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Author Topic:   Donald Trump Astrology
posted January 22, 2017 08:20 AM              Reply w/Quote
As a short idea (I will try to expand the idea later) I see the Pluto/Saturn opp here as the turning point of recoil (Saturn in Cancer) in the face of inevitable change of authority models (Pluto in Capricorn facing its own disp). I see Donald Trump as an effigy of this recoil.

The separation of the aspect should answer the question: WHO or WHAT makes the rules next? What kind of values? Saturn in Cap moving towards Saturn in Aqua will be part of the answer here.

The message of the Sabians is quite interesting for that Saturn/Venus conjunction, with the mdp on 25 Cancer (Venus rules MC in Trump's chart, so transits to that conjunction will give clues about the direction he takes, his public input and output)

This Symbol points to 'Invisible' levels of 'Power' that are cloaking someone. It could show someone who’s powerful, a leader, someone to be reckoned with. There is often an unavoidable need to accept powerful responsibilities and to respond rationally to anything
that needs to be done. It is almost as though this has been thrust upon
you, but it is as much
because you have placed yourself in this position of power and responsibility and you both
understand and accept the consequences of the role. If this is not about you, it can be about someone else in your environment. Take care not to lord it over others.
Leadership and its responsibilities. Powerful descent of energies taking over one's very being.
Recognizing brilliance and power. Mantles of power. Cloaks and shawls.
The Caution: Outer shows of superiority. Presuming oneself to be more than one is.
Megalomania. Not owning one's magnificence.
Being pushy. The weight of the world on
one’s shoulders
Lynda Hill


KEYNOTE: The focalization of complex inner potentialities in harmonic and concrete relationships.

We are dealing here with a special phase of the process of integration. The woman and the two men represent the three-fold aspect of the human personality, particularly at this stage when one of these aspects — the emotional life (the woman) — is facing the possibility, if not the inevitability, of relating itself to both the spiritual and the mental. This confrontation occurs on a small island of the South Seas, and "south" always refers symbolically to the strong and passionate impulses of human nature. Somehow the three-fold consciousness has to develop a harmonious and well-integrated modus vivendi (a specific way of life). If successful, this will release powerful energies and will lead to the next symbolic scene.

We have reached the fourth stage of the twenty-third five-fold sequence. As is most often the case, we are introduced here to a specific technique — or at least to a problem of technique — in living. The three human beings should become integrated; but the form this integration will take seems left open. It has to be a concrete type of integration in terms of the emotional and biological drives of human nature (an island of the South Seas) and the field of integration is "small." The key to the problem of relationship should be the realization of INTER-DEPENDENCE.


KEYNOTE: The response of spiritual forces to the integration of personality through positive will-full endeavors.

We are dealing here with a man who uses his will and positive imagination in facing his life problems. To him comes a pentecostal descent of power. He receives the "mantle of power," the grace (baraka in Sufi philosophy) or the Providential assistance which can make him a true leader in his culture.

In this fifth symbol we witness a more transcendent expression of "success." It is not merely external success (as is given by society to its prima donnas), but a spiritual response, a sign of inner strength and uncommon ENDOWMENT.



KEYNOTE: The transference of social privilege to the level of intellectual enjoyment.

We now see the concretization of cultural excellence and wealth at the level at which individuals can exercise their developed mental capacities in comfort. The process is individualized because the library belongs to a private residence, the luxury of which implies an individual's concentration upon the acquisition of wealth. This scene shows the result of such a concentration, including the acquisition of friends who can relax in and enjoy intellectual pursuits.

This is the first phase of the twenty-fourth five-fold sequence which here begins, and will end, on a note of social opulence and prestige. We are not dealing now with leaders in the intellectual community, but with wealthy guests who apparently seek to improve their minds or to keep up with intellectual trends of the time, thus maintaining CLASS STANDARDS OF INFORMATION. What is at stake here is the need to conform to the requirements of one's social status.
Dane Rudhyar

As Ceri said, most of us have strong opinions about this, and mine is just one of them. I encourage everyone to post theirs, even if different, such an important event requires brainstorming coming from all sides.

