL on such a deep level (on multiple levels actually, including physically: the electric sensations, the goosebumps, and you know what else , etc).
That alone is enough for me to believe, to have faith, to KNOW that its all in fact REAL.
I grateful for it all and don't regret any part of this who experience.

Sounds so beautiful and comforting ❤❤

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posted March 19, 2014 08:36 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by superman13:
did you get my email?

Got it. Just sent you a reply.

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posted March 19, 2014 08:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for tgem     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by IndigoDirae:
Go ahead and post it here for now; we can move and go back and forth or switch around as needed later.

I think that's why I told you to stop and breathe. Things were shifting and changing. Rapidly.

And I agree regarding your daughter. We can in turn act as Guardian Soulmates to others as well; in essence, it becomes a Guardian Soulmate relationship.

When Fate and I didn't meet that July 2008 - I was crushed. Well, we both were, but didn't want to accept how hard it was. It honestly wasn't more than a week later that my husband and I took our then long-distance relationship to the 'serious' level by becoming exclusive.

March 2010, when we DID meet in person, and he continued the farce about not also being who we both knew he was, I really did snap. My husband and I had recently become engaged (4 months prior) and it less of a plan than, as he put it, 'an inevitability'. (I also met my costar barely a month prior, too.)

2010-2011, my husband and I married (December 2010), and my costar and I began our relationship (July 2010; April 2011); it unconsciously shifted into the background October 2011 - when circumstances suddenly reconnected me to Fate.

He destroyed me in January 2013.

Then our personal relationship issues started to tank the project, and I had to accept this was not working. The following week, my costar suddenly admitted that his feelings for me had never changed, and he really wanted to try again. (March 2013). I wanted to - but I needed time.

By the time I was ready, he wasn't. Again.

Fate tried harder to reconnect - July-September 2013. We finally did late September. It was like no time had passed. He apologised. We agreed it'll take work, but it's worth it. We were both just grateful to be in contact again.

October 2013, my costar and I were sorting out the dynamics of our relationship with my husband. By November 2013, we'd reached a newfound intimacy. Fate was suddenly and inexplicably in the background. One day, nearing his birthday, I'd shouted in my head it was ridiculous we were out of contact. He called, for the first time in a month, echoing my words. (I missed it; he left a voicemail.)

On his birthday, (Fate's), my costar and I begun a sexual relationship.

Yeah. No kidding.

By January, I'd vowed to Fate that I would stop running. He was grateful. I REALLY tried. Now it's March, and I'm slacking.

Things are good both with my husband, (we're rebuilding our intimacy slowly after periods of abusive relating in the past) and my costar.

It's been a week since Fate called. Sigh, aaaaand I'm sure he hates me. For now. But this is what we do.

But do you notice the bebopping?

I'll be pinballing back and forth between Fate, my husband, and my costar? Depending upon what's going on? It blows my mind.

I won't even make the effort in most cases (outside of trying to not run from Fate). The circumstances will simply present.

THIS is how I think Guardian Soulmate relationships support, prepare, even test, and strengthen Twin Flame bonds.

Just as my husband is strangely assured that I was 'fated to be' with Fate, and my costar has simply 'been waiting for me his entire life'.

And THESE are the relationships I KNOW I must stick with, work through, and realise their full potential, in order to attain certain goals, or levels of development.

It's strange, I know. But I left behind the traditional relationship models a long time ago.

....and I thought my circumstance was difficult between Cusp and my husband! You're dealing with 3 men!!!!😳

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posted March 19, 2014 08:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for tgem     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
"I don't want to spend my life pining for a man who isn't awakened, who may never awaken. I'm a loving woman and I deserve love as well. I won't settle for just any man in order to not be alone. But then again, is it "settling" if I don't keep my options open for Jace?"

@Michelle YES YES YES!!!! My thoughts exactly!!!! Therein lies my problem as well...I refuse to settle...sigh...

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posted March 19, 2014 08:51 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
T-Gem and Indigo,

That Mars-Saturn-business gets me stumped.

On the one hand i can understand how one can derive at that interpretation.

but on the other hand I have two examples, first hand observation, of this.