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LeeLoo's Esotericorner

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posted January 22, 2017 08:49 AM              Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Electro DGX:
I think Trump's sensitivity also comes from the fact that his Mars/Ascendant conjunction is coming from the 12th house. This probably makes him a lot more sensitive and more prone to lash out based on his feelings. A 12th house Mars/Ascendant conjunction is also very mental, so there's probably a lot going on in his mind when he chooses to lash out with his Mars/Ascendant conjunction. The fact that it is in Leo brings him an overabundance of attention for it.

Mars-Ascendant sort of has this battle mode that's initiated upon being attacked. They usually will immediately strike back unless afflicted by Saturn or in a water sign, but they are the quickest to assert themselves. Can be very vocal about things that upset them and their reactions show in their contorted facial expressions (I do it all the time).

Something I noticed about all the Mars/ASC folks I know, however, with some exceptions, like in all cases (and as it happens, I have many of them around me for some reason, my mom, many friends) is that they are perceived as "provocative", as in striking FIRST, either in more passive-aggressive ways (Mars coming from the 12th house) or directly, and most times the reaction of the entourage comes as a...reaction. I think the same happens in our case.

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LeeLoo's Esotericorner

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posted January 22, 2017 08:55 AM              Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by teasel:
He's going in with a really low popularity rating. The rally against him, is much bigger than his inauguration crowd. Only something like 27% of the country wanted him, and now we're lumped with him.

I guess to make this astrological, I'll add that his Gemini Sun, Sadge Moon might explain his love of twitter. It also goes to show that good synastry, doesn't mean that much if someone is just hateful. I should like this guy, but I don't.

Good point, Teasel, in the sense that I think at this level the issue is more about the values he promotes, because of the importance of the message, and a strong general reaction to that. Some people overlook those values because they seem to invest Trump with superpowers (for example the power to change overnight in our 70s) while many people cannot overlook the promoted values. I see this as falling for a certain charisma or not.

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LeeLoo's Esotericorner

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posted January 22, 2017 08:57 AM              Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by polkadotstars:
Please put your personal feelings aside for this thred. I know people either love or hate him, but let's just look at his chart for now.

I say he's a Leo rising because these seem to fit him very well (plus it puts his Mars on his AC):

Leo Rising attracts attention. They have a personal magnetism that makes them stand out. Whether it is their charisma or their appearance, they never fail to make an impression. Leo Ascendant is self-aware and conscious of their effect on others. They are acutely aware of their personal "set dressing"… that is who they are seen with, where they are seen and how they are perceived. They are always "onstage" even when they're relaxing at home.

Leo Rising is known for temper tantrums, jumping to conclusions and self-indulgences. They also have a lot of ambition, drive and idealism. They may appear bossy just because they want to be the driving force in their circle. Leo Ascendant makes a terrific manager or organizer.

Leo Ascendant is very demonstrative, and they like drama and grand gestures. They may get caught up in exaggeration without realizing it, but they will do anything to get admiration.

Leo Rising is usually of sunny disposition, although they usually speak their mind. They can be extremely stubborn, and it can be challenging for them to break bad habits or behaviors.

Leo Rising is full of energy and enthusiasm. Once they are excited about something, they're ready to jump right in. Despite this, they may be inclined to lie back and watch the activity. Some negative aspects to this Ascendant may result in a manipulative, power-hungry person whose ego must constantly be massaged. With a slightly different angle, Leo Ascendant could be loud and aggressive, or overwhelming. They can be self-absorbed to the point that it is difficult for them to take advice from others. They sometimes think asking for advice is a sign of weakness.

Confidence is not a problem with Leo Ascendant. They exude it in gallons. Don't embarrass them, especially in public. Their dignity is of utmost importance.

Great analysis, Polka, thank you

I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

LeeLoo's Esotericorner

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posted January 22, 2017 09:01 AM              Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by the89freespirit:
This year is going to be really hard on him.

He has transiting Saturn in Sagittarius conjunct his natal Moon and also his South Node. Tr. Saturn conjunct the natal Moon is a notoriously tough transit. And when Saturn is in a transiting conjunction to your South Node, indulging in any negative habits will result in serious consequences. South Node in Sagittarius - being overly opinionated, not thinking before you speak, expressing dogmatic views, etc.

Also transiting Saturn will be opposing his Sun in Gemini in the 10th. Since Saturn is transiting the 4th, I think he is probably downright miserable behind closed doors. But, he is trying to hide it. Not really working, as we can gleam the motivations behind those angry 3 am rants on Twitter. And that is increasingly damaging his public image (Sun in the 10th).

Also Pluto in Capricorn is going to be opposing his Venus and his Saturn. The conjunction is in the 11th House and with Pluto transiting the 5th, if he is seeking or occupying power out of purely self-absorbed motives, the people (11th House) may strike back. The 5th House is also what you can control and command while the 11th is what you cannot control and what happens unexpectedly/unpredictably. Pluto being in the 5th means that if he becomes obsessed with gaining the upper hand, things will become increasingly chaotic for him. I feel like there may be peers or those within his social circle/network who come out of the woodwork to take him down, if certain power struggles ensue, making him feel powerless because of the will of others (11th House).

These transits will be happening simultaneously for him ALL YEAR with retrogrades occurring. That is really intense. I have said, since November, that it looks ominous af, in terms of his presidency and administration. Only time will tell but the pressures have already been building up for him, i.e. the intelligence agency dossier about Russia, countless lawmakers boycotting his inauguration (could be the start of a mutiny from his peers), and today, there is a new lawsuit against him for sexual harassment. It's been scandal after scandal after scandal. Also, the Washington Post just did a story on him saying that he has been increasingly isolated the past few months, not wanting to leave his house (symbolizing the Saturn in the 4th transit to me) and feeling extremely reluctant about the job. Are we seeing the beginning of a downfall? Who knows? But it wouldn't surprise me at all, using his transits as evidence.

That's all I need to say because I've said enough on the political part of this discussion already.

Thank you for this thoughtful post and analysis, Free Spirit! Transits show the great opposition he faces.

I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

LeeLoo's Esotericorner

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posted January 22, 2017 09:40 AM              Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Delilah423:
LeeLoo (or others),

What do you make of that Ceres-Pluto opposition and Moon-Saturn quincunx in his natal? I know many will consider those minor, but I'm not so sure?

I see there are so many great posts, so everyone please accept a thumbsup from me, so that I don't clutter the thread.
Delilah, I think Ceres opp Pluto is a natural battle, happening in Aqua/Leo/6th/12th, might be about the effects of power/powerlessness on one's health/mental health. On the the other hand, Ceres in Aqua 6th is nurtured by Aquarian values, it shows meeting one's Aquarian spouse through work (considering it trines Juno/Chiron) but here is also a marker for issues with feminine, mother figures in one's work or health wise (since Pluto rules IC). Ceres/Pluto is connected to mother's rage in the face of Hades

"Ceres raises issues about being ‘dwarfed’ or demoted. It can be painful. We also associate Ceres in your birth chart with the difficult process of having it all – then losing it all."

Ceres there, on health level, would point towards unusual nutrition issues.

That quincunx is major in his chart, IMO, it strongly connects with his 5th/11th interception and likely to be connected to its triggering, especially on the Pholus/Vx point. On emotional level, I think Moon quincunx Saturn are unusual parents, and in this case it also shows a puzzle feeling between 5th house/11th house in need of integration (self-love, love, being loved, social acceptance, public admiration)

I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

LeeLoo's Esotericorner

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posted January 22, 2017 10:11 AM              Reply w/Quote
Great point, Nine

"Another manifestation could be the **SURPRISE** result of the election."

and the whole conversation between you and Belage and Peony about Pluto and co. Belage, amazing description of Cancer shadow. Peony, your posts are a gem, as usually