In the one case it was a gay couple where they shared a Mars-Saturn-conjunction in Pisces; granted they eventually did separate, but that was after over 10 years, and they were clearly having a physical, and also rather succesfull solid relationship before that.

the second example is even mroe puzzling, as I have witnessed it for all my life.
I mentioned it already, my parents have this aspect.
They, too, have a very physical relationship (actually I start thinking Saturn does not so much make something impossible, but in fact puts focus on what he touches - but jsut a thought, do not take it so serious), very affectionate, and at the same time very partnership-oriented and working in tandem as a team.

Why does it work for them?

Is it because they have a Double whammy-conjunction, though one orb approaches 5 degrees?

On the other hand that of course means it comes up in composite again, the Mars-Saturn-conjunction at the end of Virgo in 2nd house (orb: 2°16).
does that balance things out for them or would it make it worse?

Or is it also, because
while my Mum`s Saturn is conjunct my Dad`s Mars (0°25),
my 'dad`s Saturn conjuncts my Mum`s Venus (0°35), and thus giving them a linked Venus-Mars-aspect via Saturn?

Or is it because my Mum`s Venus, Mars, Saturn are ruling her 5th, 11th, 7th and 8t house and my Dad`s Mars and Saturn rule his 5th and 8th house? In Placidus at least.

Using traditional rulers, too, this is true for equal, too though.

I do not really know, why, but what I can say is that in their case the Mars-Saturn-conjunction has not been detrimental, but maybe even gave them the solidity and stability and the strength to build their relationships in the face of "obstacles" and challenges. Not challenges BETWEEN them individually,b ut they had to weather some difficulties coming from the outside, just through circumstances, including the extended family or my Dad`s job or the fact that of course my brother having the Down syndrome gave their life a direction they could not have foreseen.

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posted March 19, 2014 08:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for tgem     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
""It is when you look in the eyes that you will realize whether things can become deeply romantic. The Body will only activate the lower chakras, the Eyes activate the Soul."
-- iQ"

@Superman...yes this exactly! His voice doesn't come into my head but his face always does...his eyes always do...since they say "eyes are the window to the soul," I guess you could say his soul comes to my mind...all the words...but then again...with us...words have never been needed (moon conjunct neptune.)

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posted March 19, 2014 09:04 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for tgem     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
"Since Jace owns a business (so does the guy I'm talking about) it helps to look at what planets would fall in the 10th house."

@Michelle and Bluejay- Cusp has his own business as well...kinda interesting.

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posted March 19, 2014 09:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for iQ     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
MicoleMaree: I definitely think the overall description of you and Jace is of a TF Relationship. Maybe the birth time will nail it with a precise 7th Cusp Planet.

TGem: I have not been able to confidently identify whether parallel lives are Parallel in terms of Present Timelines, or they are past/future lives which are being processed by our Brain as per the current life memory.
And Isis-Osiris conjunction in all three charts, excellent!

Cerdiwen: I wrote about your Alma-Juno discovery to Superman13. I am more comfortable with the logical idea of Composite Alma conjunct/sextile /trine any Soulmate Pair Goddess whose Consort is very strong in either Twin's Chart. Thus, when Jupiter is strong, the Alma-Juno becomes a viable aspect in TFs. In the composite with my wife, Alma sextiles Isis exact. We both have Isis conjunct Osiris exact, though they do not aspect each other. Thus, Alma-Goddess Asteroid is strong in Soulmate Charts too.

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posted March 19, 2014 09:43 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for tgem     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
"Is it because they have a Double whammy-conjunction, though one orb approaches 5 degrees?"

I guess technically we have a DW as well as his mars is sesquisquare my Saturn but just out of orb at 3.5 degrees.

I always use Placidus system when analyzing a natal chart- with that, mars rules my 11th house and Saturn rules my 7th and again, Ceri like your parents the relationship houses are involved.

But, of course if you change over to equal housing, mars rules my 10th but Saturn still rules my 7th.

Assuming his houses are right, in Placidus mars rules his 5th and Saturn rules his 3rd..but if you change to equal, mars rules his 6th..Saturn still rules his 3rd though.