About fascism, I'd say Pluto/Saturn opp also stands for a coup de force, tour de force, a take-over, specific to fascist and reactionary movements. I agree with Belage on Cancer/Leo and also want to add that Pluto in Cancer merely appeals to the Cancerian side in OTHERS for the purpose of Pluto in Leo, which is seizing dictatorial power (for taking over purposes). That is the fascist/communist approach (to the point where these two used the same speech, historically) and unfortunately, Mr Trump's inaugural speech is a pure classic fascist/communist speech, à la carte, in my view - creating a false under siege apocalyptic feeling, protectionism, self-entitlement as savior, appeal to the past, appeal to the working class, speaking of big deeds, constructions and jobs, militarism, hitting patriotism/nationalism/chosen, special people chord and the rest you can find here:

The non-populist mortgage fee cut repeal contrasting the jingoist, isolationist, populist speech only strenghtens this perspective. It is interesting that isolationism also connects with Cancer. Isolate to rule is just a variation of Divide et Impera, as history shows.

Nine, I think fascination of fascism (any dictator) with royalty is the tyrant's fascination with being the King, rather than a genuine commitment to traditional structures and values.

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LeeLoo's Esotericorner

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posted January 22, 2017 11:30 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Nine        Reply w/Quote

Nine, I think fascination of fascism (any dictator) with royalty is the tyrant's fascination with being the King, rather than a genuine commitment to traditional structures and values.

I don't necessarily equate fascism with dictatorship. The global economy was in a state of malaise in the 1930s, yet it was Fascist Germany who were the first to emerged from that state. Not the "pure" capitalists. In fact the Japanese, Chinese, S.Korean, & current Russian models are more Fascist in nature, than pure capitalist.

The classical dictator was a leader given absolute power for a set period of time (one year) to fix a system what was malfunctioning. Modern usage has stripped away much of this meaning.


I think fascination of fascism (any dictator) with royalty is the tyrant's fascination with being the King

Correct. However, in so doing the tyrant has moved away from Pluto ideal, and is then acting in self interest. Thus, cannot be seen as Plutonian.

In a classical sense, a dictator can never be Plutonian, this because a true dictator's job is to fix a system that isn't working as it should. Pluto tears everything down.

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posted January 22, 2017 01:40 PM              Reply w/Quote
I don't understand what you are trying to say, Nine. First of all, Fascist Germany didn't "emerge" from anything economically or otherwise, but plunged Germany, Europe and the world into multi-level destruction and trauma, over many generations to come. You are also mixing capitalism (an economical model) with Fascism, thus failing to understand the underlying motivation behind a fascist regime: it's not there to fix anything, it has no other motivation but the sheer power of a weak minority or individual, which don't belong to power, hence can't get it otherwise. The rise to power of fascist figures is bringing out the same weakness in others, leading to destruction, historically, without fail. Of course, this is part of confronting and burning the Shadow, a necessary purging, so I have to disagree with you, Pluto is very much involved here.

Certain conditions of "shadowing" need to happen for the fascist discourse to rise, the main ingredient being a climate favorable for promoting fear and hatred. On the brink of big global change, the shadow is more clarified, like butter, hence polarization occurs (for example, in this case, the brink is the very border of the Aquarius age).

A short good description of such conditions here:

Also, the definition of a dictator is: "a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained control by force."

Beware of admiration and promotion of tyranny, it entertains the weakness and laziness of the mind who fails to correct itself in order to shine, instead aspiring to a magical act of all-encompassing submission out of blind self-indulgence and constant frustration due to constant justified rejection of such weakness by others. Strong minds don't need the silence of domination to speak, and reject authoritarianism in themselves and others. The strong mind, basking in genuine talents, as opinionated as it may be, thrives in variety because it knows it can naturally shine in this variety and trusts this variety to give them the place they really deserve, in the end, which is, even as a leader, only this: a piece of the puzzle.

The process to integrate the above inevitable truth is highly Plutonian, and this will also be the ultimate lesson of Saturn opp Pluto.