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posted March 19, 2014 09:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for tgem     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
"TGem: I have not been able to confidently identify whether parallel lives are Parallel in terms of Present Timelines, or they are past/future lives which are being processed by our Brain as per the current life memory.
And Isis-Osiris conjunction in all three charts, excellent!"

@IQ- our present lives have been parallel, both in terms of significant life events and minor synchronicities...with timelines varying between a few months to a year.

"Cerdiwen: I wrote about your Alma-Juno discovery to Superman13. I am more comfortable with the logical idea of Composite Alma conjunct/sextile /trine any Soulmate Pair Goddess whose Consort is very strong in either Twin's Chart. Thus, when Jupiter is strong, the Alma-Juno becomes a viable aspect in TFs. In the composite with my wife, Alma sextiles Isis exact. We both have Isis conjunct Osiris exact, though they do not aspect each other. Thus, Alma-Goddess Asteroid is strong in Soulmate Charts too."

@Ceri and IQ- we both have Siva/Parvati in our Natals: Cusp has the conjunction, I have the quintile. Alma does not aspect Siva or Parvati in any of our composites, however in tropical composite Alma is contra parallel Parvati exact. In Draco composite Alma is parallel Siva exact. In Helio Alma is contra parallel Parvati exact.

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posted March 19, 2014 10:57 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you, Nicole and Lavender, for your welcome

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posted March 19, 2014 11:01 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by micole maree:

Spirit seems to be in charge here. When the time is right, things just "happen". Synchronicities. So-called "coincidences"? - I don't believe in them at all. Divine timing, Divine providence - there is some kind of intricate play in process here and I believe the Oversoul is intimately involved in every step. Everything is happening as it is meant to. And I personally don't think one can prepare for that.

Other than this. It seems that the purpose of the initial awakening is to birth spiritual awareness and growth in the INDIVIDUAL. This is personal to each twin flame, independent of the other. It is preparation in itself. The awakening, the learning, the self-awareness, the expanding understanding, an awakening sense of how interconnected we all are, how "One" we all are, the importance of unconditional love and acceptance for all humanity - all of that seems to be consistent, from what I've been experiencing myself and from what I've read elsewhere. Our individual journey as one-half of a Twin Flame union is to become whole in and of and all by ourselves. I personally think that is how we become "prepared".

Couldn't have said it better
BTW, since you talk about Spirit, what is the situation with this asteroid between the two of you?

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posted March 19, 2014 11:12 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by iQ:

Cerdiwen: I wrote about your Alma-Juno discovery to Superman13. I am more comfortable with the logical idea of Composite Alma conjunct/sextile /trine any Soulmate Pair Goddess whose Consort is very strong in either Twin's Chart. Thus, when Jupiter is strong, the Alma-Juno becomes a viable aspect in TFs. In the composite with my wife, Alma sextiles Isis exact. We both have Isis conjunct Osiris exact, though they do not aspect each other. Thus, Alma-Goddess Asteroid is strong in Soulmate Charts too.

That is an interesting idea!

Actually I was thinking about something similiar, though not in relation with ALMA but with the helio composite compared to the tropical ASC.

What I noticed was how Indigos and her twin`s composite ASC is conjunct helio Jupiter, which in turn exactly sextiles Juno on 23-24 Virgo.

As ALMA, well, I noticed in my own composite that the helio composite ALMA-JUNO-conjunction also conjuncts helio PARVATI exact, and this triple conjunction in helio falls onto tropical composite PARVATI as well. In fact helio ALMA and tropical PARVATI are both on 29.2 Taurus exact.

In the composite SIVA and PARVATI are in a 9th harmonic aspect with each other, but it is widish at 2 degrees, and a minor aspect anyway; I just started keeping tabs on the 9th and 5th harmonic aspects.

As it struck me that not only SIVA and PARVATI have a 9th harmonic aspect in composite, but so do EROS and PSYCHE (this one is very exact with an orb of 2 minutes only).

Anyway, synastrically his SIVA is exactly quinkunx my PARVATI.
While i am not particularly fond of it being a quinkunx, I do pay attention, because of the exactness here (0°45).

And the quinkunx *maybe* makes a bit of sense, too, as HIS natal draconic angle (the angular distance from the Aries point to his NN is 151°, thus relating to the quinkunx-aspect).

Which of course means that any planet or asteroid that is in quinkunx/ inconjunct to his planet, will result into a draconic-tropical conjunction.

In this light I found it interesting to see that his ISIS is quinkunx my OSIRIS (though I only found it out, because I wondered what about all the quinkunxes with the soulmate pairings) and his SIVA is quinkunx my PARVATI:

This naturally results in his DR ISIS being conjunct my tropical OSIRIS (0°15) - and it also means that is Dr SIVA is conjunct my tropical PARVATI by just a little less than 2 degrees.

Actually my Dr SIVA is also almost conjunct his tropical PARVATI, but the orb is so wide, I would not even dream of counting it (approaching 5 degree orb).
However, it is apparently close enough to result in draco composite SIVA on 0.4 Gemini being conjunct tropical and helio composite PARVATI on 29.2 Taurus and 0.1 Gemini.
And of course also tying back into the helio composite ALMA-JUNO-conjunction on 29.2 and 29.1 Taurus.


tropical composite JUNO is sextile ISIS (and square OSIRIS, ), which in turn is trine VALENTINE in Scorpio in 10th house.

While I have a strong ISIS-OSIRIS_aspect naturally with the exact conjunction, he doesn`t quite have this. HIs OSIRIS is on 5 Aries, his ISIS on 9 Gemini.
Interestingly htough his OSIRIS opposes his HORUS-KARMA conjunction on 3 and 4 Libra,
(interestingly the composite has an exact conjunction of SIVA and HORUS On 21-22 Sag in 11th, sextile OSIRIS on 21-22 Aqua in 1st, trine SAturn on 21-22 Leo in 7th house.)

My chart makes his ISIS and OSIRIS angular, as his OSIRIS conjuncts my IC exactly and his ISIS conjuncts my SN exactly and my DESC by 2 degrees.

While I am not too enthusiastic about the quinkunx of his ISIS to my OSIRIS, not exact, 1°38, I find it interesting that both ANGELS are aspecting every ISIS and OSIRIS synastrically.

his ANGEL on 6.5 Scorpio sextiles my OSIRIS on 7.5 Cap and ISIS on 8.3 Cap.

my ANGEL on 7.3 Sag trinesh is OSIRIS on 5.3 Aries and opposes his ISIS on 9.2 Gemini.


not quite a Goddess-asteroid, but composite JUNO is exactly trine Moon, we both have a very strong Sun natally, and his Moon is strong.

You have seen the chart, his Sun-MOon-conjunction meets my Sun-Mercury on and near the GC.


What I found interesting about Siva-Parvati (and also about ERos-Psyche) is how these pairings were so strongly activated when we met and first spoke with each other. And I was completely oblivious about the astrology playing in the background.

pr composite ASC: 13.58 Pisces
pr composite KAALI: 14.10 Pisces

his pr PARVATI: 13.21 Pisces
my natal SIVA: 14.57 Scorpio

transiting SIVA: 12.18 Pisces
transiting PARVATI: 13.40 Pisces



pr composite PSYCHE 7.20 Pisces
pr composite Moon 6.40 Pisces

his pr PSYCHE 6.50 Pisces
my pr PSYCHE: 7.49 Pisces

his natal EROS: 8.20 Pisces

my name in his chart: 9.09 Pisces
his name in his chart: 10.26 Virgo

my transiting name: 7.41 Pisces
his transiting name: 7.48 Gemini (on my DESC)



composite Sun: 26.27 Sag
transiting JUNO: 26.26 Sag

composite Moon: 22.52 Cap
transiting Jupiter: 22.07 Cap

I just found it pretty mindblowing how these pairings and patterns were so strongly activated on that night.

BTW there was ALSO

transiting MAHAKALA 21.15 Gemini
transiting KAALI 18.55 Gemini

my pr MAHAKALA 17.46 Gemini
his pr KAALI 20.17 Sagittarius

I am not even pretending I would know how to interprete this
But believe me when I saw it first I was pretty much gobsmacked. lol

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posted March 19, 2014 11:16 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Do you guys ever doubt "he" feels the connection with you?