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LeeLoo's Esotericorner

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posted January 22, 2017 06:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Belage        Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LeeLoo2014:

"Another manifestation could be the **SURPRISE** result of the election."

Let's talk about the "surprise: result of the election. This is what I have been able to cull so far.

WHen the North Node was transiting in Virgo last year and part of the year before (2015), each time we had an eclipse involving Virgo, the ruler of the eclipse was RETROGRADE. As a result, all bets were off. Eclipses are already wild cards by their very nature, when the ruler of the eclipse is retrograde, and even more so when it is mercury, planet of communication, what is really happening under the surface is not visible to the eyes.

In other words, we were cosmically "tricked".

And not only that, the retrogradation brought us as a winner a man who has created an all white cabinet (well, save for Ben Carson), which brings us "back" to a time in American history when a bunch of white males ruled everything.

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posted January 23, 2017 08:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for peony        Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Nine:
Hitler, Franco, Mussolini were the Fascists. Franco groomed Juan Carlos to succeed him. Hitler was a fan of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, kept his German aristocracy intact, desired a grand global alliance with the British Empire. Mussolini was deposed by the King of Italy. All the Fascist leaders were in love with the old systems, and kept them unharmed. That is not Plutonian behavior.

These examples illustrate the cycles of and interplay between Saturn and Pluto, as they play out within the human psyche and in history.

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posted January 23, 2017 10:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Sulkyarcher        Reply w/Quote
I noticed Donald Trump has North Node in Gemini, in the 10th house. Also, his Sun is conjunct the North Node.

He's meant to have a career, and be in the spotlight this lifetime.

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posted January 23, 2017 11:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Nine        Reply w/Quote

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posted January 23, 2017 11:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Nine        Reply w/Quote

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posted January 24, 2017 12:30 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for peony        Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LeeLoo2014:
As a short idea (I will try to expand the idea later) I see the Pluto/Saturn opp here as the turning point of recoil (Saturn in Cancer) in the face of inevitable change of authority models (Pluto in Capricorn facing its own disp). I see Donald Trump as an effigy of this recoil.

LeeLoo, It's not clear to me what you mean by "turning point of recoil" and what you're saying here.

A couple of questions I have are to what extent, if any, will Trump break with or confront the geopolitical goals of the deep state. There is continuity of the deep state or shadow government, no matter who the president is and what party is in power.

I have my doubts that the Saturn-Pluto transit aspecting Trump's Venus-Saturn indicates such a break, more likely a consolidation of power of the ruling elites, made possible by fanning the flames of fear and scapegoating, typical of this configuration when national security concerns tend to dominate.

He could suffer a crushing defeat during this transit, from an ego standpoint, but in a deeper context, may actually aid him in his evolution.

The separation of the aspect should answer the question: WHO or WHAT makes the rules next? What kind of values? Saturn in Cap moving towards Saturn in Aqua will be part of the answer here.

I think the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn is going to be the darkness before the dawn, the latter perhaps a correlation with Saturn in Aqua.

The message of the Sabians is quite interesting for that Saturn/Venus conjunction, with the mdp on 25 Cancer (Venus rules MC in Trump's chart, so transits to that conjunction will give clues about the direction he takes, his public input and output)

This Symbol points to 'Invisible' levels of 'Power' that are cloaking someone.

This is an intriguing image and there are a number of ways to interpret it. A hidden source of power that shields and protects? One mundane interpretation could be a powerful ally or trusted advisor behind Trump, who is not known to the public.

Powerful descent of energies taking over one's very being.

Or, perhaps an allusion to spiritual forces, both light and dark that are aligned with human beings, would also constitute an invisible source of power. The nature of these forces drawn to Trump would depend on his thoughts, emotions, and actions. His 12H Pluto could mean either, as this planet has light and dark connotations.

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posted January 24, 2017 06:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for stillatlarge        Reply w/Quote
I think he's abusing Melania. She seems terrified.

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posted January 24, 2017 12:24 PM              Reply w/Quote
Okay, this is the first part my little analysis

1- Regulus conjunct ascendant: often saw Regulus conjunct an angle or luminaries in charts of very successfull people, or shall i say very ambitious people? I mean Regulus is the king of kings.