My twinflame and I cannot be together, at least for now. We've met unexpectedly, he has been my neighbour for a while then moved away.

We always meet in dreams (I mean I dream about him) just before we "coincidentally" meet. A lot of synchronicities. I actually dream the "meeting" (just bits of it, not the entire meeting). Every dream came true. I mean, we met exactly as in the dream and always shortly after it.
Now I know that every time I dream of him, I will see him.
And what's strange too, is that these types of dreams are the only ones I have with him. Never dreamt of him otherwise, without seeing him after.

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posted March 19, 2014 11:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for tgem     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LeeLoo2014:
Do you guys ever doubt "he" feels the connection with you?

My twinflame and I cannot be together, at least for now. We've met unexpectedly, he has been my neighbour for a while then moved away.

We always meet in dreams (I mean I dream about him) just before we "coincidentally" meet. A lot of synchronicities. I actually dream the "meeting" (just bits of it, not the entire meeting). Every dream came true. I mean, we met exactly as in the dream and always shortly after it.
Now I know that every time I dream of him, I will see him.
And what's strange too, is that these types of dreams are the only ones I have with him. Never dreamt of him otherwise, without seeing him after.

Welcome LeeLoo!
Yes, I wonder how he is affected as well (meaning Cusp.). Very interesting that you always dream of him before meeting! Where are asteroids psyche, anubis and telephus in your synasty and composite? Are they prominent? Do you have any moon/neptune?

Cusp and I met unexpectedly as well- we were neighbors - I moved in 5 houses down from him.

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posted March 19, 2014 12:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for tgem     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
What is the difference from sun conjunct venus in tropical and Earth conjunct venus in Helio? Is there a difference?

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posted March 19, 2014 12:34 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by tgem:
What is the difference from sun conjunct venus in tropical and Earth conjunct venus in Helio? Is there a difference?

Helio is the chart from a more spiritual perspective.
Earth there is actually the Earth-Moon-complex, hence loaded more with emotions. So it might actually be a more emotional experience.

However, in terms of composite, the difference might just be in degree of intensity and the difference between the physical manifestation (tropical) and spiritual (helio), but Earth is always opposite the Sun in tropical chart, so if you have Venus tied to Sun in tropical composite, it will come up in helio as well.

As of now I think more of it like this:

What IS and MANIFESTS (physical dimension)

What LIES BEHIND it and WHY/ to WHAT PURPOSE something manifests (spiritual dimension - Higher Self)

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posted March 19, 2014 01:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for tgem     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks Ceri- I'm looking at it terms of synastry.
Tropical synastry:
Sun/venus DW (3 degree sextile and 1 degree sesquisquare)

Helio synastry:
Earth/moon conjunct venus @ 5 degrees.

Would these pose the same energy? Or about?

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posted March 19, 2014 02:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for IndigoDirae     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Lavender CrystalSwan:
I always thought they were the same thing, just with different terminology.

But yes I see here what you mean.
There are with whom we a sibling-like connection, who are from our soul family, and those who are there to teach us lessons–which would be soulmates from a different soul group.

Yes, that's how I perceive / understand it.

And those of our soul-family can easily be life-long, even if they leave for brief periods in order for our focus to shift to something / someone? else.

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posted March 19, 2014 02:33 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I very much agree with your explanation in terms of near-twins and false twins.

However I have a bit of a different view on "karmic soulmates".

Those can be from a different soulgroup, but they don`t have to be. Soulgroups can be very vast, and there are also differing degrees of closeness.

However, actually that is not even what I wanted to point out.

I am not happy with "Karma" always seen in these bleak terms, like it ALWAYS just gloomy and dark.

While yes, there are those karmic encounters that are EXACTLY that, and bring us pain and betrayal and all these nice things, Karma can *also* be positive, in the sense that maybe we need to learn a lesson in how to receive love, which means there has to be someone who loves us in the first place.

This is just an example, but "Karma" simply means action, consequence, it is neutral as a term, and can involve love and trust just as much as it can include pain and loss.

My best friend here I consider to be definitely a karmic soulmate, though she doesn`T quite feel from the same soulgroup, despite us being in each other`s life for a lifetime (yes I know we will).
The soul-frequency is a different one, I also do not recall any past lives with her; nevertheless we are in each other`s life for a reason. and have been in each other`s life for almost 25 years right now (at university some people would compare us to a married couple, many people did not understand how we could be friends in the first place, and some people tried to break up our friendship, and either connect to her or me more closely; needless to say, they did not succeed. lol).

However, we ARE leading different lives, hers is much more to social rules, more conventional in a way, though she is the one who has a diploma from the Royal academy of Dance (I think it was that name) and has been very active in choreography (and forced me to write some sort of script for a play with music, based on the exodus, for her church. lol).

But what I wanted to say is that despite having quite different lifepaths, there is a lot of support, friendship, tolerance, openness and understanding.
We have grown with and through each other a lot.

That is the point where I would clearly differentiate between "Karmic encounters" and "Karmic soulmates". The latter are still soulmates, just with a very specific task in our lives, and they can stay in our life for a whole lifetime, depending on what the task really is.

Karmic encounters - well, that could be actually everything, even jsut a tiny moment when you get inspired to do something or get warned of doing something.
They are usually not in our life forever though, but just touching it and leaving it again.

Just wanted to share my view on this.

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posted March 19, 2014 02:40 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by tgem:
Welcome LeeLoo!
Yes, I wonder how he is affected as well (meaning Cusp.). Very interesting that you always dream of him before meeting! Where are asteroids psyche, anubis and telephus in your synasty and composite? Are they prominent? Do you have any moon/neptune?

Cusp and I met unexpectedly as well- we were neighbors - I moved in 5 houses down from him.

Hi, tgem, and thanks for the tip with Telephus and Anubis, I didn't know about these asteroids.

Moon/Neptune is very significant in all our charts: synastry, composite, davison, draconic, solstice DW conjunction, dwads etc.

Moon square Neptune in synastry. Moon opp Neptune composite.
Eros conjunct Psyche, Eros quincunx Psyche in synastry.

I've checked those asteroids and they are all in key points, very aspected. I will mention:


My Anubis opposite his Sun, his Anubis conjunct my stellium (which is very aspected by his planets)

Mutual Telephus opposite Neptune (with Telephus conjunct IC)


Anubis conjunct Neptune opposite Telephus on the MC/IC axis

Anubis exactly conjunct Telephus in Davison

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From: Venice, California, US
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posted March 19, 2014 02:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for IndigoDirae     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LeeLoo2014:
Thank you, Nicole and Lavender, for your welcome

Did I not ... ? :foreheadslap: I thought I did.

Okay. My deadline for the pilot teleplay of the project I'm doing right now is due Friday. Right. Ohhhh, God. Friday.

So, I'm here, there, and everywhere.

Welcome, LeeLoo! I'm so glad you could join us! Kick-ass nick, BTW.

I learnt 'The Diva Song' back in 2008. It's still one of my favourite vocal warmups. Eb5-eb6 octave jumps remain one of the coolest things ever in classical voice, heh.

It's the one thing I actually dig about being coloratura soprano. Heh.

(This one, for those unfamiliar. Amazing piece.)

They say you should never perform opera without fully grokking the story behind it - often revealed by the libretto.

Her A5s are AMAZING, by the way. The purity of her voice is spectacular. Reminds me of Westenra, one of my fave sopranos.

The toughest part is the 'back note cascade'; slang for, throwing your voice into high head, singing a cascade down into chest, and avoiding the harsh transition sound.

I was always so disappointed to learn that there's no way to recreate it note-for-note live, as certain parts are just flat electronically enhanced beyond human capability. Ah, well. I'll still try!

I'd love to play Lucia some day. I have a weird fascination / penchant for opera. Just kinda came into the world that way. Wonder why.

Anyway. I'll stop classical-voice-nerding now.

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posted March 19, 2014 02:51 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LeeLoo2014:

Anubis conjunct Neptune opposite Telephus on the MC/IC axis

And another one with Anubis conjunct Neptune AND on the angles in composite

It REALLY is a pattern there.

Do you have astral/ etheric body contact with him? Sometimes can happen in the form of dream-experiences, too?

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