2- leo mars in 12h sq MC and conj leo Asc- very power hungry man with an addiction for spotlight who upsets social and professional circles,
2a)esp considerung venus/saturn in cancer in 11h inconj moon. wohoo soon as his lust for power or his urge for recognition is unsatisfied, ALL circles would notice it.... he wants power AND wants to be loved (with 4h moon inconj 11h saturn it's damned easy for him to feel unloved)
Ohhh....what happens if he realizes that a huge part of Americans actually hate him? That would be turning into an interesting leadership
2b) lust for power is intensified by the unaspected Pluto (no major aspects within 5 degree)- unaspected planets can be a sore point or an advantage. the rest of his chart suggests that his unaspected pluto - that partly rules his 3rd house (house of communication) - will make him act like some untamed naughty child if he doesn't get his way

3) unaspected Mercury: either eloquent talker/writer or immense problems with communication (esp within or for groups) and facing his sun/uranus (uranus being the ruler of the 6h) opposing moon (ruler of his 11h) we can be sure that we will be hearing a lot of eccentric and awkward stuff out of his mouth


there's much more to say about his chart- but i am under water with work. I need to go back to work.

Second part of my analysis is to follow

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posted January 24, 2017 11:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for peony        Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Enneline:

3) unaspected Mercury...

Mercury squares Neptune.

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posted January 25, 2017 12:01 AM              Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by peony:
Mercury squares Neptune.

You are right! Didn't see it. Well, he could be a good liar then ...esp in social environments

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posted January 25, 2017 05:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for peony        Reply w/Quote
Trump's South Node conjunct Moon.

Celeste Teal says one of the indications of this placement is difficult relationships with women, which given his becoming president of the United States has been magnified exponentially. It seems to me this is another example that as far as aspects goes, the line between public and private in the life of a world leader or prominent figure cannot be neatly divided between 4H and 10H. The Moon is in the private domain of the 4H and yet, because of his position on the world stage, millions of women protested against him one day after his inauguration.

I think it's too early to tell how significant the protests are here in the U.S. If the people who attended in these numbers mount a sustained, purposeful opposition to Trump's policies that challenges the ruling elites and manages to avoid being co-opted by the Democratic party establishment or crushed like Occupy Wall Street, then this could be a popular movement of significance. I doubt women in pink hats are any threat to the establishment. A real threat will mean people being pepper sprayed and shot with rubber bullets, and will not receive much if any media coverage.

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posted January 25, 2017 06:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for iQ        Reply w/Quote
Have not read all the posts yet, just wanted to point out that the Donald is one of the very few human beings on Earth who has Tropical Ascendant conjunct Fixed Star Regulus exact, and Draconic Ascendant conjunct Fixed Star Aldebaran exact. Regulus is associated with Royalty/Rulers, and Aldebaran could be linked to Military Success.

Trump is not an evil person like George Bush Senior. He may not be likeable [Mars in Leo cockiness?], he will have Gemini Outspokenness, he is definitely the bullying type but he is not evil, he is not a killer or mass murderer. He has the Inner Wisdom of Sagittarius Moon. Such men can never truly be racists, any racism is a pretense to win votes.

But then, can he lie? Yes he can. "Alt-Facts" are easy when Neptune squares Mercury.

Look at his Cancer Stellium. He is basically doing all this Presidency stuff to ensure his children remain safe and wealthy, their billions untouched.

Additionally he is enjoying the Attention, the Ego-Trip, enjoying the disruption/discomfort caused to the existing "System".

Trump is not good with cash flow/financial engineering himself [Saturn conjunct Venus], he has lost more than a billion, even made losses on a casino, losses on Trump University etc hence the fear that his children not lose out. He is better at managing real estate, TV Ratings and so on. As a "mellowed" 70 year old, he will play to his strengths. We are not going to be hearing too much about US National Debt Reduction etc in coming months, but more of successful TV Rating Points, Global Coverage etc, while Trump kids invest successfully in real estate deals across the planet.

He will keep taunting the media, will keep instigating the right wing and left wing to battle, but in the middle of every unnecessary quarrel, he will do something good, that is Leo Rising for you.

I think he will bring the 9-11 Conspirators to book for one thing, he is a New Yorker and won't spare the original conspirators behind the destroyers of the Twin Towers, now that he has access to all the "Secrets" that a President has access to. Can Sagittarius Moon keep secrets hidden? Never.

If Humanity is to ever get Official ET Disclosure, then an outspoken Gemini President is the best bet.

The cliche that best applies to his Chart:
Love him or Hate him, you just cannot ignore him. Uranus in 10th boosted by an exact Jupiter (5th Lord, greatest Luck) trine has always kept him internationally famous and he is now the World's most famous man.

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posted January 25, 2017 08:49 AM              Reply w/Quote
Thank you, IQ, that is a refreshing outlook of a dynasty taking over a country for personal gains.

Question: what is evil...then?

A simpler question, what is more evil:

1. a genuine racist
2. a disingenuous racist rallying racists to take power

IQ, thank you for the astrology analysis, great astrological points in there

Also, I would like to know what you guys think might stand for racism, astrologically.

Nine, I will be back to answer your interesting points later on and the other new great posts here, I forgot to answer and say that yes, I think groping (hands) and kissing are Gemini's lore. There aren't many Gemini Sun dictators, one example is Gaddafi, he can make up for quantity, but of course, Gemini Suns have their share of odious figures.

I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

LeeLoo's Esotericorner

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posted January 25, 2017 10:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Belage        Reply w/Quote
Leeloo, you ask the hard questions.

Most of the evil in this world is done by people who do not see themselves as evil. Human being have always had all sort of justifications to do what they do. whether they use religion, family, country, their brand of social justice, self-preservation, etc.

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posted January 28, 2017 12:48 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for peony        Reply w/Quote
The Nodal Axis in Trump’s chart

This is a probe of Trump’s nodal axis in the context of Steven Forrest’s “Evolutionary Astrology,” which is a method of reading a chart in terms of past lives. Evolutionary Astrology deals specifically with the intersection of astrology and reincarnation. I became intrigued with Forrest’s work after reading his analyses of the charts of Agatha Christie and Lee Harvey Oswald, and a later discussion with a friend, which impressed me by how this method corroborated a psychic reading of a past life. So I thought it might be valuable to explore what may be gleaned about Trump’s past incarnations that are playing out in the current one.

The South Node indicates positive, subconscious endowments we have obtained and achieved in past lives, but there is also something off kilter about the South Node and a certain caution needs to be exercised when examining it. There is a negative connotation associated with it. In Trump’s chart, the South Node conjunct the Moon shows a strong need or instinct to nurture and protect, also strong feelings for one’s family or clan. But, given that it’s the South Node conjunct the Moon, there’s a darker implication. The quincunx to Saturn in the 11H suggests maybe being smothered by his clan or family. But that’s not all. One of the ideas of Evolutionary Astrology is that a planet conjunct the South Node is similar to that planet conjunct the Sun in a previous life, meaning that the person was defined and identified by that planet. So, according to this idea, Trump’s Moon conjunct the South Node would play out like a Sun-Moon conjunction in a previous life. This suggests that Trump’s identity in a former life was aligned with and largely influenced by his emotions. He brought with him into this life a tendency to view life and other people subjectively and in a self-centered way. He has residual traits carried over from previous lives of a tendency to be self-serving and opportunistic, especially given the conjunction in a fire sign.

The same theme is repeated by the South Node’s position in the 4H: that in the past Trump was defined by family, possibly with a strong tie to his roots and the land. Tribal awareness and loyalty to and within the tribe is probably ingrained in him. This characteristic is something I think we now see on a larger stage in his embrace of nationalism - “America First,” his rejection of globalism and neoliberal trade policies that hurt the American worker. We also see that members of his family are important figures and advisors in his administration. People he regards as family and who are loyal are probably the kinds of people who make up his inner circle. Again, his natal Saturn in Cancer resonates with the themes of his South Node/Moon in the 4H.

The South Node in Sagittarius in the 4H may indicate that there was some tension between a need for belonging, tradition, stability and security that family bonds offer and a wanderlust and restlessness of spirit more aligned with adventure and future possibilities. He may also have been strongly influenced by belief systems if not by religion within his family or clan which may be another component of the tension between beliefs and attitudes adopted from the family system and a set of beliefs and ideas that evidently he has yet to discover as a unique, self-aware individual as indicated by his Leo Ascendant. Another possibility is that there may have been a search for home that amounted to a quest, for example as a result of religious persecution in his or her native country in that lifetime.

Forrest states that a person with South Node in Sagittarius “has fallen into patterns of collusion that led to the denial of truths that ran counter to expectations—and it is a short step from fundamentalist Islam or Christianity in a past life to fundamentalist New Age thinking today.” [This made me think of Trump’s denial of climate change and whether psychologically ISIS could represent an aspect of the shadow within himself and more broadly the shadow of the West]. “Karmically, with the south node in Sagittarius, the issue he or she has come here to resolve is a compulsive addiction to certainty.” It’s possible that the South Node and its placements may offer clues regarding his desire to protect our borders and control immigration.

The ruler of the South Node is also important to consider. It’s sign and house position give further clues to the past life story. The ruler of the South Node is Jupiter in Libra in the 2H. It may be that the family or clan’s social position and perhaps very survival was secured and dependent upon maintaining its wealth. So this placement suggests a prominent social position of wealth, privilege and high status. In the present, this makes me think of all the building he’s done and Trump Tower being designated by the family name, although Saturn in Cancer, and the security that owning land gives, is also a factor in this.

Trump presents himself as a champion of the working class who denounced the ruling class elites in his inauguration speech. And yet, he’s appointed a number of billionaires to his cabinet. I suspect this contradiction can be accounted for in part by his South Node Achilles heel. He’s a billionaire. They’re billionaires. He’s one of them and that’s what his 11H Saturn needs to feel, so he’s appointing members of his club to key positions in his administration. It seems to me the security needs that are satisfied by wealth may be what’s blinding him to a broader imperative to safeguard the environment. So, the Keystone Pipeline and the Dakota Access Pipeline will probably get the green light because his investments are at stake.

The 10H placement of Trump’s North Node suggests that Trump’s evolution is linked to his emergence from the confines and conditioning of his family and engagement with the outer world in a public role. He has extraordinary support for this given the North Node conjunctions with the Sun and Uranus and the trines to Jupiter. The Leo Ascendant and Sun conjunct Uranus bolster an evolutionary impulse toward uniqueness and individuality. With regard to the “evolutionary intention” of North Node in Gemini, Forrest states that the focus is on receptive listening and dialogue, a fluid and dynamic mentality open to influxes of new information and new perspectives. This is Uranus in Gemini, which is conjunct the North Node. This is the direction he’s heading in his evolution. We see this to some extent in his listening sessions with various groups and interests. But, it remains to be seen how decisive the emerging influence of the North Node will be during his presidency. Will he be successful and stand up to the deep state or will he gradually be turned by these forces to maintain their power and influence? I believe he’d be in a stronger position to oppose the deep state if Uranus was conjunct the South Node. That would have given him an already acquired capacity for boldness and breaking with the status quo. But it’s the North Node on Uranus so it’s an ability he’s learning to embody and exercise.

I think if he is to succeed at being the kind of president the country needs, it will depend on his overcoming the regressive aspects of the South Node/4H/Cancer and whether or not he can align with his soul and the “will to illumine,” meaning knowledge and a true self-awareness ascribed to his Leo Ascendant.

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posted January 28, 2017 12:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for nordicsoul        Reply w/Quote
his sun-moon opposition suggest TO ME that he has problem integrating the feminine inside his personality. That MAY explains the misogynist behaviour.

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